

副教授 硕士生导师



樊玉琦博士(Dr. Yuqi Fan)致力于成为教育家、科学家。2018-2019年于美国University of Texas at Dallas大学做高级访问学者,2009年于美国Wright State University大学获得计算机科学与技术博士学位和MBA学位,2004年和1999年于合肥工业大学分别获得计算机科学与技术硕士及学士学位。目前在合肥工业大学就任副教授,从事人工智能、区块链、数据资源分配及优化、云计算、物联网、计算机网络等方面研究,已发表论文100余篇。先后主持或参与纵横向项目多项,包括国家重大研发计划、国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金、合肥工业大学青年教师创新基金、美国能源部项目、安徽省优秀青年科学基金等项目。开发的商用软件已被数百家海外华商使用。















2. 以创新能力培养为导向的研究生计算机与信息学院网络课程教学研究与探索,合肥工业大学研究生培养质量工程项目,项目负责人,2021-202

1. 以实践能力为导向的全日制专业学位硕士培养研究,合肥工业大学研究生培养质量工程项目,项目负责人,2016-2018

论文Computing Resource Allocation for Hybrid Applications of Blockchain and Mobile Edge Computing获CollaborateCom 2023 Best Prospective Paper!







已毕业研究生(Graduated Master Students)








刘文隆:2016级;合肥工业大学本科;南京vivo,从事研发;vivospecial offer,年薪30W+。获得2018年合肥工业大学研究生学术交流年会优秀论文一等奖!















盛东:2020级;江苏大学网络工程专业本科;徽商银行,在读期间拿到了讯飞(special offer)、新华三、徽商银行等offer。“2022年度中国区块链技术领域(中文)优秀论文”唯一一篇中文论文获奖者!



刘佳昊:2020级;华北科技学院物联网工程专业本科;菜鸟,在读期间拿到了菜鸟、新华三(special offer)、容知日新、中兴等offer。获得2021年研究生国家奖学金!












在读研究生(Current Master Students):














带领10名学生(3名研究生+7名三年级本科生)去俄罗斯ITMO大学参加Programmingand machine learning training。


[105] Zengwei Lyu, Pengfei Li, Zhenchun Wei, Yuqi Fan, Juan Xu, Lei Shi. "A Multi-Edge Jointly Offloading Method Considering Group Cooperation Topology Features in Edge Computing Networks". Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. Accepted. June 2024.

[104] Feng Liu, Lei Shi, Juan Xu, Xu Ding, Yuqi Fan, Zhehao Li. "Cost Minimization for Joint Server and Service Deployment in Edge Computing", Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML '24), May 30, 2024, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

[103] Liping Tao, Yang Lu, Yuqi Fan, Lei Shi, Chee Wei Tan, Zhen Wei. "Throughput-Scalable Shard Reorganization Tailored to Node Relations in Sharding Blockchain Networks", IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. Accepted.

[102] Juan Xu, Haiqiang Zhang, Weiwei Chen, Yuqi Fan, and Xu Ding. "CGASNet: A Generalized Zero-Shot Compound Learning Fault Diagnosis Approach for Bearings", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Accepted, February 2024.

[101] Yuqi Fan, Yuejie Tan, Liwei Wu, Han Ye, Zengwei Lyu. "Global and Local Inter-Attribute Relationships Based Graph Convolutional Network for Flight Trajectory Prediction", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 60(3): 2642-2657, June 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2024.3357668

[100] Wanbo Zhang, Yuqi Fan, Jun Zhang, Xu Ding, and Jung Yoon Kim. "Computing Resource Allocation for Blockchain-Based Mobile Edge Computing", Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 140(1): 863-885, January 2024.

[99] Yuqi Fan, Jun Zhang, Xu Ding, Zhifeng Jin, Lei Shi. "Computing Resource Allocation for Hybrid Applications of Blockchain and Mobile Edge Computing", 19th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2023), October 4-6, 2023, Corfu Island, Greece. (Best Prospective Paper)

[98] Haiyang Liu, Yuqi Fan, Lin Feng, Zhenchun Wei. "Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Based on Semantic Graph and Residual Graph Convolutional Networks with Edge Attention", The Journal of Systems & Software, 204: 111775, 2023.

