4. Lin Y., Liu Y., Wu K., et al. Crystal structure dependent tensile properties of silicone rubber: Influence of aluminium hydroxide. Polymer Testing. 2022, 113: 107679. (2区TOP期刊,SCI检索,第一作者)
上一条: 3. Lin Y., Zhang Y., Liu Y., et al. Temperature- and Degradation- Dependent Maximum Electric Field Stress in Wire-bonding Power Modules under PWM Waves. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2022, 10(6): 7653-7664.(1区TOP期刊,SCI检索,第一作者)
下一条: 5. Lin Y., Liu Y., Cao B., et al. Effect of multiphase content on temperature dependent electrical conductivity in silicone rubber composites. High Voltage. 2022, 8(2): 283-292.(1区TOP期刊,SCI检索,第一作者)