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- 7. Wu, S., Ge, H.*, Wang, X.& Fang, B. (2017). Shale failure processes and spatial distribution of fractures obtained by AE monitoring. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (IF=4.965), 35,624-636.
- 8. Wu S, Zhao Q*, Yang H, Ge H. Experimental study of tight reservoir rock failure process based on unsupervised machine learning. 57th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2023 (6)
- 9. Wu S, Gao K*, Ge H, Wang XQ, Zhou Y, Zhang X. Fracture Propagation Characteristics of Shale Oil Reservoir in Multi-Cluster Fracturing Experiments Based on Acoustic Emission Monitoring. 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2022: OnePetro.
- 10. Wu S, Ge H*, Wang X, Li T, Gao K. Application of Three-Component Acoustic Emission Sensor in the Uniaxial Compression Rock Failure Experiment. 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; 2021: OnePetro.