- Strength degradation and fracture mechanism of sandstone under microwave irradiation:Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,2023
- Influence of microwave heating on the swelling properties of expansive soil in Hefei:Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,2022
- Experimental study on the deterioration mechanism of sandstone under the condition of wet-dry cycles:KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2022
- Study on the influence of different aqueous solutions on the mechanical properties and microstructure of limestone:Journal of Testing and Evaluation,2021
- Experimental investigation on the point load strength of red-bed siltstone with different shapes:Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia,2021
- Evaluative analysis of formulas of heat transfer coefficient of rock fracture:International Journal of Thermophysic,2020
- Experimental study on the permeability characteristics of sandstone in different chemical solutions:KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2018
- Experimental study on failure characteristics of schist under unloading condition:Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,2018
- 基于破坏接近度的地铁隧道流固耦合稳定性分析:应用力学学报,2016
- 干湿交替作用后砂岩破裂过程实时观测与分析:岩土力学,2013