当前位置: 合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院-李明个人主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果- 1) Ming Li, Hua Geng, Xing Zhang. Distributed coordinated control for stabilization of multi-inverter power plant [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023, 70(12): 12421-12430.(SCI一区Top期刊和EI期刊收录)
- 2) Ming Li, Hua Geng, Xing Zhang. Hierarchical mode-dispatching control for multi-inverter power stations[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023, 70(10): 10044-10054.(SCI一区Top期刊和EI期刊收录)
- 3) Ming Li, Xing Zhang, Zixuan Guo, et al. The dual-mode combined control strategy for centralized photovoltaic grid-connected inverters based on double-split transformers[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 68(12): 12322-12330. (SCI一区Top期刊和EI收录)
- 4) Ming Li, Xing Zhang, Zixuan Guo, et al. Impedance adaptive dual-mode control of grid-connected inverters with large fluctuation of SCR and its stability analysis based on D-partition method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(12): 14420-14435. (SCI一区Top期刊和EI收录)
- 5) Ming Li, Xing Zhang, Zixuan Guo, et al. The control strategy for the grid-connected inverter through impedance reshaping in q-axis and its stability analysis under a weak grid[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2020, 9(3): 3229-3242. (SCI一区Top期刊和EI收录)
- 6) Xing Zhang, Hang Zhang, Ming Li*(通讯作者), et al. Analysis of dynamic power angle oscillation and its suppression strategy for the droop-controlled grid-connected inverter[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021, 9(5): 5718-5731.(SCI一区Top期刊和EI收录)
- 7) Feng Han, Xing Zhang, Ming Li(通讯作者), Fei Li and Wei Zhao, "Stability Control for Grid-Connected Inverters Based on Hybrid-Mode of Grid-Following and Grid-Forming," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3335325. (SCI一区Top期刊和EI收录)
- 8) 李明, 张兴, 郭梓暄, 等. 弱电网下基于D分割法的逆变器PI参数设计及稳定域分析[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2020, 44(15): 139-147.(EI和北大中文核心期刊收录)
- 9) 李明, 张兴, 郭梓暄, 等. 弱电网下基于电网阻抗自适应的双模式并网稳定控制策略[J]. 太阳能学报, 2021, 42(7): 86-93.(EI期刊和北大中文核心期刊收录)
- 10) 李明, 张兴, 张行, 等. 基于虚拟稳态同步阻抗的VSG输出阻抗与小信号建模分析[J]. 电源学报, 2018, 16(6): 11-17.(北大中文核心期刊收录)