Siliang Yan
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Paper Publications
Macro-micro behaviors of Ti-22Al-26Nb alloy during warm tension

Impact Factor:6.1

DOI number:10.1016/j.msea.2022.143580

Affiliation of Author(s):Hefei University of Technology

Journal:Materials Science and Engineering A

Key Words:Macro-micro behaviors Ti–22Al–26Nb alloy Warm tension Fracture mode Deformation coordination mechanisms

Abstract:In this paper, the plastic flow rules and fracture evolution mechanisms of the nearly O + B2 Ti–22Al–26Nb alloy during warm tension have been studied within a wide temperature range of 20–800 ◦C. The macro-micro deformation behaviors of the material have been investigated by means of SEM, EBSD and TEM. It is found that the stress-strain curve at 400 ◦C exhibits serrated patterns, indicating the occurrence of dynamic strain aging at mild temperature. The overall yield strength decreases and the uniform elongation increases with the temperature in general. However, an unexpected peak of yield strength and also an unexpected valley of uniform elongation are exhibited at 600 ◦C. Additionally, the uniform elongation shows a positive correlation with strain rate at 600 ◦C. With the comprehensive analyses of fracture surface characteristics, the morphological variation of the constituent phases and the dislocation structure evolution, the causations of the above phenomena are further explained as follows. The B2 phase is mainly responsible for deformation coordination between O laths with the original {110}B2‖(001)O orientation barely changed, and act as a media for propagating localized slip deformation to O grains. The abnormal mechanical responses at 600 ◦C are mainly attributed to the change of fracture mode caused by the precipitation of fine acicular O grains, while the softening mechanism at 800 ◦C is mainly dominated by the dynamic globularization of the O phase.

Co-author:Miao Meng

First Author:Xiao-li Zhang

Indexed by:Journal paper

Correspondence Author:Si-liang Yan,Ping Li

Document Code:143580


Document Type:J



Page Number:1-13

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2022-07-01

Included Journals:SCI、EI

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Personal information

Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1989-09-02


Date of Employment:2017-07-01

School/Department:Hefei University of Technology

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Business Address:材料楼南附楼413


Degree:Doctoral degree


Other Post:安徽省机械工程学会锻压专委会副秘书长

Alma Mater:Northwestern Polytechnical University

Discipline:Material Process Engineering

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Honors and Titles:

全国高校教师教学创新大赛安徽省赛区三等奖(2024)  2024-06-01

凡科优秀评审专家(2024)  2024-08-17

中国有色金属学报2022年度优秀论文(2024)  2024-02-01

安徽省大学生创新大赛总决赛创新创业导师(2024)  2024-08-01

中国材料研究学会科学技术奖(基础研究)二等奖(R2/4)(2024)  2024-07-10

党支部民主评议优秀党员(2023)  2024-01-01

党支部民主评议优秀党员(2022)  2023-01-01

全国高等学校教师教学创新大赛安徽赛区三等奖(2023)  2023-08-01

常州市“龙城英才计划”领军型创业人才(2022)  2022-04-22

西北工业大学优秀博士学位论文(2019)  2019-10-01

陕西省自然科学一等奖(R6/6)(2020)  2021-03-21

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