Paper Publications
Release time: 2022-06-14Hits:
  • DOI number:10.1016/j.apm.2015.06.031
  • Affiliation of Author(s):北京交通大学
  • Journal:Applied Mathematical Modelling
  • Key Words:Subway line; Train rescheduling; Crossover track; Discrete event model
  • Co-author:Li Keping
  • First Author:Xu Xiaoming
  • Indexed by:Applied Research
  • Correspondence Author:Yang Lixing
  • Discipline:Engineering
  • First-Level Discipline:Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  • Document Type:Article
  • Volume:40
  • Page Number:1446-1466
  • ISSN No.:0307-904X
  • Translation or Not:no
  • Date of Publication:2016-01-01

Doctoral degree

Hefei University of Technology
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