陈小锋Ricky Chen


研究员 博士生导师





陈小锋,数学学院,博士生导师、黄山学者特聘教授。入选安徽省第十一批高层次人才项目。博士毕业于美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,先后在美国弗吉尼亚理工大学、美国弗吉尼亚大学进行科研工作;曾就职于华为技术有限公司5年有余,任无线研究工程师。在国际知名期刊《Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A》、《SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems》、《SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics》、《Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society》、《Advances in Applied Mathematics》、《Bulletin of Mathematical Biology》、《Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics》、《Discrete Mathematics》、《Chaos》、《Electronic Journal of Combinatorics》、《Linear Algebra and its Applications》等已接受发表论文20余篇,独立出版技术专著1部(已重印4次),作为发明人有40余项中国(约20)、美国(约15)、欧盟(约10)等已授权发明专利,包括写入4G移动通信系统标准、已10余个国家和地区授权的控制信道编码专利,国际上称为双RM码(Dual Reed-Muller Code),具有较高经济价值

团队有两个研究方向:代数与计数组合学(Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics),网络系统科学及应用(Network System Science and Applications)。

主要论文(Select Papers)(注:本人数学论文主要以姓名 Ricky X. F. Chen 发表, grad 代表本人的研究生)

大方向一(Research Area #1): 代数与计数组合学(Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics)

[17] Zi-Wei Baigrad陈小锋, Explicit formulas for a family of hypermaps beyond the one-face case, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 206 (2024), Article 105905. (26 pages)(得到一类具有两个面的超地图的显式计算公式,并证明了其对应亏格生成多项式仅具有实根和满足对数凹性。SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2

[16] 陈小锋Towards studying the structure of triple Hurwitz numbers, submitted.

[15] 陈小锋, The Harer-Zagier and Jackson formulas and new results for one-face bipartite maps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152(10) (2024), 4245--4259. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/proc/16929. (得到任意边类型的单面超地图的通用公式,并应用于一些具体情形。SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2

[14] 陈小锋, Yu-Chen Ruangrad,  Self-reciprocal polynomials connecting unsigned and signed relative derangements, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 29(8) (2023), pp. 781--798. https://doi.org/10.1080/10236198.2023.2253331 (SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T3

[13] 陈小锋, On products of permutations with the most uncontaminated cycles by designated labels, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 57 (2023), pp. 1163-1171, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10801-023-01221-x (SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T3

[12] 陈小锋, The minimum number of chains in a noncrossing partition of a poset,  Filomat, 38(8) (2024), 2915--2922. arXiv: 2302.00874, (组合数学里熟知的基本概念 Noncrossing partition 被推广到任意偏序集,并证明所包含最小链个数的上界,有公开问题待解决。SCI

[11] Zi-Wei Baigrad, 陈小锋, New equidistributions on plane trees and decompositions of 132-avoiding permutations, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 31(3) (2024), P3.24. (20 pages). DOI: https://doi.org/10.37236/11867发现与平面树里节点高度同分布的可能首个其它节点统计量等结果。SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T3

[10] 陈小锋, A genus interpolation theorem on products involving general one-to-one maps, submitted.

[09] 陈小锋, A versatile combinatorial approach of studying products of long cycles in symmetric groups, Advances in Applied Mathematics133 (2022), Article 102283. (34 pages, SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2)

[08] 陈小锋, Combinatorially refine a Zagier-Stanley result on products of permutations, Discrete Mathematics343(8) (2020), Article 111912. (5 pages, SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2

[07] 陈小锋, A new bijection between RNA secondary structures and plane trees and its consequences, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics26(4) (2019), P4. 48. (14 pages) (SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T3

[06] 陈小锋, Christian Reidys, On the local genus distribution of graph embeddings, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial ComputingVol. 101 (2017), pp. 157--173. ( EI )

[05] 陈小锋, Signed relative derangements, reversal distance, and the signed Hultman numbers, Ars Combinatoria147 (2017), 281--288. ( SCI )

[04] 陈小锋Christian Reidys, A combinatorial identity concerning plane colored trees and its applications, Journal of Integer Sequences, 20 (2017), Article 17.3.7.

