Personal Information
  • Professor
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Name (Simplified Chinese):Jun Liu
  • Name (English):Jun Liu
  • Name (Pinyin):Liu Jun
  • School/Department:Division of Geology, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology
  • Administrative Position:Professor and Head
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Business Address:合肥工业大学屯溪路校区纬地楼722
  • Gender:Male
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
  • Status:Employed
  • Alma Mater:The University of Hong Kong
  • Discipline:Paleontology and Stratigraphy
    Quaternary Geology
    Mineral Prospecting and Exploration
    Physical Geography
    Environmental Science
  • Honors and Titles:
  • 2018-01-01   中国科学院《2018科学发展报告》20项中国科研代表性成果
  • Other Contact Information
    • No content

    Jun Liu is the professor and head of the geology division of School of Resources and Environmental Engineering at Hefei University of Technology, China. His current research focuses on the Triassic marine reptiles, but also involves the biotic response of Cenozoic biotas (crocodilians and other large reptiles, radiolarians, grassland ecosystems etc.) to climate change. He studied at China University of Geoscience (Wuhan), Peking University, The University of Hong Kong, UC Davis, and The University of Sydney before he joined Hefei University of Technology in 2013. He was also a Humboldt visiting fellow at University of Bonn and University of Zürich from 2017-2020.

    Research Focus
    • No content
    Work Experience
    • 合肥工业大学 , 资源与环境工程学院 , 党委委员/系主任 2020-9-1 ∼ Now
    • 合肥工业大学 , 资源与环境工程学院 , 教授 2017-12-1 ∼ Now
    • 德国波恩大学 , 地球科学学院 , 洪堡访问学者 2017-7-1 ∼ 2020-3-31
    • 合肥工业大学 , 资源与环境工程学院 , 副研究员 2013-12-8 ∼ 2017-11-30
    • Atkins (Hong Kong) , 隧道工程部 , 工程师 2013-3-1 ∼ 2013-12-31
    • 中石化胜利油田 , 地质录井公司 , 助理工程师 2002-7-1 ∼ 2004-8-31
    Educational Experience
    • 澳大利亚悉尼大学 , Postgraduate (Postdoctoral) 2012-6-15 ∼ 2012-12-15
    • 香港大学 , Geology  , Doctoral Degree in Philosophy , Postgraduate (Doctoral) 2007-10-1 ∼ 2012-6-15
    • 美国加州大学(戴维斯) , 古生物学 , Graduate Students 2011-7-1 ∼ 2011-12-31
    • 北京大学 , 古生物与地层学  , Master's degree , Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 2004-9-1 ∼ 2007-6-30
    • 中国地质大学(武汉) , 地球化学  , Bachelor's degree , Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 1998-9-1 ∼ 2002-6-30
    Social Affiliations
    • 中国地质学会地层古生物专业委员会委员 2023-10-1 ∼ Now
    • 安徽省古生物与地质遗迹学会常务理事 2023-1-1 ∼ Now
    • China Geology青年副主编 2023-1-1 ∼ Now
    • China Geology青年编委 2022-10-1 ∼ 2022-12-31
    • Associate Editor, Swill Journal of Palaeontology 2022-5-1 ∼ Now
    • 国家古生物化石专家库专家 2022-1-1 ∼ Now
    • 中国地质学会青年工作委员会委员 2022-1-1 ∼ Now
    • 《中国煤炭地质》编委 2022-1-1 ∼ Now
    • 安徽省古生物化石专家委员会委员 2021-11-1 ∼ Now
    • 安徽省地质学会理事 2020-3-1 ∼ Now
    • 中国古生物化石保护基金会化石科普工作专业委员会委员 2019-9-1 ∼ Now

    Doctoral Degree in Philosophy

    Jun Liu
    Hefei University of Technology
    MOBILE Version