陈斌  (副教授)

博士生导师 硕士生导师








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    1. 国家自然科学基金(面项目),面向光纤信道非线性的多维联合编码调制研究,72万元,2022.1-2025.12,主持

    2. 国家重点实验室开放课,面向四维联合调制的复杂光纤信道非线性串扰建模研究,5万元,2024.1-2025.12,主持

    3. 国家重点实验室开放课,面向数据中心光互连的相干传输和编码调制联合研究,6万元,2023.1-2024.12,主持

    4. 国家自然科学基金(青年项目),面向无线携能网络的分布式编码协作通信机制研究,24.8万元,2018.1-2020.12,主持

    5. 科技部重点研发计划重点专项,课题2,989万元,2021.1-2024.6,项目骨干

    6. 合肥市留学回国人员创新创业扶持计划,10万元,2019-2022,主持

    7. 合肥工业大学-学术新人提升计划B项目,基于多维度编码调制的非线性光信道容量研究,20万元,2020.4-2021.12,主持

    8. 合肥工业大学应用培育计划项目,湖泊流域水质监测与数字流场建设关键技术,15万元,2018.1-2019.12,主持

    9. 欧盟“地平线2020”项目,PATRIOT:"PUFs: Anchors of Trust in Resource-Constrained Environments",120万欧元,2016-2017,主研

    10. 国家自然科学基金项目, 兴趣域驱动的UWSNs节点布置与数据收集方法研究,61971178,时间2020.01-2023.12, 参与

    11. 尔兰科学基金项目,“Signal-Space Cooperative Relaying Techniques for Future Wireless Networks”, 2014.09-2018.09,参与

    12. 爱尔兰研究委员会基金项目,“Low-Complexity Relaying Techniques for Future Wireless Networks”, 2013.10-2015.09,参与

    13. 爱尔兰科学基金项目,“Performance Characterization of Low-density Code Ensembles”, 2011.09-2015.08,参与


    已发表和录用论文90余篇:SCI期刊论文40余篇,包括JSAC(1篇)、JLT 7篇(特邀2篇)、JOCN 4篇、TCOM 3篇、TMC 1篇、IoTJ 1篇、Opt. Lett. 5篇、Opt. Express 3篇、Comm. Lett. 5篇、PTL 4篇、电子学报2篇;国际会议论文40余篇,包含光通信顶级会议 OFC 9篇(特邀1篇)、ECOC 10篇(特邀1篇、高分论文1篇)、OECC 5篇(特邀1篇、最佳论文1篇、最佳学生论文1篇)、ACP 8篇(最佳论文1篇)

    期刊论文 (第一作者/通信作者24篇)


    [49] Bin Chen*,  Zhiwei Liang(博士生), Yi Lei,  JingXin Deng(硕士生), Shen Li, and Gabriele Liga, On Shaping Gain of Multidimensional Constellation in Linear and Nonlinear Optical Fiber Channel, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2025 (IF2023: 16.4 (通信与计算机网络TOP期刊)

    [48] Qingyuan Li(硕士生)Bin Chen*,  Yi Lei, Zhiwei Liang(博士生),On the Performance and Fiber Nonlinearity Modeling of Learned Digital Back-Propagation in the Presence of DAC and ADC Quantization Noise,Optics Express, 2025. (IF2023: 3.8) *通讯作者


    [47] Bin Chen, Wen Yin(硕士生)and Yi Lei*, Qin Huang and Xiang Li, Hybrid Decoding of Asymmetric Product Codes with Systematic Polar and BCH Codes IEEE Communications Letters, 2024.  (IF2023: 4.1

    [46] Can Zhao(硕士生), Bin Chen*, Yi Lei, Shen Li, Jiaqi Cai, Daohui Hu, Wenkai Fang and Lin Sun, Extending the reach of multi-core fiber via Voronoi constellations with concatenated multilevel coding,Optics Letters,Vol. 49, No. 8, 2024.   (IF2022: 3.8 (光学TOP期刊)*通讯作者

    [45] Yi Lei, Qi Lu, Bin Chen*, Zhongyi Guo, Mapping-Varied Modulation with Labeling Optimization for Secure Transmission in Mode-Division-Multiplexed Fiber-Optic Systems, J. Opt. Commun. Netw., Vol. 16, No. 4, 2024 (IF2023: 5) (光通信TOP期刊)*通讯作者

