Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
- Xu L.Q.*,Liu S.Y.,Kong D.M.,Liu X.D.,Ning Y.,Global Warming Favors Rapid Burial of Silver in the Vietnam Upwelling Area:Geophysical Research Letters,2024,51
- Liu S.Y.,Ju P.C.,Zheng Z.Q.,Sun M.,Hao J.H.,Song Y.F.,Xu L.Q.*,Reconstructing a 300-year history of phosphorus cycle in west Chaohu Lake, China:Science of The Total Environment,2024,947):174647.
- 徐利强, 程玉洁. 2023. 深海“炊烟”——海底热液口的秘密. 科学, 75(3): 1-5(新华文摘转载).
- Jiang W.P., Chen Q.Q., Xu L.Q.* et al., 2023. Sedimentary record of silver in recent times from Chaohu Lake, East China, and its implications. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195:463.
- Xu L.Q., Jiang W.P., Wang F.M., et al., 2022. A big difference in 137Cs inventories based on two individual cores within a shallow lake, east China. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 331:5763–5770.
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Published Books
- Impact of Climate Change and Human Activity on the Eco-environment: An Analysis of the Xisha Islands,Impact of Climate Change and Human Activity on the Eco-environment: An Analysis of the Xisha Islands.[Monograph,2015
- ,徐利强,谢建成,周涛发.鬼斧神工的黄山地质.北京时代华文书局,2022
- ,朱勇兵, 赵三平, 刘晓东, 徐利强, 梅艳, 张艾澜, 韩梦薇, 于柏林, 李铁虎, 宋云扬, 吴方晖, 张金平. 污染场地处置——从理论到实践应用. 国防工业出版社,2017
- ,李双应, 谢建成, 徐利强. 黄山-太平湖及其周边地区地质认识实习教程. 科学出版社,2015
- ,孙立广, 刘晓东, 晏宏, 徐利强, 刘毅, 周鑫. 南海岛屿生态地质学. 上海科学技术出版社,2014
Research Projects