文章1:偏滤器材料方向 (文章链接)
X.Z. Yuan, S. Hong, F. Jiang, J. Wang, Y.F. Zhang*, L. Luo, Y.C. Wu*, A model to evaluate the ductile-to-brittle transition of bcc-W based on small tensile test and dislocation characterization, J. alloy Comp., 1011 (2025) 178483.
文章2:非晶合金方向 (文章链接)
J.J. Si*, S. Lu, H. Luan, T. Tong, J. Wang*, G.Q. Xu, J. Lv, K. Yao*, Minor Cu modification endows inactive industrial FeSiBNbCu metallic glass with robust azo dye degradation activity, Appl. Sur. Sci., 689 (2025) 162511.
文章3:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
X.D. Pan, X.C. LI, J. Wang, R.M. Yu, C.Y. Pu, H.S Zhou, G.N. Luo, First-principles calculations for the effect of irradiation-induced point defects on the hydrogen dissolution and diffusion in γ-Al2O3, Nucl. Mater. Energy, 42 (2025) 101890.
文章1:热沉材料方向 (文章链接)
B. Ma, H. Ding, F. Jiang, Y. Hishinuma, L. Luo*, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Sheng, H. Noto, J. Liu*, J. Shi, T. Muroga, Y.C. Wu, Effect of process control agent on the synthesis of Cu-Y2O3 by mechanical alloying, Nucl. Mater. Energy, 38 (2024) 101599.
文章2:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
Y. Zhang, J. Wang*, B. Ma, Q. Zhan, L. Luo, Y.C. Wu, A model to evaluate the radiation-hardening in shallow ion-irradiated metallic materials, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 548 (2024) 165250.
文章3:氚增殖剂方向 (文章链接)
X. Gao, L. Zhao, J. Wang, W. Lu*, D. Chu, W. Wang, Composition design and preparation of lithium lead titanate (Li2PbxTi1-xO3, 0.1 < x < 0.9): A novel tritium breeding ceramic, Nucl. Mater. Energy, 38 (2024) 101608.
文章4:偏滤器材料方向 (文章链接)
C. Chen*, Y. Chen, X. Han, K. Li, S. Wang*, Y. Zhang, Y. Mao, J.W. Coenen, J. Wang*, L.M. Luo, Microstructure and failure mechanism of Y2O3 coating on the W fiber in Wf/W composites during field assisted sintering, J. Mater. Res. Technol., 30 (2024) 8661-8670.
文章5:氚增殖剂方向 (文章链接)
X. Gao, J. Wang, W. Lu*, D. Chu, W. Wang, Lithium lead titanate (Li2PbxTi1-xO3, 0.1<x<0.9): a new tritium-neutron complex breeder for fusion reactor blanket , J. Nucl. Mater., 599 (2024) 155240.
文章6:偏滤器材料方向 (文章链接)
Y. Chen, C. Chen*, Q. Shi, J. Wang, S. Wang*, Y. Mao, L.M. Luo, Y.C. Wu, Microstructure and thermal property of W/Cu multilayer composites, Int. J. Refract. Met. H., 124 (2024) 106803.
文章7:偏滤器材料方向 (文章链接)
C. Chen*, Y. Chen, K. Li, S. Wang*, Y. Zhang, Y. Mao, J.W. Coenen, J. Wang*, L.M. Luo, Y.C. Wu, Interfacial microstructure and mechanical property of the discontinuous short tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten matrix composites, Mater. Charact., 215 (2024) 114214.
文章8:阻氚涂层方向 (文章链接)
F. Wang, J. Wang, W. Lu*, W. Li, D. Chu, W. Wang*, Multi-layer structured AlN/Er2O3 coating: Enhanced thermal stability and hydrogen isotope permeation resistance, Ceram. Int. 2024.07.403.
文章9:热沉材料方向 (文章链接)
J. Xu, B. Ma*, L.M. Luo, F. Jiang, Y.F. Zhang, J. Wang, J.Q. Liu, Y.C. Wu, Effect of Y precursors on the synthesis of Cu-Y2O3 by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering, J. Nucl. Mater., 601 (2024) 155328.
