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Jiang, K., Ling, F.Y., Feng, Z.X.(冯忠祥)*, Ma, C.X., Kumfer,W., Shao, C. & Wang, K. (2018). Effects of mobile phone distraction on pedestrians‘ crossing behavior and visual attention allocation at a signalized intersection: An outdoor experimental study. Accident Analysis &Prevention, 115:170-177.
Feng, Z.X.(冯忠祥)*, Zhan, J.J., Ma, C.X., Lei, Y.W., Liu, J.,Zhang,W.H., & Wang, K. (2018). Is cognitive intervention or forgiveness intervention more effective for the reduction of driving anger in Chinese bus drivers? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology & Behaviour,55, 101-113.
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Jiang, K., Ling, F. Y., Feng, Z. X.(冯忠祥)*, Wang, K., & Shao, C. (2017). Why do drivers continue driving while fatigued? an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Transportation Research Part A:Policy &Practice,98, 141-149.
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