[97] Yuqi Fan, Jiahao Liu, Han Ye, Zengwei Lyu. "TA-LSTM: A Time and Attribute Aware LSTM for Deep Flight Track Clustering", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 59(5):7047-7060, October, 2023. DOI:10.1109/TAES.2023.3285203. 

[96] Yuqi Fan, Liwei Wu. "A Flight Trajectory Prediction Method Based on Internal Relationships between Attributes", Transactions on Computer Science and Technology, 1(10): 42-51, 2023.

[95] 樊玉琦,王铮,杨洋,余超. "快速构建BIT搜索树的机器人路径规划", 网络安全技术与应用, 2023(10), 2023.

[94] Da Chen, Lin Feng, Yuqi Fan, Siyuan Shang, Zhenchun Wei. "Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Based on Semantic Graph and Residual Graph Convolutional Networks with Edge Attention", The Journal of Systems & Software, 202: 111705, 2023.

[93] Yuqi Fan, Ruixuan Yao, Jiahao Liu, Xiaohui Yuan. "Detection of Vocal Cord Disease Based on Local Contour Features of Laryngoscope Images", 2023 Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC), April 14-16, 2023, Dalian, China. 

[92] Juan Xu, Haiqiang Zhang, Long Zhou, Yuqi Fan. "Zero-Shot Compound Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Semantic Learning and Discriminative Features", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72:1-13, 2023. DOI:10.1109/TIM.2023.3280503.

[91] 侯海伦, 雷艺, 魏博, 樊玉琦. "基于深度时间对比的中断航迹关联方法", 计算机科学. accepted. 

[90] Juan Xu, Bin Ma, Yuqi Fan, Xu Ding. "ATPRINPM: A single-source domain generalization method for the remaining useful life prediction of unknown bearings", 3rd International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD 2022), November 30 - December 02, 2022, Harbin, China.

[89] Shuangliang Zhao, Lei Shi, Yi Shi, Fei Zhao, Yuqi Fan. "NOMA-Based Task Offloading and Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks", 18th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2022), October 15-16, 2022, Hangzhou, China, China. (CCF C).

[88] Mingchen Luo, Juan Xu, Yuqi Fan, Jianjun Zhang. “TRNet: A cross-component few-shot mechanical fault diagnosis”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Early access. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2022.3204554.

[87] Chenwei Zhu, Zengwei Lyu, Xinchen Wang, Zhenchun Wei, Dawei Hang, Yuqi Fan. "Research on Dynamic Gate Assignment Model and Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning", 16th China Conference on Internet of Things (Wireless Sensor Network) (CWSN 2022), Guangzhou, China, November 4-7, 2022.

[86] Tianjian Chen, Zengwei Lyu, Xiaohui Yuan, Zhenchun Wei, Lei Shi, Yuqi Fan. "Edge Collaborative Task Scheduling and Resource Allocation based on Deep Reinforcement Learning", 17th International Conference on Algorithms, Systems, and Applications of Wireless Networks (WASA 2022), Dalian, China, August 26-28, 2022.

[85] Peng Wang, Junyi Zhang, Lu Zhang, Jianglin Jin, Yuqi Fan. "Track Prediction based on Spatio-Temporal Attention", The 10th China Conference on Command and Control, beijing, China, August 17-19, 2022.

[84] Lei Shi, Lan Wu, Yi Shi, Yuqi Fan, Juan Xuan. “Joint CB and SIC technology to optimize throughput and cost under IoV”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(8): 8689-8701, August 2022.

[83] Guoqian Liu, Yuqi Fan, Jianjun Zhang, Pengfei Wen, Zengwei Lyu, Xiaohui Yuan. "Deep Flight Track Clustering Based on Spatial-temporal Distance and Denoising Auto-encoding", Expert Systems With Applications. 198: 116733, July, 2022.

[82] Juan Xu, Shiyu Duan, Weiwei Chen, Dongfeng Wang, Yuqi Fan. "SACGNet: A Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Bearing with Self-Attention Augmented Convolution GRU Network", Lubricants, 2022, 10, 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants10020021.

[81] Liping Tao, Yang Lu, Xu, Ding, Yuqi Fan, Jung Yoon Kim. "Throughput-Oriented Associated Transactions Assignment in Sharding Blockchains for IoT Social Data Storage", Digital Communications and Networks, 8: 885-899, 2022.

[80] 樊玉琦,盛东,王伦飞.”基于纠删码的区块链存储优化”.计算机学报. 45(4):858-876, 2022.