文章10:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
Y.F. Zhang, J. Wang, W.T. Han, C. Xu, S.J. Yoo, Q. Zhan, S. Ohnuki, F.R. Wan, The new experimental method for measuring the stability of incoherent nanoparticles in ODS steel using high-resolution high voltage microscopy, J. Nucl. Mater., 601 (2024) 155336.
Y.F. Zhang, B. Ma*, X.Y. Sun, J. Wang, L.M. Luo*, Y.C. Wu, The effect of nanoparticle size on the irradiation response of Cu-Y2O3 alloy under He/D sequential irradiation, Mater. Charact., 217 (2024) 114387.
Z. Yang, M. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Lu, B. Yu, N. Liu, X. Gao, Q. Wang, W. Yang*, Q. Li*, J. Wang*, Synthesis of N/O Atoms Co-doped Biochar with 3D Porous Structure for Effective Electromagnetic Wave Absorption, Chem. Asian J., (2024) 000465.
文章13:偏滤器材料方向 (文章链接)
Y. Chen, C. Chen*, J.H. Chen, K.L. Li, S. Wang*, Y.F. Zhang, H.Y. Chen, T.H. Beri, J. Wang*, L.M. Luo, Y.C. Wu, The effect of Y2O3 particles on the microstructure and mechanical properties of tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten composites, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, (2024) 147449.
Z. Yang, X. Li, M. Zhang, Y. Lu, B. Yu, N. Liu, X. Gao, S. Fan, W. Yang*, H. Wu*, J. Wang*, Solvent self-doping synthesis of nitrogen/oxygen co-doped porous carbon from cellulose as high performance material for multipurpose energy storage, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 282 (2024) 136931.
文章15:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
J. Wang, M.X. Chen, Y.F. Zhang*, B. Ma, H. Jiang, C. Chen, Effect of Precipitates on Dislocation Loops in Vanadium Alloy After Irradiation with 60 keV Deuterium Ions at Room Temperature, Metals, 14 (2024) 1435.
文章1:偏滤器材料方向 (文章链接)
W.Z. Xu, J. Wang*, L.M. Luo, X. Zan, Y.C. Wu, The preparation process of ultrafine gain W-Re powder by wet chemical method and its effect on alloy properties, Mater. Today Commun., 34 (2023) 104955.
文章2:偏滤器材料方向 (文章链接)
C. Chen*, Y. Chen, K. Li, S.Y. Yang, J. Wang, S. Wang*, Y. Mao, L.M. Luo, Y.C. Wu, Interfacial microstructure and mechanical property of the discontinuous short tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten matrix composites, J. alloy Comp., 946 (2023) 169377.
文章3:热沉材料方向 (文章链接)
B. Ma, L.M. Luo, Y. Hishinuma*, J. Wang, Y.F. Zhang*, H. Noto, Y.C. Wu, T. Muroga, The optimization of Cu6Y sourced ODS-Cu: Effect of Y2O3 content, Nucl. Mater. Energy, 34 (2023) 101404.
文章4:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
Y.F. Zhang, X.Y. Sun, B. Ma, J. Wang*, L.M. Luo, Y.C. Wu, Investigation of the Y Effect on the Microstructure Response and Radiation Hardening of PM V-4Cr-4Ti Alloys after Irradiation with D Ions, Metals, 13 (2023) 541.
文章5:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
J. Wang, Y. Hatano*, T. Toyama, T. Hinoki, K. Yabuuchi, Y.F. Zhang, B. Ma, A.V. Spitsyn, N.P. Bobyr, K. Inoue, Y. Nagai, Irradiation effects on binary tungsten alloys at elevated temperatures: Vacancy cluster formation, precipitation of alloying elements and irradiation hardening, Mater. Des., 229 (2023) 111899.
文章6:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
W. Yang, Jing Wang*, Y.F. Zhang, B. Ma, W. Lu, E. Fu, W. Wang, The microstructure and physical properties of AlN and SiC ceramics after irradiation with 2 MeV Au ions, Appl. Sur. Sci., 629 (2023) 157466.
