Jianyi Xue

Associate researcher

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1993-03-21

Date of Employment:2020-12-15


Administrative Position:教学科研岗教师

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:合肥工业大学屯溪路校区逸夫科教楼513


Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:西安交通大学

Discipline:High Voltage and Electrical Insulation Engineering

Enrollment Information

Current position: Home > Enrollment Information

Release time:2023-04-08 Hits:


Specialized Courses:电气工程/高电压与绝缘技术

Year of Admission:2023

Admission Type:Master Degree Candidate

Discipline:Electrical Engineering

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