Tao Wang
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学
MORE+个人研究: 讲师/硕士生导师,现理论方面主要从事人工智能、模型预测控制、分布式模型预测控制、事件驱动控制、网络化控制等研究;应用方面主要研究电力系统的调频以及电网的优化调度。已在Automatica、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics等期刊发表论文8篇,在IEEE Conference on Decision and Control等控制会议发表论文2篇。担任IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems、International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control、Journal of Systems Science and Complexity等期刊的审稿人。
1. Tao Wang, Yu Kang*,Pengfei Li, Yun-Bo Zhao, and Hao Tang,“Rolling self-triggered distributed MPC for dynamically coupled nonlinear systems", Automatica, 2023,doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2023.111444.
2. Yu Kang,Tao Wang*, Pengfei Li, Zhenyi Xu, and Yun-Bo Zhao,“Compound event-triggered distributed MPC for coupled nonlinear systems", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022,doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3019179 .(导师一作)
3. Tao Wang, Yu Kang*, Pengfei Li, and Yun-Bo Zhao,“Robust model predictivecontrol for constrained networked nonlinear systems: an approximation-basedapproach", Neurocomputing, vol. 418, pp.56-65, 2020.
4. Tao Wang, Yu Kang*, Pengfei Li, Yun-Bo Zhao, and Peilong Yu,“Robust approximation-based event-triggered MPC for constrained sampled-data systems", Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 2109.2124,2021.
5. Tao Wang, Pengfei Li, Yu. Kang* and Yun-Bo Zhao, Self-triggered model predictive control for perturbed nonlinear systems: an iterative implementation", 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2021, pp. 281-1286.
6. 王涛,康宇*,李鹏飞,“基于自适应事件触发分布式模型预测控制的多智能体系统跟踪一致性”中国科学: 技术科学.2021.doi:10.1360/SST-2021-0379.
7. Pengfei Li, Tao Wang, Yu Kang*, Kun Li, and Yun-Bo Zhao, “Event-based model predictive control for nonlinear systems with dynamic disturbance", Automatica, 2022,145: 110533.
8. Pengfei Li, Tao Wang, Yu Kang* and Yun-Bo Zhao, “Event-triggered adaptive horizon model predictive control for perturbed nonlinear systems", 59th IEEEConference on Decision and Control, 2020, pp. 2392-2397
9. Pengfei Li, Yu Kang*, Tao Wang, and Yun-Bo Zhao,“Disturbance prediction based adaptive event-triggered model predictive control for perturbed nonlinear systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022.doi:10.1109/TAC.2022.3169905
10. Pengfei Li, Yu Kang, Yun-Bo Zhao*, and Tao Wang“Networked dual-mode adaptive horizon MPC for constrained nonlinear systems",IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 7435 -74492021.
1. 康宇,王涛,李鹏飞,赵云波,吕文君.一种自适应时域的事件触发模型预测控制方法[P].ZL202010479304.6,2020-09-25.
2. 康宇,王涛,刘文清,李鹏飞,曹洋,张玉钧.一种基于循环预测时域的车辆减排预测控制方法[P].ZL 2022 1 0801247.8,2022-07-08.
3. 康宇,李鹏飞,王涛,陈绍冯,吕文君.一种网络化双模自适应时域模型控制方法及系统[P].ZL 202010479297.X,2020-10-27.
1. 2021 第60届控制与决策会议(2021CDC, Austin, Texas, USA,线上会议)参会并作口头报告。
2. 2020 第59届控制与决策会议(2020CDC, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea,线上会议)参会。
[1] 2018.9 to 2023.6
| Control Science and Engineering
| Doctoral degree
| Postgraduate (Doctoral)
[2] 2014.9 to 2018.6
| 自动化
| Bachelor's degree
| University graduated
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