文章7:储能方向 (文章链接)
W. Yang, Z. Yang, J. Wang*, W. Lu*, W. Wang, A bean catching double pigeons: Sonication assisted modification of Nb2C MXenes composites by O-doping porous biomass-carbons for supercapacitors and zinc-ion batteries, J. Energy Storage, 65 (2023) 107334.
文章8:氚技术方向 (文章链接)
K. Miki*, Y. Utsuki, M. Hara, Y. Hatano, N. Imai, M. Inoue, M. Itoh, K. Kameya, S. Kitayama, Y. Maryta, Y. Matsuda, Y. Saito, D. Sakai, T. Uesaka, H. Umetsu, R. Urayama, J. Wang, K. Kamada, Y. Shoji, A. Yoshikawa, Development and fabrication of a thick Ti-3H target for the 3H(𝑡, 3He)3𝑛 experiment at intermediate energies, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 1056 (2023) 168583.
文章9:热沉材料方向 (文章链接)
X.Y. Sun, Y.F. Zhang*, B. Ma, J. Wang, L.M Luo*, Y.C. Wu, A comparative study on the microstructure and performance stability of Cu-Al2O3 and Cu-Y2O3 alloys after high-temperature annealing, Nucl. Mater. Energy, 36 (2023) 101480.
文章1:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
J. Wang, Y. Hatano*, T. Toyama, T. Suzudo, T. Hinoki, V.K. Alimov, T. Schwarz-Selinger, Suppression of vacancy formation and hydrogen isotope retention in irradiated tungsten by addition of chromium, J. Nucl. Mater., 559 (2022) 153449.
文章2:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
Z.F. Wu, L.D Xu, H.Q. Chen, Y.X. Liang,x J.L. Liang, J.L. Du, Y.F. Wang, S.L. Zhang, X.C. Cai, B.R. Sun, J. Zhang, T.D. Shen*, J. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Significant suppression of void swelling and irradiation hardening in a nanograine d/nanoprecipitate d 14YWT-ODS steel irradiated by helium ions, J. Nucl. Mater., 559 (2022) 153418.
文章3:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
Z.F. Wu, Y.X. Liang, J.J. Tang, Y.F. Wang, S.L. Zhang, Q.N. Meng, Y. Yan, C. Xu, J. Wang, T.D. Shen*, Y.Q. Qiao*, E.G. Fu*, Enhancing the phase stability of TiNi intermetallic compound via nanocrystallization in an irradiated multicomponent vanadium alloy, Mater. Des., 213 (2022) 110298.
文章4:热沉材料方向 (文章链接)
B. Ma, Y. Hishinuma, H. Noto, Y.F. Zhang, J. Wang*, L.M. Luo, T. Muroga, Effect of different Y components on optimization of dispersive Y2O3 particles in ODS-Cu, J. Nucl. Mater., 571 (2022) 154061.
文章1:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
J. Wang, Y. Hatano*, T. Hinoki, V.K. Alimov, A.V. Spitsyn, N.P. Bobyr, S. kondo, T. Toyama, H.T. Lee, Y. Ueda, T. Schwarz-Selinger, Deuterium retention in W and binary W alloys irradiated with high energy Fe ions, J. Nucl. Mater., 545 (2021) 152749.
文章2:阻氚涂层方向 (文章链接)
W. Lu, J. Wang, X. Shen, D. Chu, D. Cheng, K. Li, W. Wang*, Long-time corrosion behavior of ceramic candidates for tritium permeation barriers exposed to flowing lead lithium, Corros. Sci., 184 (2021) 109380.
文章3:氚增殖剂方向 (文章链接)
Z. Chen, W. Lu*, J. Wang, S. Zhang, D. Chu, D. Cheng, W. Wang, W. Pu, Lithium/titanium ratio: A key factor on crystal structure and mechanical properties of lithium titanate pebbles for tritium breeder, J. Nucl. Mater., 553 (2021) 153033.
文章4:辐照损伤方向 (文章链接)
S.X. Gu, B.L. Ji, Q. Qi*, J. Wang, H.S. Zhou*, Y.C. Zhang, G.N. Luo, Effects of He irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical performance of Li2TiO3, Nucl. Fusion, 61 (2021) 106035.