    [44] Zhiwei Liang(硕士生)Bin Chen*, Yi Lei, Liga Gabriele, and Alex Alvarado, Analytical Model of Nonlinear Fiber Propagation for General Dual-Polarization Four-Dimensional Modulation FormatsIEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology,vol. 42, no. 2, 2024,  (IF2023: 4.7 (光通信TOP期刊)*通讯作者

    [43] 梁志伟(硕士生)陈斌*,凌未,雷艺, 基于四维非线性串扰模型的单跨无中继光传输多维调制设计, 电子学报,2024. *通讯作者

    [42] Yannan Luo, Bin Chen, and Qin Huang, Nonlinear-Tolerant Two-Dimensional Distribution Matcher Scheme for Probabilistic Shaping, Optics Letters,2024.   (IF2022: 3.8 (光学TOP期刊)

    [41] Yin Wang, N. Xia, Bin Chen, et al., Multi-AUV Cooperative Data Collection for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Using Stackelberg Game, IEEE Sensors Journal,  2024.  (IF2023: 4.3

    [40] Yin Wang, N. Xia, Bin Chenet al., Flow Adjustment and Scale-Free Reliable Topology Control for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024. (IF2023: 4.7

    [39] Yisong Zhao, Xuwei Xue,......, Bin Chen, and Shanguo Huang, WR-enhanced TDM-PON with nanosecond clock and data recovery and picosecond time synchronization, J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 2024.  (IF2023: 5) (光通信TOP期刊)

    [38] Daohui Hu, Jiaqi Cai, Lin Sun, Junjie Xiong, Lin Ma, Bin Chen, Yi Cai, and Gordon Ning Liu, Mitigating the Strong Inter-Core Crosstalk during MCF Transmissions by Neural-Network-Equalizer-Based MIMO-DSP and Approaches for Its Simplification, Photonics, 11, no. 3: 196, 2024


    [37] Bin Chen, Wei Ling(硕士生), Yi Lei*, Zhiwei Liang, and Xuwei Xue, Orthant-Symmetric Four-Dimensional Geometric Shaping for Fiber-Optic Channels via Nonlinear Interference Model, Optics Express, 2023 (IF2023: 3.8)

    [36] Bin Chen, Yi Lei*, Liga Gabriele, Zhiwei Liang, Wei Ling, Xuwei Xue, and Alex Alvarado, Geometrically-Shaped Multi-Dimensional Modulation Formats in Coherent Optical Transmission Systems, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2023, 特邀论文 (IF2023: 4.7)  (光通信TOP期刊)

    [35] Y. Zhang, A. Cheng, Bin Chen*, Y. Wang and L. Jia, A Location-independent Human Activity Recognition Method Based on CSI: System, Architecture, Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023 (IF2022:7.9) (移动计算TOP期刊)*通讯作者 

    [34] Yuxin Xu, Hang Xing, Bin Chen, Maite Brandt-Pearce*, Throughput optimization in hybrid C-C+L-band elastic optical networks enabled by hybrid modulation and wavelength/modulation conversion, J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 2023.  (IF2023: 5)   (光通信TOP期刊)

    [33] Lin Sun, Luxiao Zhang, Meng Mao, Bin Chen, et.al, Demonstration of an 800G CDM-SDM coherent PON utilizing weakly-coupled multicore fibers with CDM tributaries manipulation, Optics Letters,2023.   (IF2022: 3.8 (光学TOP期刊)

    [32] Xiaoshuo Jia, Chao Yang, Yan Li*,....,Bin Chen, et.al, Nonlinear transmission performance comparison employing 60×416.7-Gb/s TPS-64QAM and UD-16QAM systems with limited bandwidthOptics Letters,2023.   (IF2022: 3.8 (光学TOP期刊)

    [31] Lin Sun, JunWei Zhang, Gai Zhou, Bin Chen, Gorgan Ning Liu, Yi Cai, Zhaohui Li, Chao Lu, and Gangxiang Shen, Theoretical investigations of weakly- and strongly-coupled multi-core fibers for the applications of optical submarine communications under power and fiber count limits, Optics Express, 2023 (IF2023: 3.8)

    [30] Xiongfei Ren, Xuwei Xue,......, Bin Chen, Bingli Guo, Efficient and fast contention resolution for AWGR based optical data center networks, Optics Communications, 2023

    [29] J. Ai, S. Hou, M. Wu, Bin Chen and H. Yan, MPGSE-D-LinkNet: Multiple-Parameters-Guided Squeeze-and-Excitation Integrated D-LinkNet for Road Extraction in Remote Sensing Imagery, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1-5, 2023.

