Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Business Address:翡翠湖校区科教楼A1003
Degree:Doctoral degree
Discipline:Communications and Information Systems
Signal and Information Processing
Other specialties in Computer Science and Technology
Paper Publications
- [1] Bin Chen,leiyi,Geometrically-Shaped Multi-Dimensional Modulation Formats in Coherent Optical Transmission Systems:IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology,2022
- [2] Bin Chen,Frans M.J.Willerms,Secret Key Generation Over Biased Physical Unclonable Functions With Polar Codes.[J:IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL,2019,6(1):435-445.
- [3] Bin Chen,Alex Alvarado,Sjoerd van der Heide,Menno van den Hout,Hartmut Hafermann,Chigo Okonkwo,Analysis and Experimental Demonstration of Orthant-Symmetric Four-Dimensional 7 bit/4D-Sym Modulation for Optical Fiber Communication.[J:JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,2021,39(9):2737-2753.
- [4] Bin Chen,Chigo Okonkwo,Harmut Hafermann,Alex Alvarado,Polarization-Ring-Switching for Nonlinearity-Tolerant Geometrically Shaped Four-Dimensional Formats Maximizing Generalized Mutual Information.[J:IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology,2019,37(14):3579 - 3591.
- [5] Bin Chen,Wei Ling,Yunus Can Gültekin,Yi Lei,Chigo Okonkwo,Alex Alvarado,Low-Complexity Geometrical Shaping for 4D Modulation Formats via Amplitude Coding.[J:IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,33(24):1419-1422.
- [6] Bin Chen,Chigo Okonkwo,Hartmut Hafermann,Alex Alvarado,Eight-Dimensional Polarization-Ring-Switching Modulation Formats.[J:IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,2019,31(21):1717-1720.
- [7] Yi Lei,Gabriele Liga,Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming,Kaixuan Sun,Alex Alvarado,Bin Chen,A Soft-Aided Staircase Decoder Using Three-Level Channel Reliabilities.[J:JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,2021,39(19):6191-6203.
- [8] Bin Chen,Gabriele Liga,Chigo Okonkwo,Alex Alvarado,Yi Lei,Hard-Decision Coded Modulation for High-Throughput Short-Reach Optical Interconnect.[J:ENTROPY,2020,22(4):400.
- [9] Haotian Zheng,Seyyed Ali Hashemi,Zizheng Cao,A. M. J. Koonen,Bin Chen,Inter-Frame Polar Coding With Dynamic Frozen Bits.[J:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS,2019,23(9):1462-1465.