[79] 魏博,樊玉琦.”孪生神经网络的航迹关联方法”,太赫兹科学与电子信息学报.已录用. 

[78] 石雷,樊玉琦,胡学钢,陆阳,毕翔,吕增威. “新工科建设背景下基于低代码开发平台的软件工具与环境课程教学”, 计算机教育, 4:115-119, 2022.

[77] Juan Xu, Long Zhou, Weihua Zhao, Yuqi Fan, Xu Ding, Xiaohui Yuan. "Zero-shot Learning for Compound Fault Diagnosis of Bearings", Expert Systems with Applications, 190: 116197, March 2022.

[76]Lei Shi, Zhaoxing Ma, Yuqi Fan, Yi Shi, Xu Ding and Zhehao Li, Online Task Scheduling Algorithm with Complex Dependencies in Edge Computing”, International Conference on Identification, Information & Kowledge in the Internet of Things, 2021 (IIKI2021), November 5-7, 2021, Hangzhou, China. 

[75]Yuqi Fan, Siyuan Shang, and Xu Ding,  Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Based on Dual Attention Graph Convolutional Network”, 17th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2021), October 16-17, 2021, Suzhou, China. (CCF C).

[74]Bo Wei, Yuqi Fan, Lunfei Wang, Tao Ouyang, Lei Shi, Controller Placements for Optimizing Switch-to-Controller and Inter-Controller Communication Latency in Software Defined Networks,  16th International Conference on Algorithms, Systems, and Applications of Wireless Networks (WASA 2021), June 25-27, 2021, Nanjing, China. (CCF C).

[73]Zhehao Li, Lei Shi, Xu Ding, Yuqi Fan, Juan Xu, A Priority Task Offloading Scheme based on Coherent Beamforming and Successive Interference Cancellation for Edge Computing,  16th International Conference on Algorithms, Systems, and Applications of Wireless Networks (WASA 2021), June 25-27, 2021, Nanjing, China. (CCF C).

[72]Lixiang Zhong, Jiugen Shi, Lei Shi, Juan Xu, Yuqi Fan, Zhigang Xu,  Online Task Scheduling for DNN-based Applications over Cloud, Edge and End Devices,  16th International Conference on Algorithms, Systems, and Applications of Wireless Networks (WASA 2021), June 25-27, 2021, Nanjing, China. (CCF C).

[71]Yuqi Fan, Jiahao Liu, Ruixuan Yao, Xiaohui Yuan, COVID-19 Detection from X-ray Images using Multi-Kernel-Size Spatial-Channel Attention Network, Pattern Recognition. .119:108055, November 2021.

[70]Yuqi Fan, Huanyu Wu, Hye-Young Paik, DR-BFT: A Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain-Based Multi-layer Data Integrity Framework in Dynamic Edge Computing System, Future Generation Computer Systems. 559:8-21, June 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2021.04.020

[69]Lei Shi, Jing Xu, Lunfei Wang, Jie Chen, Zhifeng Jin, Tao Ouyang, Juan Xu, and Yuqi Fan. TMultijob Associated Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing Based on Task Duplication and Insertion, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2021, Article ID 6631752, 13 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6631752. 

[68]Jianglin Jin, Yuqi Fan, Yulan Liu, Jianjun Zhang, Feng Zou and Zengwei Lyu. Temporal Residual Self-Attention Based Radar Target Trajectory Prediction, International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications 2021 (ICUIA 2021), Hefei, China, June 18-20, 2021.

[67]Wen Chen, Xu Ding, Hang Zheng, Yang Wang and Yuqi Fan. Stable V2V Routing Protocol Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in VANETs, International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications 2021 (ICUIA 2021), Hefei, China, June 18-20, 2021.

[66]Juan Xu, Mengting Fang, Weihua Zhao, Yuqi Fan and Xu Ding. Deep Transfer Learning Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Different Bearings, International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN), July 18-22, 2021, Virtual Event.

[65]Juan Xu, Long Zhou, Weihua Zhao, Yuqi Fan and Xu Ding. Zero-shot learning compound fault diagnosis of bearings, International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN), July 18-22, 2021, Virtual Event.

