张莹莹Zhang Yingying
Yingying Zhang,Shuo Wang,Jinhai Wang,Yu Zhao,Zhiwei Chen,DHNet: A Surface Defect Detection Model Utilizing Multi-Scale Convolutional Kernels:Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,2025,22):45.
Yingying Zhang,Yueteng Shen,Zongguo Tao,Yu Zhao,Zhiwei Chen,An Improved Deadbeat Control Strategy with Command Current Fractional Order Rapid Repetitive Prediction Method for Active Power Filter:Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Yingying Zhang,Chenyu Sun,Shuo Wang,Yueteng Shen,Zhiwei Chen,Bidirectional buck-boost converter-based active power decoupling method for single-phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverters:Journal of Power Electronics,2025,25):193-204.
Yingying Zhang,Ruilin Wang,Yueteng Shen,Yu Zhao,Zhiwei Chen,Lithium Battery SOC Estimation based on Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm and Backpropagation Neural Network:AIP Advances,2024,14(11):115004.
Congcong Li,Chenyu Sun,Zhiwei Chen,Yingying Zhang,Broad Learning System Using Rectified Adaptive Moment Estimation for Harmonic Detection and Analysis:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2024,71(3):2873-2882.
Yingying Zhang,Zhiwei Chen,Bing Li,Yigang He,Application of Low Harmonic 18-Pulse Rectifier Power Supply for Radar Power System:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2019,66(2):1080-1088.
Zongguo Tao,Yuetong Wang,Chenyu Sun,Ruilin Wang,Zhiwei Chen,Yingying Zhang,Active Power Filter with Enhanced Echo State Network in Radar Power Supply System:IET Power Electronics,2023,16(14):2301-2310.
Yuetong Wang,Congcong Li,Siqi Li,Dalian Wang,Tingli Cheng,Zhiwei Chen,Yingying Zhang,Hybrid Optimization Shunt Active Power Filter Based on Radar Power System:Measurement and Control,2023,56(3-4):704-712.
Yuchen He,Haiming Zhang,Pingzhou Wang,Yunzhi Huang,Zhiwei Chen,Yingying Zhang,Engineering Application Research on Reliability Prediction of the Combined DC-DC Power Supply:Microelectronics Reliability,2021,118):114059.
Yingying Zhang,Siqi Li,Yusheng Wang,Jinhai Wang,Zhiwei Chen,Yunzhi Huang,A Two-Switchs SEPIC-Based Nonisolated Three-Port Converter Featuring High Step-Up Gain for Solar PV Applications:Electronics,2023,12(7):1712.