(7) Chengfeng Zhu* et al., “Synthesis of a novel double-ligand nickel conductive metal–organic framework material and its electrochemical characterization for supercapacitors”, Mater. Sci., 2021, 56(3), 2517–2527. (第一通讯作者)
上一条: (6) Chengfeng Zhu* et al., “Homochiral Dodecanuclear Lanthanide “Cage in Cage” for Enantioselective Separation”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143(32): 12560-12566. (Highlighted by Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2021, 5(10): 669-669.) (第一作者&通讯作者)
下一条: (8) Chengfeng Zhu* et al., “Engineering a homochiral metal–organic framework based on an amino acid for enantioselective separation”, Chem. Commun.,2020, 56(63): 9016-9019. (第一通讯作者)