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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]Jiang Qing,Wanyu shen,Xun Chong,Yulong Feng,Wang Haijie,Wang Hanqin,Seismic behavior of concrete-filled steel tubular flat columns with large steel ratios:Journal of Constructional Steel Research
[2]Yulong Feng,Zhihao Zeng,Tianshu Zeng,Xun Chong,Junqi Huang,Qing Jiang,Shaking table test of prefabricated equipment cabins with a resilient steel frame at the bottom:Engineering Structures,2024
[3]Qing Jiang,Fei Yu,Dong Zhu,Junqi Huang,Yulong Feng,Xun Chong,Experimental study on the shear behavior of joints in precast concrete segmental foundations:Advances in Structural Engineering,2024
[4]Hanqin Wang,Zhipeng Huang,Junqi Huang,Xun Chong,Qing Jiang,Seismic performance of joint between steel H- beam and rectangular concrete - filled hot rolled-steel tubular column.[J:The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings,2024
[5]Hanqin Wang,Junqi Huang,Yulong Feng,Xun Chong,,Yao Cui,Qing Jiang,Seismic performance of rectangular concrete-filled hot-rolled-steel tubular flat columns with large steel ratios.[J:Structures,2024
[6]Qing jiang,Wenji su,Yulong Feng,jie shen,Yonglong Fan,Dianchun Xuan,Seismic performance of RC exterior wide beam–column joints.[J:Structural Concrete,2024
[7]Jiang Qing,Su Wenji,jiahui Liang,Bo Yin,Pengcheng Song,Feng Yulong,Chong Xun,Experimental and numerical studies on the seismic performance of fully cast-in-situ concrete exterior walls.[J:Earthquake Engineering and Resilience,2024
[8]Liang Yu,Li Sai,Ye Guanting,Jin Qiang,Mao Yifei,Jiang Qing,Autonomous surface crack identification for concrete structures based on the you only look once version 5 algorithm.[J:Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2024
[9]Wang Hanqin,Huang Junqi,Feng Yulong,Chong Xun,Jiang Qing,Studies on axial compression performance of rectangular concrete-filled hot-rolled-steel tubular flat columns.[J:Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2024
[10]Wang Hanqin,Xuan Dianchun,Huang Junqi,Chong Xun,Jiang Qing,Axial compression performance of concrete-filled-steel tube flat columns with a large steel ratio.[J:Structures
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