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Wang, Jing; Hatano, Yuji*; Hinoki, Tatsuya; Alimov, Vladimir Kh.; Spitsyn, Alexander V.; Bobyr, Nikolay P.; Kondo, Sosuke; Toyama, Takeshi; Lee, Heun Tae; Ueda, Yoshio; Schwarz-Selinger, Thomas; Deuterium retention in W and binary W alloys irradiated with high energy Fe ions, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2021, 545(1): 0-152749.


  • DOI码:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152749
  • 发表刊物:Journal of Nuclear Materials
  • 关键字:Tungsten, Rhenium, Molybdenum, Tantalum, Deuterium retention, Ion irradiation
  • 摘要:To investigate systematically the effects of Re and other elements on deuterium (D) retention, W and bi- nary W-alloys (Re, Mo and Ta) were irradiated with 6.4 MeV Fe ions at high temperatures (1073–1273 K) and then exposed to D 2 gas at 673 K. Depth profiles of D were measured by nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), and D retention was determined by thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS) and NRA. The addition of 5 at.% Re into W reduced the content of D trapped at radiation-induced defects created by irradiation with the Fe ions at 1273 K to the peak damage level of 5 displacements per atom (dpa). At Re fractions of 1, 3 and 5 at.%, comparable effects on D retention were observed after irradiation to 0.5 dpa at 1073 K. The addition of Mo and Ta to W resulted in no visible effects in D retention.
  • 第一作者:Jing Wang
  • 论文类型:期刊论文
  • 通讯作者:Yuji Hatano
  • 论文编号:152749
  • 学科门类:工学
  • 期号:545
  • 是否译文:否
  • 发表时间:2020-12-25
  • 收录刊物:SCI


  • 性别:男
  • 职称:副研究员
  • 出生日期:1991-04-13
  • 毕业院校:中国科学技术大学
  • 学历:博士研究生毕业
  • 学位:博士学位
  • 所在单位:合肥工业大学
  • 学科: 材料科学与工程其他专业;