[64]Zhanfeng Xu, Liping Chai, Juan Xu, Weihua Zhao and Fan Yuqi. Unsupervised heterogeneous transfer fault diagnosis based on graph Laplacian common subspace, International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN), July 18-22, 2021, Virtual Event.

[63]Donghui Hu, Chunya Hu, Yuqi Fan, Xintao Wu. “oGBAC--A Group Based Access Control Framework for Information Sharing in Online Social Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 18(1): 100-116. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2018.2875697

[62]Yuqi Fan, Lunfei Wang, Weili Wu, Dingzhu Du. Cloud/Edge Computing Resource Allocation and Pricing for Mobile Blockchain: An Iterative Greedy and Search Approach, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 8(2): 1-13. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2021.3049152

[61]Zhehao Li, Lei Shi, Yi Shi, Yuqi Fan, Zhenchun Wei. An Optimal Wireless Transmission Strategy based on Coherent Beamforming and Successive Interference Cancellation for Edge Computing, The 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2020) December 17 - 19, 2020, Tokyo, Japan.  (CCF C)

[60]Yuqi Fan, Guangming Shen, Xiong Xu, Juan Xu, Xiaohui Yuan. “Flight Track Pattern Recognition Based on Few Labeled Data with Outliers”, Journal of Electronic Imaging. 30(3), 031204 (2021), DOI: 10.1117/1.JEI.30.3.031204.

[59]Yuqi Fan, Zhifeng Jin, Guangming Shen, Donghui Hu, Lei Shi, Xiaohui Yuan. “Three-Stage Stackelberg Game Based Edge Computing Resource Management for Mobile Blockchain”, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-01032-y.

[58]Amar Maharjan, Xiaohui Yuan, Qiang Lu, Yuqi Fan, Tian Chen. “Non-rigid registration of point clouds using landmarks and stochastic neighbor embedding”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Journal of Electronic Imaging. 30(3), 031202 (2021), doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.30.3.031202.

[57]Yuqi Fan, Lunfei Wang, Xiaohui Yuan. Controller Placements for Minimizing Latency of Both Primary and Backup Paths in SDNs, Computer Communications, 163:35-50. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2020.09.001.

[56]Zengwei Lyu, Zhenchun Wei, Xu Wang, Yuqi Fan, Chengkai Xia, LeiShi. A Periodic Multinode Charging and Data Collection Scheme With Optimal Traveling Path in WRSNs, IEEE Systems Journal. 14(3): 3518- 3529, September 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2977984.

[55]Yuqi Fan, Chen Wang, Bei Zhang, Shuyang Gu, Weili Wu, Dingzhu Du.“Data Placement in Distributed Data Centers for Improved SLA andNetwork Cost”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0743-7315(20)30335-X.

[54]Yuqi Fan, Lunfei Wang, Jie Chen, Zhifeng Jin, Lei Shi, Juan Xu.“Multi-Job Associated Task Scheduling based on Task Duplicationand Insertion for Cloud Computing”, 15th InternationalConference on Algorithms, Systems, and Applications of WirelessNetworks (WASA 2020), June 24-24, 2019, Qingdao, China. (CCF C).

[53]Yuqi Fan, Guangming Shen, Xiaohui Yuan, Juan Xu. “Semi-supervised Target Track Recognition Based on Few-labeled Radar Data withOutliers”, International Conference on Urban Intelligence andApplications 2020 (ICUIA 2020), Taiyuan, China, August 14-17,2020.

[52]Yuqi Fan, Guangming Shen, Zhifeng Shen, Donghui Hu, Lei Shi,Xiaohui Yuan. “Stackelberg Game Based Edge Computing ResourceManagement for Mobile Blockchain”, ACM Turing CelebrationConference - China (ACM TURC'20), May 22-24, 2020, Hefei, China.DOI: 10.1145/3393527.3393565.

[51]Yuqi Fan, Chen Wang, Bei Zhang, Donghui Hu, Weili Wu, Dingzhu Du.“Latency-Aware Data Placements for Operational Cost Minimizationof Distributed Data Centers”, International Conference onDatabase Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2020). Jeju, South Korea. Accepted.(CCF B)

[50]Yuqi Fan, Wenlong Liu, Dan Guo, Weili Wu, Donghui Hu. “Shuffle Scheduling for MapReduce Jobs based on Periodic Network Status”,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. DOI10.1109/TNET.2020.2993945.