    [28] Na Xia, Yin Wang, Bin Chen, Huazheng Du, Chaonong Xu and Rong Zheng, IMF2O2: A Fully Connected Sensor Deployment Algorithm for Underwater Sensor Networks, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 19(67):1–22, 2023(CCF B)


    [27] Zhengyan Huan(本科生), Yetian Huang, Yi Lei, Hanzi Huang, Haoshuo Chen, and Bin Chen*, Model-based End-to-End Learning for Self-Homodyne Coherent System, Optics Letters,2022. *通讯作者  (IF2022: 3.8 (光学TOP期刊)

    [26] Yi Lei, Q. Lu, Bin Chen* and Z. Guo, Channel Condition and Outage Performance of Mode-Division-Multiplexing Enabled MIMO System with Zero-Forcing Receiver, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 2390-2394, Oct. 2022.  *通讯作者

    [25] Zuoqing Zhao, Xuwei Xue,......, Bin Chen, and Shanguo Huang, ReSAW: a reconfigurable and picosecond-synchronized optical data center network based on an AWGR and the WR protocol, J. Opt. Commun. Netw.,14, 702-712, 2022.  (IF2023: 5(光通信TOP期刊) 


    [24] Bin Chen*, Wei Ling(硕士生), Y. C. Gültekin, Y. Lei, C. Okonkwo and A. Alvarado, Low-Complexity Geometrical Shaping for 4D Modulation Formats via Amplitude Coding, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 33, no. 24, pp. 1419-1422, Dec., 2021. 

    [23] Yi Lei, Bin Chen*, G. Liga, A. Balasoukas-Stimming, K. Sun, A. Alvarado,  A soft-aided staircase decoder using three-level channel reliabilities, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021.(IF2023: 4.7)  (光通信TOP期刊) 

    [22] Bin Chen*, A. Alvarado, S. van der Heigh, M. van der Hour, H. Hafarmann and C. Okonkwo, Analysis and Experimental Demonstration of Orthant-Symmetric Four-dimensional 7 bit/4D-sym Modulation for Optical Fiber Communication,IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 2737-2753, 2021 (IF2023: 4.7)  (光通信TOP期刊) 

    [21] 雷艺,陈斌,周红平,郭凯,郭忠义,软信息辅助硬判决译码在自由空间光通信中的应用, 电子学报,2021.


    [20] Haotian Zheng (博士生), K. Wu, Bin Chen et. al., Experimental Demonstration of 9.6 Gbit/s Polar Coded Infrared Light Communication System, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 32, no. 24, pp. 1539-1542, Dec., 2020. 

    [19] Bin Chen, Yi Lei*, Gabriele Liga, Chigo Okonkwo, Alex Alvarado, Hard-Decision Coded Modulation for High-Throughput Short-Reach Optical Interconnect, Entropy,  March 2020. 

    [18] G. Liga, Bin Chen, S. van der Heigh, A. Sheikh, M. van der Hour, C. Okonkwo and A. Alvarado, 30% Reach Increase via Low-complexity Hybrid HD/SD FEC and Nonlinearity-tolerant 4D Modulation, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, May 2020. 

    [17] A. Rajaram, D. N. K. Jayakody, Bin Chen, R. Dinis, and S. Affes, Modulation-based Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer, IEEE Communications Letters, Jan. 2020. 


    [16] Bin Chen, C. Okonkwo, H. Hafermann and A. Alvarado, Eight-dimensional Polarization-ring-switching Modulation Formats, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, Nov. 2019.  

