2012.9 ---2017.6, 华南理工大学, 化学工程, 博士, 导师: 钱 宇 教授;
研究方向1: 智能化工;研究方向2:化工过程模拟与优化;
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,No. 22108052,煤与富氢资源联供制乙二醇系统多目标优化集成与能耗消减机制研究,2022-01至2024-12,30万元,在研,主持;
2. 合肥工业大学,学术新人提升B计划项目,JZ2021HGTB0117,煤与富氢资源联供制乙二醇系统多尺度建模与集成优化,2021-05至2022-12,20万元,已结题,主持;
3. 安徽省自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,No. 1908085QB69,低碳高效的煤制乙二醇过程开发与多目标优化,2019-07至2021-06,10万元,已结题,主持;
4. 安徽昊源化工集团有限公司,企业横向项目,HY202007-555,合成气经草酸二甲酯加氢合成乙二醇新工艺开发,2020-06至2022-05,12万元,已结题,主持;
5. 合肥工业大学,学术新人提升A计划项目,JZ2018HGTA0278,煤制乙二醇过程基础模型、过程开发与优化,2018-05至2019-12,5万元,已结题,主持;
6. 合肥工业大学,人才引进计划项目,407-0371000045,煤/油页岩制油过程全生命周期分析,2017-07至2018-06,4万元,已结题,主持;
7. 高端化学品及前沿新材料合肥市技术创新中心,HCHC202309,机器学习辅助草酸二甲酯精准合成乙醇酸甲酯催化剂构筑及其工艺优化,2023-08至2025-07,4万元,已结题,主持;
8. 智能互联系统安徽省实验室,基于工业互联的智能煤气化实时感知监测系统设计,PA2021AKSK0110,2021-01至2022-12,3万元,已结题,主持。
在国际重要期刊共发表论文40余篇,以第一/通讯(含共同)作者在AIChE J., Chem. Eng. Sci.,Ind. Eng.Chem. Res.化工三大刊上发表论文10篇,以及Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev., Appl. Enggy, Energy Convers. Manage., J. Cleaner Prod., Chem. Eng. J.等一区TOP期刊发表30余篇,封面论文2篇。申请国家发明专利8项,已授权4项。
[1] Yang QC(*), Zhao L, Bao R, Fan Y, Zhou J, Rong D, Zhou H, Zhang, D. Interpretable machine learning-assisted advanced exergy optimization for carbon-neutral olefins production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2025, 208, 115027. (IF=16.3, 一区TOP)
[2] Yang QC(*), Fan Y, Rong D, Bao R, Zhang D. An auto-configurable machine learning framework to optimize and predict catalysts for CO2 to light olefins process. AIChE Journal 2024, e18437. (IF=3.5, 化工三大刊)
[3] Bao R, Zhang F, Rong D, Wang Z, Guo Q, Yang QC(*). An interpretable machine learning-based optimization framework for the optimal design of carbon dioxide to methane process. Energy Conversion and Management 2024, 320, 119010. (IF=9.9, 一区TOP)
[4] Yang QC(*), Zhou J, Bao R, Rong D, Zhao L, Zhang D. Optimization and prediction of catalysts for precise synthesis of methyl glycolate from dimethyl oxalate using machine learning coupled with particle swarm optimization algorithm. Chemical Engineering Science 2024, 120295. (IF=4.1, 化工三大刊)
[5] Yang QC(*), Bao R, Rong D, Xiao J, Zhou J, Zhao L, Zhang D. (2024). Interpretable Machine Learning for Accelerating Reverse Design and Optimizing CO2 Methanation Catalysts with High Activity at Low Temperatures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63, 14727-14747. (IF=3.8, 化工三大刊)
[6] Yang QC(*), Zhao L, Xiao J, Wen R, Zhang F, Zhang D. Machine learning-assisted prediction and optimization of solid oxide electrolysis cell for green hydrogen production. Green Chemical Engineering, 2024. (IF=9.1, 一区TOP)
[7] Yang QC(*), Fan Y, Zhou J, Zhao L, Dong Y, Yu J, Zhang D. Machine learning-aided catalyst screening and multi-objective optimization for the indirect CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and ethylene glycol process. Green Chemistry 2023, 25(18), 7216-7233. (IF=9.3, 一区TOP)
[8] Yang QC(*), Fan Y, Zhou J, Zhao L. Optimal integration design of sustainable ethylene glycol production process considering economic benefit and environmental impact. Journal of Cleaner Production 2023, 396, 136540. (IF=9.7, 一区TOP)
[9] Yang QC(*), Zhang J, Zhou J, Zhao L, Zhang D. A hybrid data-driven machine learning framework for predicting the performance of coal and biomass gasification processes. Fuel 2023, 346, 128338. (IF=6.7, 一区TOP)