[49]Yuqi Fan, JingLin Zou, Siyu Liu, Qiran Yin, Xin Guan, XiaohuiYuan, Weili Wu, Dingzhu Du. “A Blockchain-based Data StorageFramework: A Rotating Multiple Random Masters and Error-CorrectingApproach”, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. DOI:10.1007/s12083-020-00895-5.

[48]Shuli Zheng, Lixuan Pan, Donghui Hu, Meng Li, Yuqi Fan. “ABlockchain-Based Trading Platform for Big Data”, The EighthInternational Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data(BigSecurity 2020), Toronto, Canada, July 6-9, 2020.

[47]Yuqi Fan, Bing Yang, Donghui Hu, Xiaohui Yuan, Xiong Xu. Social-and content-aware prediction for video content delivery, IEEEAccess. DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2972920.

[46]Liang Ding, Lunjie Li, Jianghong Han, Yuqi Fan, Donghui Hu.“Detecting Domain Generation Algorithms with Bi-LSTM”,Computers, Materials & Continua. 61(3): 1285-1304, 2019.

[45]YuqiFan, Chen Wang, Weili Wu, Taieb Znati, Dingzhu Du. “Slow Replicaand Shared Protection: Energy-Efficient and Reliable TaskAssignment in Cloud Data Centers”, IEEE Transactions onReliability. DOI: 10.1109/TR.2019.2923770.

[44]YuqiFan, Tao Ouyang. “Reliability-aware Controller Placements inSoftware Defined Networks”, The 21st IEEE InternationalConference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC2019), Zhangjiajie, China, Aug 10-12, 2019.

[43]YuqiFan, Liping Tao, Jie Chen. “Associated Task Scheduling based on Dynamic Finish Time Prediction for Cloud Computing”, The 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS 2019), Dallas, Texas, USA, July 7-10.  (CCF B, Acceptancerate 19.6%)

[42]YuqiFan, Liming Wang, Lei Shi, Dingzhu Du. Parallel MulticastInformation Propagation Based on Social Influence, 14thInternational Conference on Algorithms, Systems, and Applicationsof Wireless Networks, June 24-24, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (CCF C)

[41]DonghuiHu, Shengnan Zhou, Qiang Shen, Shuli Zheng, Zhongqiu Zhao, YuqiFan. “Digital image Steganalysis based on Visual Attention and Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE ACCESS. 2019

[40]YuqiFan, Tao Ouyang, Xiaohui Yuan. “Controller Placements forImproving Flow Set-up Reliability of Software-Defined Networks”,International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications2019 (ICUIA 2019), Wuhan, China, May 10-12, 2019.

[39]YuqiFan, Jinglin Zou, Siyu Liu, Qiran Yin, Xin Guan, Xiaohui Yuan. AThin Client Error-Correcting Data Storage Framework based onBlockchain, International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications 2019 (ICUIA 2019), Wuhan, China, May 10-12, 2019.

[38]DonghuiHu, Chunya Hu, Yuqi Fan, Xintao Wu. oGBAC--A Group Based AccessControl Framework for Information Sharing in Online Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and SecureComputing. 2018.

[37]DonghuiHu, Zhongjin Ma, Yuqi Fan, Shuli Zheng, Dengpan Ye,  Lina Wang.Study on the Interaction between the Cover Source Mismatch andTexture Complexity in Steganalysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6497-0.

[36]DonghuiHu, Qiang Shen, Shengnan Zhou, Xueliang Liu, Yuqi Fan, Lina Wang,“Adaptive Steganalysis Based on Selection Region and CombinedConvolutional Neural Networks”, Security and Communication Networks, Volume 2017 (2017), https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2314860

[35]Yuqi Fan, Hongli Ding, Lusheng Wang, Xiaojing Yuan, “GreenLatency-aware Data Placement in Data Centers”, Computer Networks, 110:46-57, December 2016.

[34]Wenqiang Lusheng Wang, Yuqi Fan, Hai Lin, Xueli Wei, Efficient Resource Allocation and Interference Management Using Compressive Sensing in Dense Mobile Communication Systems, 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP2016), Yangzhou, China, October 13-15, 2016. 

[33]Yuqi Fan, Jie Chen, Lusheng Wang, Xiaomin Zhang, “Energy-efficientand Latency-aware Data Placement for Geo-distributed Cloud DataCenters”, 11th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2016), Chongqing, China,September 24–26,2016.

