High Performance Nonvolatile Memory Devices Based on Cu2−xSe Nanowires
Release time:2014-01-01
Impact Factor:4.0
DOI number:10.1063/1.4828881
Journal:Applied Physics Letters
Abstract:We report on the rational synthesis of one-dimensional Cu2-xSe nanowires (NWs) via a solution method. Electrical analysis of Cu2-xSe NWs based memory device exhibits a stable and reproducible bipolar resistive switching behavior with a low set voltage (0.3-0.6 V), which can enable the device to write and erase data efficiently. Remarkably, the memory device has a record conductance switching ratio of 10(8), much higher than other devices ever reported. At last, a conducting filaments model is introduced to account for the resistive switching behavior. The totality of this study suggests that the Cu2-xSe NWs are promising building blocks for fabricating high-performance and low-consumption nonvolatile memory devices.
Co-author:Yi-Liang Wu, Wen-Jian Wang, Dun Mao, Yong-Qiang Yu, Li Wang, Jun Xu, Ji-Gang Hu, Lin-Bao Luo
First Author:Chun-Yan Wu
Correspondence Author:Chun-Yan Wu
Document Type:Article
ISSN No.:0003-6951
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2013-11-04