    [15] Yi Lei, Bin Chen, G. Liga, X. Deng, Z. Cao, J. Li, K. Xu, and A. Alvarado, Improved Decoding of Staircase Codes: The Soft-aided Bit-marking (SABM) Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Dec. 2019. (IF2022: 6.166) (通信TOP期刊) 

    [14] Bin Chen, C. Okonkwo, H. Hafermann and A. Alvarado, Polarization Ring-switching for nonlinearity-tolerant Geometrically-shaped Four-dimensional Formats Maximizing Generalized Mutual Information,  IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, July 2019. (IF2023: 4.7) (光通信TOP期刊) 

    [13] Haotian Zheng(博士生), S. A. Hashemi, Bin Chen*, Z. Cao, and T. Koonen, Inter-frame Correlated Polar Coding with Dynamic Frozen bits, IEEE Communications Letters, July 2019. *通讯作者

    [12] Lin Sun, J. Du, J. Lin, Bin Chen,  K. Xu, B. Liu, C. Lu and Z. He, Intelligent 2-dimensional soft decision enabled by k-means clusteting for VCSEL-based 112-Gbps PAM-4 and PAM-8 optical interconnection,  IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019. (IF2023: 4.7) (光通信TOP期刊) 

    [11] R. Uppu, T. A. W. Wolterink, S. A. Goorden, Bin Chen, B. Škorić, A. P. Mosk, and P. W. H. Pinkse “Asymmetric Cryptography with Physical Unclonable Keys”, Quantum Science and Technology, November 2019.  (量子通信TOP期刊) 

    [10] T. Stanko, Bin Chen, and B. Škoric, Fingerprint Template Protection Using Minutia-Pair Spectral Representations, EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2019. 

    [9] Haotian Zheng(博士生)Bin Chen, L. F. Abanto-Leon, Z. Cao, and T. Koonen, Complexity-Adjustable SC Decoding of Polar Codes for Energy Consumption Reduction, IET Communications, 2019.

    [8] Bin Chen, F. Willems, Secret Key Generation over Biased Physical Unclonable Functions with Polar Codes, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, February 2019. (IF2022: 10.238)  (物联网TOP期刊) 


    [7] Xiong Deng, S. Mardanikorani, Y. Wu, Bin Chen, A. M. Khalid, and J. M. G. Linnartz, Mitigating LED Nonlinearity to Enhance Visible Light Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, July 2018.(IF2022: 6.166) (通信TOP期刊)

    [6] A. Alvarado, T. Fehenberger, Bin Chen and F. M. J. Willems, Achievable Information Rates for Fiber Optics: Applications and Computations, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 424-439, Jan.15, 2018. 特邀论文 (IF2023: 4.7)  (光通信TOP期刊) 

    [5] A. Rajaram, D. N. K. Javakody, K. Srinivasan, Bin Chen* and V. Sharma, Opportunistic-Harvesting: RF Wireless Power Transfer Scheme for Multiple Access Relays System, IEEE Access, 2017.  *通讯作者

    [4] D. N. K. Javakody, V. Skachek and Bin Chen, Spatially-Coupled LDPC Coding in Cooperative Wireless Networks, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, February 2016. 

    [3] Bin Chen, D. N. K. Javakody and M. F. Flanagan, Distributed Low-Density Lattice Codes, IEEE Communications Letters, January 2016. 

    [2] Bin Chen, D. N. K. Jayakody and M. F. Flanagan, Low-Density Lattice Coded Relaying with Joint Iterative Decoding, IEEE Transactions on Communications, December 2015. (IF2022: 6.166) (通信TOP期刊)

    [1] Bin Chen and M. F. Flanagan, Network-Turbo-Coding based Cooperation with Distributed Space-Time Block Codes, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, February 2014. 

    会议论文 (第一作者/通信作者25篇)


    [49] Jingxin Deng(硕士生), Bin Chen*, Zhiwei Liang, Yi Lei and Gabriele Liga, Predicting Nonlinear Interference for Short-Blocklength 4D Probabilistic Shaping, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Francisco , USA, 2025. (光通信顶级会议) 


    [48] Can Zhao(硕士生)Bin Chen*, Jiaqi Cai, Zhiwei Liang, Yi Lei, Junjie Xiong, Lin Ma, Daohui Hu, Lin Sun, Gangxiang Shen, Experimental Demonstration of 16D Voronoi Constellation with Two-Level Coding over 50km four-Core Fiber, European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Frankfurt, Germany, 22-26, Sept. 2024. (高分论文,光通信顶级会议) 

