9. Lin Y., Wu K., Liu Y., et al. Dielectric spectroscopy of aluminium hydroxide particles filled silicone rubber and dielectric model analysis with modified numerical solutions. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2020, 53: 275303. (SCI检索,第一作者)
上一条: 8. Liu Y., Lin Y.*, Wang Y., et al. Simultaneously improving toughness and hydrophobic properties of cycloaliphatic epoxy resin through silicone prepolymer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2022, 139: e52478. (封面论文,SCI检索,第一通讯作者)
下一条: 10. Lin Y., Yin F., Liu Y., et al. Effect of ultraviolet‐A radiation on surface structure, thermal, and mechanical and electrical properties of liquid silicone rubber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2019, 136(24): 47652.(SCI检索,第一作者)