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Associate professor  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

Retired battery capacity screening based on deep learning with embedded feature smoothing under massive imbalanced data


Impact Factor:9.0

DOI number:10.1016/

Teaching and Research Group:Wu, J., Wang, J., Lin, M., & Meng, J.


Key Words:Retired battery; Capacity estimation; Imbalanced data; Deep learning

Abstract:Repurposing retired batteries is a pivotal solution to achieving carbon neutrality and optimizing resource allocation within the transportation and automotive industries. Accurate capacity estimation plays a definitive role in efficiently screening and reutilizing these retired batteries. However, the intricate and varied conditions of retired batteries in real-world applications can introduce challenges prominently characterized by the imbalanced properties of these massive and various batteries. Here, we present a capacity estimation method with adaptive feature engineering tailored to massive real-world battery data. First, a comprehensive feature base is established to identify optimal features for battery degradation level description. Then, an estimation model rooted in a modified ResNet-50 neural network is fortified by a unique feature distribution smooth technique to enhance learning efficacy within the challenging milieu of data imbalance. The proposed model can yield a test root-mean-square error of less than 0.2 Ah for a dataset encompassing over 30 million collected battery testing records. To the best of our knowledge, the developed model shows the first concerted effort to address the intricate task of capacity estimation with real-world massive imbalanced data for retired battery capacity screening applications.

Indexed by:Journal paper


Document Type:J


Page Number:134761

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2025-02-10

Included Journals:SCI

Links to published journals:

Pre One:Capacity estimation of retired lithium-ion batteries using random charging segments from massive real-world data

Next One:Screening and Echelon Utilization of Lithium-ion Power Batteries Using Clustering and Stepwise Regrouping Approach