Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese): 吴慕遥
Name (Pinyin): wumuyao
Date of Birth: 1995-12-08
Date of Employment: 2022-12-27
School/Department: 汽车与交通工程学院
Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address: 安徽省合肥市屯溪路193号合肥工业大学格物楼515
Gender: Male
Degree: Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Professional Title: Lecturer
Status: Employed
Alma Mater: 中国科学技术大学
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Discipline: Automobile Engineering
State of Charge Estimation of Lithium ion Battery Based on a New Linear Online Model
DOI number:10.23919/CCC50068.2020.9189457
Journal:Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference
Key Words:Lithium ion battery, State of charge estimation, Principal component analysis, Multivariate linear regression, Linear Kalman filter
Abstract:State-of-charge (SOC) estimation is a very important part of battery management system. Many estimation methods are based on nonlinear models, which makes the operation more difficult. In this paper, a new linear online modeling method is proposed and SOC estimation of lithium ion battery is realized. The experimental results show that the method has a good estimation effect. In addition, compared with the SOC estimation of extended Kalman filter based on the first-order RC model, this method requires less computation and has a stronger anti-current interference ability.
Co-author:Chun Shi,Gang Wu
First Author:Muyao Wu
Indexed by:Essay collection
Correspondence Author:Linlin Qin
Document Type:C
Page Number:5282-5286
ISSN No.:1934-1768
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-07-27
Included Journals:EI
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