吴珊,安徽桐城人,中国石油大学(北京)油气田开发专业博士,现任合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院讲师,硕士生导师,研究方向是深地资源开采和二氧化碳地质封存相关的岩石力学机理,研究内容交叉岩石力学,地球物理和人工智能三个专业方向,目前已发表SCI/EI检索论文30余篇(第一/通讯作者14篇),包括IJRMMS,RMRE,EG等岩石力学和工程地质领域高级别SCI期刊以及AAAI,ICASSP计算机人工智能领域顶会论文,并担任Petrol Sci等SCI期刊青年编委和多个SCI期刊审稿人。获得2024年发明协会创新奖二等奖(排名2)。主持国家自然科学青年基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、安徽省公益项目子课题等5项研究项目。指导本科生参加多项大创项目,挑战杯和互联网+项目。
致力于将大数据、人工智能及相关技术(如Machine learning、AI4Science)应用于传统岩土工程研究,欢迎对该方向感兴趣的同学来交流探讨或建立合作(wus@hfut.edu.cn)。
基于有限元和离散元耦合数值方法(Combined finite-discrete element method, FDEM)的水力裂缝扩展模拟
基于谱元法(Spectral Element Method,SEM)的声发射波场模拟
Wu S, Zhao Q*, Yang H, et al. Combining acoustic emission and unsupervised machine learning to investigate microscopic fracturing in tight reservoir rock[J]. Engineering Geology, 2025: 107939.
Qin L, Zha F, Wu S*, et al. Acoustic emission inversion for hydraulic fracture geometry with geomechanical constraints[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37(1).
Wu S, Gao K*, Qian Y, et al. Application of three-component acoustic emission sensor in rock mechanics experiments[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2024, 178: 105756.
Huang L, Liao X, Fan M, Wu S*et al. Experimental and numerical simulation technique for hydraulic fracturing of shale formations[J]. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 13(2): 83-88.
Wu, S., Ge, H.*, Li, T., Wang, X., Li, N., Zou, Y. & Gao, K*. (2022). Characteristics of fractures stimulated by supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing in shale based on acoustic emission monitoring. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (IF=7.135), 152, 105065.
Wu, S., Gao, K.*, Feng, Y. & Huang, X. (2022). Influence of slip and permeability of bedding interface on hydraulic fracturing: A numerical study using combined finite-discrete element method. Computers and Geotechnics (IF=4.956), 148, 104801.
Wu, S., Gao, K.*, Wang, X., Ge, H., Zou, Y. & Zhang, X. (2022). Investigating the propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures in shale oil rocks using acoustic emission. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=6.730).
Wu, S., Li, T., Ge, H.*, Wang, X., Li, N., & Zou, Y. (2019). Shear-tensile fractures in hydraulic fracturing network of layered shale. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (IF=4.364), 183, 106428.
Wu, S., Ge, H.*, Wang, X.& Fang, B. (2017). Shale failure processes and spatial distribution of fractures obtained by AE monitoring. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (IF=4.965), 35,624-636.
Wu S, Zhao Q*, Yang H, Ge H. Experimental study of tight reservoir rock failure process based on unsupervised machine learning. 57th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2023 (6)
Wu S, Gao K*, Ge H, Wang XQ, Zhou Y, Zhang X. Fracture Propagation Characteristics of Shale Oil Reservoir in Multi-Cluster Fracturing Experiments Based on Acoustic Emission Monitoring. 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2022: OnePetro.
Wu S, Ge H*, Wang X, Li T, Gao K. Application of Three-Component Acoustic Emission Sensor in the Uniaxial Compression Rock Failure Experiment. 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2021: OnePetro.
Wu S, Ge H*, Wang X, Li T, Gao K, editors. Characterization and Quantitative Evaluation of Hydraulic Fracture Network Based on Acoustic Emission Monitoring. 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2021: OnePetro.
Wu S, Li T, Ge H*, Wang X, Li N, Zuo M, et al., editors. Comparison of the AE Monitoring Results Between the Hydraulic Fracturing and SC-CO 2 Fracturing. 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2019: American Rock Mechanics Association.
Wu S, Li T, Ge H*, Wang X, Li N, Sun Y, editors. New Acoustic Emission Parameters for Hydraulic Fracture Network Description Based on Shear-Tensile Crack Model. 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2019: American Rock Mechanics Association.
Cai W, Gao K*, Wu S, Long W. Moment Tensor-Based Approach for Acoustic Emission Simulation in Brittle Rocks Using Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method (FDEM). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2023:1-3.
