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教师拼音名称:Xiaodong Yang
Xiaodong Yang, Zhengli Hu, Hui Fang, Lijian Ding, Jinyu Wen, Qiuwei Wu, Lei Sun, Jianing Wang. Voltage Control Embedded Resilient Distribution System Restoration Considering Uncertainties [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2024, to be published.
杨晓东,刘蕊宁,吴红斌,方慧,杨越,丁明. 含高比例新能源柔性配电系统的事件驱动型差异化运行调控方法[J]. 电力系统自动化,2024,已录用.
Xiaodong Yang, Zehao Song, Jinyu Wen, Lijian Ding, Menglin Zhang, Qiuwei Wu, Shijie Cheng. Network-Constrained Transactive Control for Multi-Microgrids-based Distribution Networks with Soft Open Points [J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2023, to be published, DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2023.3246360
Xiaodong Yang, Zhiyan Zhou, Youbing Zhang*, Jiancun Liu, Jinyu Wen, Qiuwei Wu, Shijie Cheng. Resilience-oriented Co-deployment of Remote-controlled Switches and Soft Open Points in Distribution Networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022, to be published, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3176024. (热点论文、高被引论文)
Xiaodong Yang, Chongbo Xu, Jinyu Wen, Youbing Zhang, Qiuwei Wu, Wenping Zuo, Shijie Cheng. Cooperative Repair Scheduling and Service Restoration for Distribution Systems with Soft Open Points [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022, to be published, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208884
Xiaodong Yang, Chongbo Xu, Youbing Zhang*, Wei Yao, Jinyu Wen, Shijie Cheng. Real-Time Coordinated Scheduling for ADNs with Soft Open Points and Charging Stations [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(6): 5486-5499
Xiaodong Yang, Youbing Zhang, Hangfei Wu, Jinyu Wen*, Shijie Cheng. Enabling Online Scheduling for Multi-Microgrid Systems: An Event-Triggered Approach [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(3): 1836-1852. (封面论文)
Xiaodong Yang, Chongbo Xu, Haibo He, Wei Yao, Jinyu Wen*, Youbing Zhang. Flexibility Provisions in Active Distribution Networks with Uncertainties [J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(1): 553-567
Xiaodong Yang, Youbing Zhang, Hangfei Wu, Haibo He*. An Event-Driven ADR Approach for Residential Energy Resources in Microgrids with Uncertainties [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(7): 5275-5288
Xiaodong Yang, Youbing Zhang, Haibo He*, Shuaijie Ren, Guoqing Weng. Real-Time Demand Side Management for a Microgrid Considering Uncertainties [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(3): 3401-3414
Xiaodong Yang, Haibo He*, Youbing Zhang, Yu Chen, Guoqing Weng. Interactive Energy Management for Enhancing Power Balances in Multi-Microgrids [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(6): 6055-6069
Xiaodong Yang, Guofeng Wang, Haibo He*, Junjie Lu, Youbing Zhang. Automated Demand Response Framework in ELNs: Decentralized Scheduling and Smart Contract [J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(1): 58-72
Xiaodong Yang, Haibo He*, Jie Li, Youbing Zhang. Toward Optimal Risk-Averse Configuration for HESS with CGANs-based PV Scenario Generation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, 51(3): 1779-1793
Xiaodong Yang, Youbing Zhang*, Bo Zhao, Feiteng Huang, Yu Chen, Shuaijie Ren. Optimal Energy Flow Control Strategy for a Residential Energy Local Network Combined with Demand-side Management and Real-time Pricing [J]. Energy and Buildings, 150(2017): 177-188. (一区, 中科院TOP)
Xiaodong Yang, Yanyan Wang, Youbing Zhang*, Wei Yao, Jinyu Wen. Impact Analysis of Cyber System in Microgrids: Perspective From Economy and Reliability [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2022, 135: 107422. (JCR一区)