    [47] Meng Mao(硕士生)Bin Chen*, Rendong Xu, Lin Sun*, and  et. al, On the Impact of Spatial Mode Dispersion for Mode-dependent Loss Estimation and Mitigation in Coupled-core MCF LinksOptical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, USA, 5-9 March 2024. (光通信顶级会议) 

    [46] Luxiao Zhang, Lin Sun*, Rendong Xu, Junjie Xiong, Lin Ma, Bin Chenand  et. al, 1.024-Tbit/s CDM-SDM Coherent PON over 10-km Weakly-Coupled MCF,Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, USA, 5-9 March 2024. (光通信顶级会议) 

    [45] Yajie Sheng(硕士生), Bin Chen*, et. al, Multidimensional Voronoi Constellations vs. Short Blocklength Probabilistic Shaping: A Comparison for Multilevel Coding Approach, 2024 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), November 2024.

    [44] Jiwei Xu(硕士生)Bin Chen*, et. al, On the Performance of Advanced Modulation Formats for Extended Single-Span Links, 2024 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), November 2024.  (最佳海报奖) 

    [43] Yanzhe Yue(硕士生) et. al, 2024 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), November 2024. 


    [42] Bin Chen*, Zhiwei Liang(硕士生), Shen Li, Yi Lei, Gabriele Liga, Alex Alvarado, On the Performance of Multidimensional Constellation Shaping for Linear and Nonlinear Optical Fiber ChannelEuropean Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Glasgow, Scotland 1-5, October 2023. (光通信顶级会议) 特邀论文

    [41] Kadir Gümüs*(博士生), Bin Chen, Thomas Bradley, Chigo Okonkwo, A Simplified Method for Optimising Geometrically Shaped Constellations of Higher Dimensionality, European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Glasgow, Scotland 1-5, October 2023. (光通信顶级会议)

    [40] Yi Lei, Xiang Wang, Qi Lu, Bin Chen*, Extending the Reach of Optical Interconnects with Advanced Coded Modulation, Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, 2-6 July 2023. 特邀论文

    [39] Wenkai Fang(硕士生)Bin Chen*, Yi Lei, Can Zhao, Menno van den Hout, Sjoerd van der Heide, Chigo Okonkwo, Lin Sun, Xuwei Xue, Shanguo Huang, Experimental Demonstration of Neural Network-based Soft Demapper for Long-haul Optical Transmission, Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai,China, 2-6 July 2023. 

    [38] Zhao Yisong,... Bin Chen,..., Xuwei Xue, Shanguo Huang, Nanoseconds CDR Enabled by Clock Distribution and Protection Sequence Insertion in Optical Switching Networks, Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai,China, 2-6 July 2023. (Best Student Paper)

    [37] Lin Sun, Bin ChenGordon Ning Liu, Yi Cai, Zhaohui Li, Chao Lu and Gangxiang Shen, On the Impact of Spatial Mode Dispersion for Strongly-Coupled Multicore Fiber Submarine Transmission, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, USA, 5-9 March 2023. (光通信顶级会议) 

    [36] Yinchen Ding (硕士生), Yi Lei, Qi Lu, Zhongyi Guo, Bin Chen*, A Chaotic Encryption Algorithm with Dynamic Key Enabled by Power-Division Multiplexed Transmission, 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Wuhan, China, 4-7, November 2023.

    [35] Daohui Hu, Lin Sun*, Bin Chen, Ning Liu, Gangxiang Shen, Investigations of wavefront shaping for improving the transmission distance of VCSEL-MMF based optical communication links, 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Wuhan, China, 4-7, November 2023.

    [34] Yuxin Xu, Hang Xing, Bin Chen, A Stopgap Solution for EON Resource Assignment Postponing the Need for Disruptive Technologies, 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Wuhan, China, 4-7, November 2023.


    [33] Lin Sun, Luxiao Zhang, Yi Cai, Gangxiang Shen, Gordon Ning Liu and Bin ChenUltra-stable and low-complexity retiming technique for bandwidth-limited 112-Gbps PAM-4 systems,  2022 Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), December 6-11, 2022. (Best paper award)

    [32] Wei Ling(硕士生)Bin Chen*, Yi Lei, Wenkai Fang, Zhiwei Liang and Lin Sun, Model-Aided 4D Geometrical Shaping for Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Single-Span System, 2022 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Shenzhen, China, 5-8, November 2022.

