- Shan Zhao,ChengYu Wang,Minghao Hu,Tianwei Yan,Meng Wang,MGCL: Multi-Granularity Contrastive Learning Framework for Chinese NER:AAAI , CCF-A类 会议, 2023
- Shan Zhao,Minghao Hu,Zhiping Cai,Haiwen Chen,Fang Liu,Enhancing Chinese Character Representation with Lattice aligned Attention:IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. CC-B类期刊,2021
- Shan Zhao,Minghao Hu,Zhiping Cai,Fang Liu,Dynamic Modeling Cross-Modal Interactions in Two-Phase Prediction for Entity-Rel:EEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. CCF-B类期刊,2021
- Shan Zhao,Haiwen Chen,Fang Liu,Minghao Hu,Zhiping Cai,,Dynamic Modeling Cross- and Self-Lattice Attention Network for Chinese NER.:Association for the Advance of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) CCF-A 类会议,2021
- Shan Zhao,Minghao Hu,Zhiping Cai,Fang Liu,Modeling Dense Cross-Modal Interactions for Joint Entity-Relation Extraction:International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). CCF-A类会议,2020