Yang L, Wu S, Gao K, Shen L*. Simultaneous propagation of hydraulic fractures from multiple perforation clusters in layered tight reservoirs: Non-planar three-dimensional modelling. Energy. 2022:124483.
张士诚*, 李四海, 邹雨时, 李建民, 马新仿, 张啸寰, 吴珊等. 页岩油水平井多段压裂裂缝高度扩展试验. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2021;45(01):77-86.
Zhang J, Ge H*, Meng H, Shen Y, Wang X, Yang Z, Wu S, et al.Geomechanical Modeling of Fracture-To-Well and Fracture-To-Fracture Interference Caused by Production in Shale Reservoirs. 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2021: OnePetro.
Li N, Zhang S*, Wang H, Wu S, Zou Y, Ma X, et al. Thermal shock effect on acoustic emission response during laboratory hydraulic fracturing in Laizhou granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2021;54(9):4793-807.
Chen H, Ge H*, Wang X, Wang J, Wu S. Experimental Studies on Shale Cracks and Permeability Evolution Based on Acoustic Emission Monitoring. Geofluids. 2021;2021.
Li S, Zhang S*, Zou Y, Zhang X, Ma X, Wu S, et al. Experimental study on the feasibility of supercritical CO2-gel fracturing for stimulating shale oil reservoirs. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2020;238:107276.
Li S, Zhang S*, Ma X, Zou Y, Li N, Wu S, et al. Coupled physical–chemical effects of CO 2 on rock properties and breakdown during intermittent CO 2-hybrid fracturing. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2020;53:1665-83.
Liu N, Zou Y*, Ma X, Li N, Wu S. Study of hydraulic fracture growth behavior in heterogeneous tight sandstone formations using CT scanning and acoustic emission monitoring. Petroleum Science. 2019;16:396-408.
Wang X, Wu S*, Ge H, Sun Y, Zhang Q. The complexity of the fracture network in failure rock under cyclic loading and its characteristics in acoustic emission monitoring. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 2018;15(5):2091-103.
Li N, Zhang S*, Zou Y, Ma X, Wu S, Zhang Y. Experimental analysis of hydraulic fracture growth and acoustic emission response in a layered formation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2018;51(4):1047-62.
马新仿, 李宁, 尹丛彬, 李彦超, 邹雨时*, 吴珊, et al. 页岩水力裂缝扩展形态与声发射解释. 石油勘探与开发. 2017;44(5):1.
Meng F, Ge H*, Yan W, Wang X, Wu S, Wang J. Effect of saturated fluid on the failure mode of brittle gas shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2016;35:624-36.
Yang L, Ge H*, Shen Y, Zhang J, Yan W, Wu S, et al. Imbibition inducing tensile fractures and its influence on in-situ stress analyses: a case study of shale gas drilling. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015;26:927-39.
1. 王小琼; 葛洪魁; 孟范宝; 王剑波; 吴珊; 陈浩; 常龙 ; 页岩各向异性测量装置及测量方法, 2019-04-20, 中国, 201610500832 .9 (发明专利)
2. 闫伟; 葛洪魁; 王小琼; 王剑波; 吴珊; 刘庆; 孟范宝 ; 一种不同流体作用下岩石摩擦强度测量装置, 2016-08-24, 中国, 201510350896 .0 (发明专利)
3. 王小琼; 葛洪魁; 王剑波; 孙悦悦; 吴珊 ; 岩石直剪摩擦实验用调平装置, 2017-06-09, 中国,201710033512 .1 (发明专利)
4. 孟范宝; 葛洪魁; 闫伟; 吴珊; 王小琼; 王剑波; 陈浩; 常龙; 刘庆 ; 一种适用于针型探头声发射定位的实验夹具, 2016-06-08, 中国, 201620010166.6 (实用新型专利)
5. 孟范宝; 葛洪魁; 闫伟; 杨柳; 吴珊; 王小琼; 申颍浩; 刘敦卿; 刘峻峡 ; 一种用于评价岩屑基质自发渗吸能力的测试装置, 2016-06-29, 中国, 201620025738.8 (实用新型专利)
6. 刘庆; 葛洪魁; 闫伟; 王剑波; 刘敦卿; 刘峻嵘; 金璨; 吴珊 ; 一种利用超声波探测岩石各向异性的简易实验装置, 2016-06-29, 中国, 201620065920.6 (实用新型专利)
7. 刘峻嵘; 葛洪魁; 闫伟; 王剑波; 刘庆; 刘敦卿; 金璨; 吴珊 ; 便携式剪切滑移测量装置, 2016-04-06, 中国, 201520983720.4 (实用新型专利)