[10] Chu G, Yang QC(*), Zhao L, Zhang D, Xie J. Conceptual Design and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Novel Coal-to-Polyglycolic Acid Process Considering Wind–Solar Energy Complementary Features for Green H2 Production and CO2 Reduction. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2023, 11, 5937-5952. (IF=7.1, 一区TOP)
[11] Yang QC(*), Fan Y, Liu C, Zhou J, Zhao L, Zhou H. A promising alternative potential solution for sustainable and economical development of coal to ethylene glycol industry: Dimethyl oxalate to methyl glycolate process. Energy 2023, 277, 127668. (IF=9.0, 一区TOP)
[12] Liu C, Zhao L, Zhu S, Shen Y, Yu J, Yang QC(*). Advanced exergy analysis and optimization of a coal to ethylene glycol (CtEG) process. Energy 2023, 282, 128790. (IF=9.0, 一区TOP)
[13] Chu G, Fan Y, Zhang D, Gao M, Yu J, Xie J, Yang QC(*). A highly efficient and environmentally friendly approach for in-situ utilization of CO2 from coal to ethylene glycol plant. Energy 2022, 256, 124711. (IF=9.0, 一区TOP)
[14] Yang QC(*), Zhang Z, Fan Y, Chu G, Zhang D, Yu J. Advanced exergy analysis and optimization of a CO2 to methanol process based on rigorous modeling and simulation. Fuel 2022, 325, 124944. (IF=6.7, 一区TOP)
[15] Zhang J, Yang QC(*), Fan Y, Zhang D, Yu J. Conceptual design and techno-economic analysis of a coproduction system for ethylene glycol and LNG from steel mill off-gases. Fuel 2022, 318, 123693. (IF=6.7, 一区TOP)
[16] Yang QC(*), Chu G, Zhang L, Zhang D, Yu J. Pathways toward carbon-neutral coal to ethylene glycol processes by integrating with different renewable energy-based hydrogen production technologies. Energy Conversion and Management 2022, 258, 115529. (IF=9.9, 一区TOP)
[17] Xu S, Li Z, Yang QC(*),Chu G, Zhang, J, Zhang D, Zhou H, Gao M. Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Consumption, Pollutant Emission, and Cost Analysis of Coal/Oil/Biomass to Ethylene Glycol. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021, 9, 15849-15860. (IF=7.1, 一区TOP)
[18] Yang QC, Zhang J, Chu G, Zhou H, Zhang D. Optimal design, thermodynamic and economic analysis of coal to ethylene glycol processes integrated with various methane reforming technologies for CO2 reduction. Energy Conversion and Management 2021, 244, 114538. (IF=9.9, 一区TOP)
[19] Yang QC, Xu S, Zhang J, Liu C, Zhang D, Zhou H, Mei S, Gao M, Liu, H. Thermodynamic and techno-economic analyses of a novel integrated process of coal gasification and methane tri-reforming to ethylene glycol with low carbon emission and high efficiency. Energy 2021, 229, 120713. (IF=9.0, 一区TOP)
[20] Yang Q, Yang QC, Xu S, Zhang D, Liu C, Zhou, H. Optimal design, exergy and economic analyses of coal-to-ethylene glycol process coupling different shale gas reforming technologies. Energy 2021, 228, 120535. (IF=9.0, 一区TOP)
[21] Yang QC, Yang Q, Xu S, Zhu S, Zhang D, Li Z, Zhou H. Conceptual design, techno-economic and environmental evaluation of a coal-based polygeneration process for ethylene glycol and polymethoxy dimethyl ethers production. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 298:126757. (IF=9.7, 一区TOP)
[22] Yang Q, Chu G, Yang QC*, Zhang J, Zhou H, Zhang D. Process Development and Technoeconomic Analysis of Different Integration Methods of Coal-to-Ethylene Glycol Process and Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021; 60(40):14519-14533. (IF=3.8, 化工三大顶级期刊, 封面文章)