[03] 陈小锋, Christian Reidys, Plane permutations and applications to a result of Zagier-Stanley and distances of permutations, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics30(3) (2016), pp. 1660--1684. (平面置换模型首次被提出,SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2

[02] 陈小锋, A refinement of the formula for k-ary trees and Gould-Vandermonde’s convolution, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics15(1) (2008) #R52. (本人发表的第一篇独作 SCI 论文,中国数学会认定分级 T3)

[01] 陈小锋, Louis Shapiro, On Sequences Gn Satisfying Gn = (d + 2)Gn−1 − Gn−2, Journal of Integer Sequences10 (2007), Article 07.8.1. (本人发表的第一篇学术论文)

大方向二(Research Area #2): 网络系统科学及应用(Network System Science and Applications)

[9] 陈小锋, Xin-Yu Liugrad  New metrics for influential spreaders identification in complex networks based on D-spectra of nodes, Physics Letters A, 526 (2024), #129950. (SCI)

[8] 陈小锋, Xin-Yu Liugrad, Meng-Ting WanggradA new invariant for detecting graph isomorphism (GI): [t, p]-spectrum, (1) (PDF) A new invariant for detecting graph isomorphism: [t, p]-spectrum (researchgate.net).

[7] 陈小锋, Independent decisions collectively producing a long information dissemination path with a foreseen lower-bounded length in a network, arXiv:2108.02777.

[6] 陈小锋, Henning Mortveit, Christian Reidys, Periodic points independent of undate schedule of monotone sequential Boolean networks are all fixed points, submitted.

[5] 陈小锋, Joseph McNitt,Henning Mortveit, Ryan Pederson,  Christian Reidys, Lipschitz continuity under toric equivalence for asynchronous Boolean networksChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33 (2023), #023118. (SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2)

[4] 陈小锋, Christian Reidys, Michael Waterman, RNA secondary structures with given motif specification: combinatorics and algorithms, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85 (2023), #21. (提出了平面树的Rake分解,并应用于设计出目前最精细的RNA二级结构随机生成算法。该算法可以随机生成包含任意给定个数和长度的茎区(stack),发夹环(hairpin),凸包(bulge),内环(internal loop),多环(multiloop),外环(exterior loop)的RNA二级结构,编写的 RakeSamp 软件及其 C 语言代码免费发布在网上,参考论文里网址,供同行免费使用) (SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2)

[3] 陈小锋, Andrei Bura, Christian Reidys, D-chain tomography of networks: a new structure spectrum and an application to the SIR process, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,18(4) (2019), pp. 2181–2201. (原创性网络分解分析方法 D-chain decomposition 被提出)(SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T2)

[2] 陈小锋, Christian Reidys, Linear sequential dynamical systems, incidence algebras, and Mobius functions, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 553 (2018), pp. 270--291. (证明了任何偏序集的 Mobius 函数可以通过构造一个网络动力系统迭代计算) (SCI,中国数学会认定分级 T3)

[1] 陈小锋A brief introduction to Shannon's information theory, The Net Advance of Physics (MIT): Information, 2016.该论文从组合数学的角度介绍了香农信息论的基本概念和理论,仅在小流量学术平台ResearchGate上阅读量18,000+)



主要专利(Select Patents)

1. Xiaofeng Chen, Yongxia Lv, Yan Cheng, Method, apparatus and system for transmitting information bits, (国际上称为双RM码,dual Reed-Muller code),4G移动通信标准专利,授权国家/地区及专利号:美国US8068548B1,中国CN102404072B,欧盟EP2466777B1,韩国KR101288817B1,西班牙ES2531889T3,俄罗斯RU2504910C210个左右国家和地区

2. Xiaoan Fan, Yongxia Lv, Xiaofeng Chen, Method and apparatus for coding and processing acknowledgement information4G移动通信标准专利,美国US9408203B2、中国CN102594493B、欧盟EP2654231B1等10个左右国家和地区

3. 陈小锋Method of communication, relay, and communication system,中国CN101753198B。

4. 陈小锋Communication method for control channel and apparatus,美国US9553700B2、中国CN103503329B、欧盟EP2698929B1。

5. Xiaofeng Chen, Communication method and apparatus, and receiving method and apparatus in wireless local area network, 美国US9591650B2、欧盟EP2854474B1。

6. 陈小锋,一种消息传输的方法及其设备,中国CN113329351B。


Christian Reidys, Michael Waterman, Henning Mortveit, Louis Shapiro, Andrei Bura, Ryan Pederson

期刊审稿人(Reviewer/Referee Services)

1. 美国数学会《数学评论》Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet)

2. Advances in Applied Mathematics; Discrete Mathematics; Electronic Journal of Combinatorics; Journal of Computational Biology; IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering; etc.

其他社会任职/活动(Other Academic Activities)