    [31] Yuanzhi Guo, Xuwei Xue, ......, Bin Chen, Chenhui Li, and Shanguo Huang, Experimental Assessments of a AWGR Based Optical Switching Network for Distributed Reinforcement Learning Training, 2022 International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 12-15 August 2022. (Post-deadline Paper)

    [30] Zhiwei Liang(硕士生)Bin Chen*Yi Lei, Gabriele Liga and Alex Alvarado, Analytical SNR Prediction in Long-Haul Optical Transmission using General Dual-Polarization 4D Formats, 2022 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, 18-22, September 2022. (光通信顶级会议)

    [29] Bin Chen, Gabriele Liga, Yi Lei, Wei Ling, Zhengyan Huan, Xuwei Xue and Alex Alvarado, Shaped Four-Dimensional Modulation Formats for Optical Fiber Communication Systems, 2022 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, USA, 6-10 March 2022. 特邀论文 (光通信顶级会议) 

    [28]  Gabriele Liga, Bin Chen, and Alex Alvarado, Model-aided Geometrical Shaping of Dual-polarization 4D Formats in the Nonlinear Fiber Channel2022 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, USA, 6-10 March 2022. (光通信顶级会议) 


    [27] Yi Lei, Bin Chen, Gabriele Liga, and Alex Alvarado,  On parameter optimization and reach enhancement for the improved soft-aided staircase decoder, 11th International Symposium on Topic in Coding,  30 August - 3 September  2021.

    [26] Wei Ling(硕士生)Bin Chen* and Yi Lei,Orthant-Symmetric  Multi-dimensional Geometrically-Shaped  Modulation Optimization, 2021 International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 23-27 August 2021. 

    [25] Gabriele Liga, Bin Chen, Astrid Barreiro, Alex Alvarado, Modeling of Nonlinear Interference Power for Dual-Polarization 4D Formats, 2021 Optical Fiber Communication Conference(OFC), 2021. (光通信顶级会议) 


    [24] Bin Chen*,  Chigo Okonkwo, Alex Alvarado, Nonlinear Interference Analysis of Probabilistic Shaping vs.4D Geometrically Shaped Formats, 2020 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, 6-10, December 2020. (光通信顶级会议)

    [23] Bin Chen*,  Hanzi Huang, Haoshuo Chen, Yi Lei, Nicolas K. Fontaine,Roland Ryf, Qianwu Zhang, Yingxiong Song, Joint Optimization of Phase Retrieval and Forward Error Correcting for Direct Detection Receiver, 2020 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, 6-10, December 2020. (光通信顶级会议)

    [22] Rene-Jean Essiambre, Roland Ryf, Murali Kodialam, Bin Chen, et. al, Increased Reach of Long-Haul Transmission using a Constant-Power 4D Format Designed Using Neural Networks,  2020 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, 6-10, December 2020. (光通信顶级会议)

    [21] Kadir Gümüs(硕士生), Alex Alvarado, Bin Chen, Christian Häger, Erik Agrell, End-to-End Learning of Geometrical Shaping Maximizing Generalized Mutual Information, 2020 Optical Fiber Communication Conference(OFC), San Diego, USA, 3-7, March 2019. (光通信顶级会议)


    [20] Sjoerd. van der Heide博士生)Bin Chen, M. van den Hout, H. Hafermann, T. Koonen, A. Alvarado, and C. Okonkwo, Experimental Demonstration of Eight-dimensional Modulation Formats for Long-haul Optical Transmission, 2019 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, 22-26, September 2019. (光通信顶级会议)

    [19] Bin Chen*, C. Okonkwo, H. Hafermann and A. Alvarado, Four-Dimensional Polarization-Ring-Switching for Dispersion-Managed Optical Fiber Systems, 2019 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, 22-26, September 2019. (光通信顶级会议)

    [18] Sjoerd. van der Heide博士生)Bin Chen, M. van den Hout, G. Liga, Ton Koonen, H. Hafermann, A. Alvarado, and C. Okonkwo, 11,700 km Transmission at 4.8 bit/4D-sym via Four-dimensional Geometrically-shaped Polarization-Ring-Switching Modulation, 2019 Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Fukuoka, Japan, 7-11 July 2019. (Best paper award)

