Paper Publications
- [1] How Customers Respond to Chatbot Anthropomorphism: The Mediating Roles of Perceived Humanness and Perceived Persuasiveness:European Journal of Marketing,2024,58(12):2757-2790.
- [2] Customer's Reaction to Cross-channel Integration in Omnichannel Retailing: The Mediating Roles of Retailer Uncertainty, Identity Attractiveness, and Switching Costs:Decision Support Systems,2018,109(-):50-60.
- [3] Information Privacy Concern and Deception in Online Retailing: The Moderating Effect of Online–offline Information Integration:Internet Research,2020,30(2):511-537.
- [4] When Do IT Capabilities Create Value for Buyer Performance? The Moderating Effect of Social Capital on Supply Chain Information Integration:Information Systems Management,2022,39(2):156-176.
- [5] Effects of Interfirm IT Capability and Interfirm Trust on Omnichannel Integration: The Mediating Role of Interfirm Integration:Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing,2023,38(12):2561-2577.
- [6] Is In-Store Mobile Usage A Toxic to Customer Purchase? A Multigroup Analysis of Customer Type:Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,2023,61(-):-.
- [7] 全渠道整合如何影响顾客惠顾—基于零售商道德视角的实证研究:北京工商大学学报(社会科学版),2023,38(4):35-46.
- [8] How Omnichannel Integration Promotes Customer Word-of-Mouth Behaviors: The Mediating Roles of Perceived Personal Preference Fit and Perceived Social Relatedness:Information Technology & People,2023,36(4):1726-1753.
- [9] Online-offline Channel Integration and Innovation Ambidexterity: Roles of Top Management Team and Environmental Dynamism:Journal of Business Research,2023,160(-):-.
- [10] How do Artificial Intelligence Chatbots Affect Customer Purchase? Uncovering the Dual Pathways of Anthropomorphism on Service Evaluation:Information Systems Frontiers,2023,-(-