[32]Yuqi Fan, Yongfeng Xia, Weifa Liang, Xiaomin Zhang, “Latency-Aware Reliable Controller Placements in SDNs”, 11th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM2016), Chongqing, China, September 24–26,2016.

[31]Donghui Hu, Zhongjin Ma, Zhong-Qiu Zhao, Lina Wang, “A Study ofthe Two-way Effects of Cover Source Mismatch and Texture Complexity in Steganalysis”, The 15th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2016), Beijing, China,September 17-19, 2016.

[30]Donghui Hu, Xiaotian Zhang, Yuqi Fan, Zhong-Qiu Zhao, Lina Wang,Xintao Wu, “On Digital Image Trustworthiness”, Applied SoftComputing. 2016.

[29]Jiajia Wu, Yuqi Fan, “A Green Latency-aware Data DeploymentAlgorithm in Data Centers”, Journal of Hefei University ofTechnology (Natural Science), Vol 39, No. 6, 772-776, June 2016.

[28]Yuqi Fan, Yongfeng Xia, Yuheng Liu, Xiaohui Yuan, “ElectricityCost Management for Cloud Data Centers under Diverse DelayConstraints”, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud 2016), Beijing, China, June25-27, 2016.

[27]Xiaotian Zhang, Donghui Hu, Yuqi Fan, Kui Yu. A Novel AndroidMalware Detection Method Based on Markov Blanket. 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace, Workshopon Data Analysis and Security in Smart City Workshop (DASSC), Changsha, China, June 13-16, 2016.

[26]Lusheng Wang, Weiwen, Huang, Yuqi Fan, Xiumin, Wang,Priority-Based Cell Selection for Mobile Equipments inHeterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks, 2015 InternationalConference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Shenzhen,China, October 19-23, 2015.

[25]Lusheng Wang, Wenqiang Chen, Yuqi Fan, “Performance Evaluationof Dynamic Interference Coordination Algorithms”, 10th EAIInternational Conference on Communications and Networking in China(ChinaCom 2015), Shanghai, China, August 15–17, 2015.

[24]Yadong Li, Donghui Hu, Yuqi Fan, “Web page forensics: a webspider based approach”, Journal of Harbin Institute ofTechnology, 21(6):99-103, 2014.

[23]Guofu Zhang, Renzhi Yang, Zhaopin Su, Feng Yue, Yuqi Fan, MeibinQi, Jianguo Jiang, “Using binary particle swarm optimization tosearch for maximal successful coalition”, Applied Intelligence, September 2014.

[22]Yuqi Fan, Zhaoming Cai, Tao Zhang, “Greening Optical Networksunder Scheduled Traffic Model”, accepted by 13th InternationalConference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN 2014),Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, November 2014.

[21]Yuqi Fan, Hongli Ding, Donghui Hu, “Green Latency-aware DataDeployment in Data Centers: Balancing Latency, Energy in Networksand Servers”, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on DCC, Poster Presentation,Chicago, Illinois, USA, August  2014.

[20]Shuli Zheng, Hui Che, Yuqi Fan, “WSNs中基于代理机制的移动sink算法”,电子测量与仪器学报,27(2), April 2013.

[19]Yuqi Fan, Shuli Zheng, Donghui Hu, Zhengfeng Hou,“Quality-of-Transmission-Aware Scheduling in Dual-Header OpticalBurst Switched Networks”, ICETCE 2012, Three Gorges, Hubei, China, May 2012.

[18]Zhengfeng Hou, Mofei Zhu, Yuqi Fan, “Threshold Encryption SchemeBased on ECC without a Trusted Party”, 2011 IEEE InternationalConference on Information Theory and Information Security(ICITIS2011), Hangzhou, China, November 2011.

[17]Zhengfeng Hou, Xiaole Zhang, Jianghong Han, Yuqi Fan, “Researchand improvement of AC-BM algorithm”,  2011 Chinese Conference onScientific Instrument and Measurement and Control Technology,Beijing, China, October 2011.

[16]Yuqi Fan, Lian Li, and Bin Wang, “Impairment-Aware QoSProvisioning in Dual-Header Optical Burst Switched Networks”, Chinese Optics Letters, 9(7): July 2011.