    [17] A. Alvarado, G. Liga, Y. Lei, Bin Chen, and A. Balatsoukas-Stimming, Improving HD-FEC decoding via bit marking, 2019 Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Fukuoka, Japan, 7-11 July 2019. (Invited paper)

    [16] Bin Chen*, Yi Lei, S. van der Heide, J. van Weerdenburg, A. Alvarado, and C. Okonkwo, First Experimental Verification of Improved Decoding of Staircase Codes using Marked Bits, 2019 Optical Fiber Communication Conference(OFC), 3-7, March 2019. (光通信顶级会议)


    [15] Bin Chen*, Yi Lei, C. Okonkwo, D. Lavery, and A. Alvarado, Rate-Adaptive Coded Modulation with Geometrically-shaped Constellations, 2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Hangzhou, China, 26-29, October 2018 (Best paper award). 

    [14] Yi Lei, A. Alvarado, Bin Chen, X. Deng, Z. Cao, J. Li, and K. Xu, Decoding Staircase Codes with Marked Bits, 2018 International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing, Hong Kong, China, 3 -7 December 2018.

    [13] Bin Chen*, C. Okonkwo, H. Hafermann and A. Alvarado, Increasing Achievable Information Rates via Geometrical shaping, 2018 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Roma, Italy, 23-27, September 2018. (光通信顶级会议)

    [12] Bin Chen*, C. Okonkwo, D. Lavery, and A. Alvarado, Geometrically-shaped 64-point Constellations via Achievable Information Rates, 2018 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bucharest, Romania, 1-5, July 2018. (Invited paper)

    [11] Yi Lei, Bin Chen, and A. Alvarado, “Improved BER Performance of Hard-decision Staircase Code via Geometric Shaping”, 2018 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Enschede, The Netherlands, 31 May and 1 June 2018.

    [10] T. Stanko, Bin Chen, B. Škoric, “Fingerprint Template Protection With Spectral Minutia-Pair Representations”, 2018 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Enschede, The Netherlands, 31 May, and 1 June 2018.

    [9] R. Uppu, T.A.W. Wolterink, S.A. Goorden, Bin Chen, B. Škoric, A.P. Mosk, P.W.H. Pinkse, “PUF-Enabled Asymmetric Cryptography”, 2018 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Enschede, The Netherlands, 31 May and 1 June 2018.

    [8] R. Khan, D. N. K. Jayakody and Bin Chen, Non–Orthogonal Multiple Access: Basic Interference Management Technique, 2018 International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT), Madrid, Spain, 2-4, April 2018.

    [7] T. D. P. Perera, A. Rajaram, S. Chedupy, D. N. K. Jayakody, and Bin Chen, Hybrid RF/Visible Light Communication in Downlink Wireless System”, 2018 International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT), Madrid, Spain, 2-4, April 2018.


    [6] Bin Chen, T. Ignatenko, F. Willems, R. Maes, and E. van der Sluis, G. Selimis, A Robust SRAM-PUF Key Generation Scheme Based on Polar Codes, IEEE Globecom2017, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017. (无线通信旗舰会议)

    [5] Bin Chen, T. Ignatenko and F. Willems, Efficient Key Generation Scheme for SRAM-PUFs using Polar Codes, 2017 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Delft, The Netherlands, 11-12 May 2017.

    [4] D. N. K. Jayakody, V. Skachek, Bin Chen, Spatially-Coupled LDPC Coding in Cooperative Wireless Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Doha, Qatar, 3-6 April 2016.

    [3] D. N. K. Jayakody, J. Li, Bin Chen and M. F. Flanagan, A Multilevel Soft Quantize-and-Forward Scheme for Multiple Access Relay Systems, 25th IEEE Annual Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Conference (PIMRC), Washington DC, USA, 2-5 September 2014.

    [2] Bin Chen, D. N. K. Jayakody and M. F. Flanagan, Cooperative Relaying with Low-Density Lattice Coding and Joint Iterative Decoding, 8th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing, Bremen, Germany, 18-22 August 2014.

    [1] Bin Chen and M. F. Flanagan, Network-Turbo-Coding based Cooperation with Distributed Space-Time Block Codes, 19th European Wireless Conference(EW2013), Guildford, UK, 16-18 April 2013. 
