Jiang, K., Ling, F. Y., Feng, Z. X.(冯忠祥)*, Wang, K., & Shao, C. (2017). Why do drivers continue driving while fatigued? an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Transportation Research Part A:Policy &Practice,98, 141-149.
上一条: Feng, Z.(冯忠祥) *, Yang, M., Zhang, W., Du, Y., & Bai, H. (2018). Effect of longitudinal slope of urban underpass tunnels on drivers’heart rate and speed: A study based on a real vehicle experiment. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 81, 525-533.
下一条: Zhang, W. H., Wang, K., Wang, L., Feng, Z. X.(冯忠祥)*, & Du,Y. J. (2016). Exploring factors affecting pedestrians’ red-light running behaviors at intersections in China. Accident Analysis & Prevention,96,71-78.