Impact Factor:3.5
DOI number:10.1007/s10853-024-10524-8
Affiliation of Author(s):Hefei University of Technology
Journal:Journal of Materials Science
Funded by:National Natural Science Foundation of China
Key Words:Ti2AlNb-based alloy; Twin boundary; Molecular dynamics; Electron-wind force; Phase transformation
Abstract:In this study, molecular dynamic simulation was used to investigate the evolution of microstructure and dislocation configuration of pre-strain Ti2AlNb-based alloy under electric current treatment (ECT). Three bicrystal models embedded with equiaxed α2 particle with different initial orientations and three tensile pre-strain (ε=0.021, 0.08 and 0.106) were built, and the equivalent electron-wind force was applied on each model to indirectly simulate the athermal electroplastic effect. The results show that the ECT increases the proportion of BCC phase by up to 30% except for the ε=0.021 condition and eliminates the sub-grain boundaries formed during pre-straining. The increasing dislocation density in BCC structure and opposite situation in HCP structure narrows the gap in electric conductivity between the BCC phase and the HCP one and the decreased external electric energy input, and therefore decelerates the HCP→BCC phase transformation until reaching an equilibrium state with the proceeding of ECT process. Moreover, the electron-wind force induces annihilation in defect-rich areas and activates the merging of partial dislocations. It also brings about local stress concentration on phase boundary and promotes [[EQUATION]] and [[EQUATION]] twin variants. This work helps to deepen the understanding of pure electroplastic effect in titanium alloys during ECT process.
Co-author:Zi-long Liu,Yong-qiang Zhang,Xiao-li Zhang,Ke-min Xue
First Author:Siliang Yan
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:mengmiao
Document Type:J
Page Number:300-315
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2025-01-07
Included Journals:SCI、EI
Links to published journals:
Pre One : Atomic-scale insights into the strength and plasticity enhancement of Ni-based superalloys with refinement dispersion of precipitates
Next One : Unconventional mechanical responses and mechanisms of Ti-6Al-4V sheet subjected to electrically-assisted cyclic loading-unloading: thermal and athermal effects
Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Birth:1989-09-02
Date of Employment:2017-07-01
School/Department:Hefei University of Technology
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Business Address:材料楼南附楼413
Degree:Doctoral degree
Other Post:安徽省机械工程学会锻压专委会副秘书长
Alma Mater:Northwestern Polytechnical University
Discipline:Material Process Engineering
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Honors and Titles:
全国高校教师教学创新大赛安徽省赛区三等奖(2024) 2024-06-01
凡科优秀评审专家(2024) 2024-08-17
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全国高等学校教师教学创新大赛安徽赛区三等奖(2023) 2023-08-01
常州市“龙城英才计划”领军型创业人才(2022) 2022-04-22
西北工业大学优秀博士学位论文(2019) 2019-10-01
陕西省自然科学一等奖(R6/6)(2020) 2021-03-21
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