Grating Perovskite Enhanced Polarization-Sensitive GaAs-Based Photodetector
Release time:2022-04-12
Impact Factor:3.1
DOI number:10.1109/TED.2022.3160943
Journal:IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
Key Words:Diffraction grating, photodetector, polarization imaging
Abstract:In this work, we demonstrate the fabrication of GaAs photodetector with grating perovskite (G-PVK) for a broadband enhanced ultraviolet (UV)-near-infrared (NIR) photodetection. The device shows a peak photoresponse under 530-nm illumination, presenting a responsivity of 0.3 A/W, a specific detectivity of 2.24 x 10(1)SUPERSCRIPT ZERO Jones, and 0.6/0.56 ms for rise/fall time, respectively. Compared to the device without PVK, the dark current was suppressed by two orders of magnitude and the photoresponse was enhanced up to 215%. This should be ascribed to the effective spatial separation of the vertical build-in electric field between GaAs and G-PVK and the enhanced light trapping arising from the diffraction grating. The well-aligned grating also shows a high sensitivity to the polarized light, giving rise to a peak-to-valley ratio $I_{max}$ / $I_{min}$ of about 2.14. This suggests the potential application of the device in the polarization-sensitive imaging system.
Co-author:Bin Zeng, Kun-Nan Zhou, Long-Qiang Shan, Jun-Jie Wang, Li Wang, Yi-Zhong Yang, Yu-Xue Zhou, Linbao Luo
First Author:Chun-Yan Wu
Correspondence Author:Yi-Zhong Yang, Lin-Bao Luo
Document Type:Article
Page Number:2469-2473
ISSN No.:0018-9383
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2022-05-01