Paper Publications
- [1] Enhanced removal of quinoline and nitrate in synthetic photovoltaic wastewater by non-aerating algae-bacteria symbiosis system: Microbial environmental response and nitrogen metabolism.[J:Journal of Water Process Engineering,2024,67):106177.
- [2] 混合营养脱氮在低C/N工业废水处理中的研究进展:化工进展,2023
- [3] 菌藻共生技术在工业废水零排放中的应用与展望:化工进展,2022
- [4] Hybrid biofilm system based on corncob coupling with scrap iron for synergistic nitrogen removal and phosphorus recovery in low-carbon source wastewater:Journal of Water Process Engineering,2023
- [5] Mechanism insights into enhanced treatment of wasted activated sludge by hydrogen-mediated anaerobic digestion:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2023
- [6] Enhanced treatment of low-temperature and low carbon/nitrogen ratio wastewater by corncob-based fixed bed bioreactor coupled sequencing batch reactor:Bioresource Technology,2022
- [7] Discrimination of typical cyclic compounds and selection of toxicity evaluation bioassays for coal gasification wastewater (CGW) based on toxicity mechanism of actions (MOAs).[J:Science of the Total Environment,2018,644):324-334.
- [8] Selective adsorption and bioavailability relevance of the cyclic organics in anaerobic pretreated coal pyrolysis wastewater by lignite activated coke.[J:Science of the Total Environment,2018,653):64-73.
- [9] Synergistic degradation on phenolic compounds of coal pyrolysis wastewater (CPW) by lignite activated coke-active sludge (LAC-AS) process: Insights into succession of microbial community under selective pressure.[J:Bioresource Technology,2019,281):126-134.
- [10] Synergistic degradation on aromatic cyclic organics of coal pyrolysis wastewater by lignite activated coke-active sludge process.[J:Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,364):410-419.