Gallium Doped n-type ZnxCd1-xS Nanoribbons: Synthesis and Photoconductivity Properties
Release time:2014-03-26
Impact Factor:3.2
DOI number:10.1063/1.4865740
Journal:Journal of Applied Physics
Abstract:Gallium doped ZnxCd1-xS nanoribbons (NRs) with controlled composition were synthesized on Au-coated Si (100) substrates by a simple thermal co-evaporation method. The composition of ZnxCd1-xS:Ga NRs can be simply controlled by the distance of the substrates from the source powder. The grown NRs exhibit excellent crystallinity, with growth direction along [0002]. It is found that the gallium doping can remarkably enhance the conductivity of ZnxCd1-xS:Ga NRs, leading to obvious n-type conduction behavior. It is also observed that the ZnxCd1-xS:Ga NRs show sensitive photoresponse to visible light illumination with excellent stability and reproducibility. The generality of this study suggests the great potential of the ZnxCd1-xS:Ga NRs for future optoelectronics application. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
Co-author:Xiang-An Wang, Ran Chen, Chun-Yan Wu, Yong-Qiang Yu, Jun Xu, Ji-Gang Hu, Lin-Bao Luo
First Author:Li Wang
Correspondence Author:Li Wang
Document Type:Article
ISSN No.:0021-8979
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2014-02-14