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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


Administrative Position:---Deputy director of Statistic Division


Degree:Doctoral degree


Academic Titles:---Distinguished Scholar of the Yellow Mountain Program

Alma Mater:---Virginia Tech

Ricky Chen



Alma Mater:---Virginia Tech



Greetings! Welcome to the homepage of Xiaofeng Chen (Xiaofeng may be pronunced in the way similar to the maybe word "shawphone"), and he usually publish academic papers under Ricky X. F. Chen. He is now a professor of the School of Mathematics, and a distinguished scholar of the Huangshan Mountain (a.k.a. Yellow Mountain) program at Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China. He received his PhD in Mathematics at Virginia Tech in U.S.A. under the supervision of Prof. Christian Reidys, and then worked for Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia after that. He received his M.S. and B.S. at Nankai University and SWUST, respectively. By the time he started to pursue his PhD, he had worked for the top telecom company Huawei, as a wireless research engineer, for more than five years.

Research Interests: (i) enumerative and algebraic combinatorics, including enumerating maps, Hurwitz numbers, RNA structures and other classical combinatorial objects; (ii) network structures and associated dynamics, and their applications.

Select Papers ( grad indicates graduate students):

[27] Zi-Wei Bai gradRicky Chen

Computing triple and double Hurwitz numbers involving a branch point with a two-part profile,

Advances in Applied Mathematics (2025), Article 102854. (29 pages)

[26] Ricky Chen

The Harer-Zagier and Jackson formulas and new results for one-face bipartite maps

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152(10) (2024), 4245--4259. DOI:

[25] Ricky Chen

Independent decisions collectively producing a long information dissemination path with a foreseen lower-bounded length in a network,


[24] Zi-Wei Bai gradRicky Chen

Explicit formulas for a family of hypermaps beyond the one-face case,

Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 206 (2024), Article 105905. (26 pages)

[23] Ricky ChenXin-Yu Liugrad  

 New metrics for influential spreaders identification in complex networks based on D-spectra of nodes, 

Physics Letters A, 526 (2024), #129950. 

[22] Ricky Chen, Xin-Yu Liu grad, Meng-Ting Wang grad

A new invariant for detecting graph isomorphism (GI): [t, p]-spectrum,

 (1) (PDF) A new invariant for detecting graph isomorphism: [t, p]-spectrum (

[21] Ricky Chen

The minimum number of chains in a noncrossing partition of a poset,

 Filomat, 38(8) (2024), 2915--2922. arXiv: 2302.00874.

[20] Ricky Chen

 Towards studying the structure of triple Hurwitz numbers,


[19] Ricky Chen, Yu-Chen Ruan grad

 Self-reciprocal polynomials connecting unsigned and signed relative derangements,

 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 29(8) (2023), pp. 781-798.

[18] Ricky Chen

On products of permutations with the most uncontaminated cycles by designated labels,

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 57 (2023), pp. 1163-1171.

[17] Zi-Wei Bai gradRicky Chen

New equidistributions on plane trees and decompositions of 132-avoiding permutations,

 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 31(3) (2024), P3.24. (20 pages). DOI:

[16] Ricky Chen

A genus interpolation theorem on products involving general one-to-one maps,


[15] Ricky Chen, Henning Mortveit, Christian Reidys

 Periodic points independent of undate schedule of monotone sequential Boolean networks are all fixed points,


[14] Ricky Chen, Christian Reidys, Michael Waterman

 RNA secondary structures with given motif specification: combinatorics and algorithms,

 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85 (2023), #21.

[13] Ricky Chen, Joseph McNitt, Henning Mortveit, Ryan Pederson,  Christian Reidys

 Lipschitz continuity under toric equivalence for asynchronous Boolean networks,

 Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33 (2023), #023118.

[12] Ricky Chen

 A versatile combinatorial approach of studying products of long cycles in symmetric groups,

 Advances in Applied Mathematics133 (2022), Article 102283. (34 pages)

[11] Ricky Chen

Combinatorially refine a Zagier-Stanley result on products of permutations,

 Discrete Mathematics343(8) (2020), Article 111912. (5 pages)

[10] Ricky Chen, Andrei Bura, Christian Reidys

 D-chain tomography of networks: a new structure spectrum and an application to the SIR process,

 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,18(4) (2019), pp. 2181--2201.

[09] Ricky Chen

 A new bijection between RNA secondary structures and plane trees and its consequences,

 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics26(4) (2019), P4. 48. (14 pages)

[08] Ricky Chen, Christian Reidys

 Linear sequential dynamical systems, incidence algebras, and Mobius functions,

 Linear Algebra and its Applications553 (2018), pp. 270--291.

[07] Ricky Chen, Christian Reidys

 On the local genus distribution of graph embeddings,

Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial ComputingVol. 101 (2017), pp. 157--173.

[06] Ricky Chen

 Signed relative derangements, reversal distance, and the signed Hultman numbers,

 Ars Combinatoria147 (2017), 281--288.

[05] Ricky Chen,Christian Reidys

A combinatorial identity concerning plane colored trees and its applications,

 Journal of Integer Sequences20 (2017), Article 17.3.7.

[04] Ricky Chen, Christian Reidys

 Plane permutations and applications to a result of Zagier-Stanley and distances of permutations,

 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics30(3) (2016), pp. 1660--1684.

[03] Ricky Chen

 A brief introduction to Shannon's information theory,

 The Net Advance of Physics (MIT): Information2016.

[02] Ricky Chen

 A refinement of the formula for k-ary trees and Gould-Vandermonde’s convolution,

 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics15(1) (2008) #R52. 

[01] Ricky Chen, Louis Shapiro

On Sequences Gn Satisfying Gn = (d + 2)Gn−1 − Gn−2, 

Journal of Integer Sequences10 (2007), Article 07.8.1. 


   [1]  Xiaofeng Chen, New Insight into Communication: from theory to practice, China Machine Press, Beijing, 2013.04.

    Select Patents:

1Xiaofeng Chen, Yongxia Lv, Yan Cheng, Method, apparatus and system for transmitting information bits, (known as dual Reed-Muller code), granted countries/regions and patent no.: US8068548B1, CN102404072B, EP2466777B1, KR101288817B1, ES2531889T3, RU2504910C2, etc.

2. Xiaoan Fan, Yongxia Lv, Xiaofeng Chen, Method and apparatus for coding and processing acknowledgement information, US9408203B2, CN102594493B, EP2654231B1, etc

3. Xiaofeng ChenMethod of communication, relay, and communication system, CN101753198B

4. Xiaofeng Chen, Communication method for control channel and apparatus, US9553700B2, CN103503329B, EP2698929B1

5. Xiaofeng Chen, Communication method and apparatus, and receiving method and apparatus in wireless local area network, US9591650B2, EP2854474B1


Christian ReidysMichael WatermanHenning Mortveit, Louis Shapiro, Andrei Bura, Ryan Pederson

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