[15]Yuqi Fan, Lian Li, and Bin Wang, “Impairment-Aware ServiceDifferentiation in Dual-Header Optical Burst Switched Networks”, 2010 Second International Conference on Wireless Networks and Information Systems, Chongqing, China, December 2010.

[14]Shuli Zheng, Yuqi Fan, Lian Li, and Zhengfeng Hou, “FastForwarding Node Selection for Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2010 Second International Conference on Wireless Networks andInformation Systems, Chongqing, China, December 2010.

[13]Zheng Li, Yuqi Fan, Xianwen Zhao, Qingzhao Zeng and Zhigang Zhang,“Research and Implementation of IRIG-B Decoding Based on eTPUDuring GPS Time Synchronization”, 2010 Second International Conference on Wireless Networks and Information Systems, Chongqing, China, December 2010.

[12]Yuqi Fan and Bin Wang, “Impairment-Aware Ordered Scheduling inDual-Header Optical Burst Switched Networks,” Photonic Network Communications, 19(1): 90-102, February 2010.

[11]Yuqi Fan and Bin Wang, “Physical Impairment Aware Scheduling inOptical Burst Switched Networks,” Photonic Network Communications, 18(2): 244-254, October 2009.

[10]Yuqi Fan and Bin Wang, “Exploring Node Light-Splitting Capability for Burst Grooming in Optical Burst Switched Networks,”Photonic Network Communications, 14(2): 209-222, October 2007.

[9]Yuqi Fan and Bin Wang, “Exploring Node Light-Splitting Capability for Burst Grooming in Optical Burst Switched Networks,”Optical Burst/Packet Switching Workshop (Broadnets’2006), PosterPresentation, San Jose, CA, October 2006.

[8]Yuqi Fan, Bin Wang, and Xubin Luo, “Multicast ServiceProvisioning under a Scheduled Traffic Model in WDM OpticalNetworks,” the third IASTED International conference on Communications and Computer Networks, Marina del Rey, CA, October24-26, 2005.

[7]Bin Wang, Tianjian Li, Xubin Luo, Yuqi Fan and Chunsheng Xin, “On Service Provisioning under a Scheduled Traffic Model in Reconfigurable WDM Optical Networks,” Proceedings of IEEEBroadnets’05, Boston MA, October 2005.

[6]Tianjian Li, Xubin Luo, and Yuqi Fan, and Bin Wang, “Traffic Grooming under a Sliding Scheduled Traffic Model in WDM OpticalNetworks,” Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Traffic Grooming in WDM Networks, San Jose, CA, October 29, 2004.

[5]Yuqi Fan, Yang Lu, Min Hu, Yi Zhong, “Network Communication inFlight Data Acquisition System Based on LonWorks,” Journal of Hefei University of Technology (Natural Sciences Edition), Vol 25,1054-1057, October 2003.

[4]Yuqi Fan, Min Hu, Yang Lu, Yi Zhong, “Implementation ofCommunication between Supervisor and Smart Nodes in LonWorks Network,” Journal of Control & Automation,Vol 21, 63-64,June 2003.

[3]Yang Lu, Zhen Wei, Jianghong Han, Yuqi Fan, “Pattern MatchLearning Algorithms for Binary Neural Networks,” Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.25, 74-79, January 2003.

[2]Yuqi Fan, Min Hu, Yang Lu, “Research on Calibration of theProperty of Signal Detection Channel,” Journal of Hefei University of Technology (Natural Sciences Edition), Vol 25,988-991, October 2002.

[1]Yuqi Fan, Defang Wei, “Knowledge-driven Economy and InnovationEducation,” Journal of Hefei University of Technology (SocialSciences Edition), Vol 16, 14-17, June 2002.


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[1] 2004.3-2009.6
WrightState University, Dayton, Ohio, USA | Computer Science and Engineering | 博士研究生毕业 | 博士学位
[2] 2007.9-2009.6
WrightState University, Dayton, Ohio, USA | 工商管理 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 硕士学位
[3] 2000.9-2003.7
合肥工业大学 | 计算机应用技术 | 硕士研究生 | 硕士学位
[4] 1995.9-1999.7
合肥工业大学 | 计算机应用技术 | 硕士研究生 | 硕士学位


[1] 2009.9-至今
计算机与信息学院 | 合肥工业大学 
[2] 1999.7-2000.8
电气与自动化学院 | 合肥工业大学 



