
Associate professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2017-07-01


Administrative Position:系副主任

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Discipline:Other specialties in Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Vehicle Operation Engineering


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(1) Guo, Ning; Ding, Jian-Xun; Ling, Xiang; Shi, Qin; Takashi, Imamura. The walking behavior of pedestrian crowd under impact of static and movable targets. European Physical Journal B, 2013, 86(7).

(2) Guo, Ning; Ding, Jian-Xun; Ling, Xiang; Shi, Qin; Kuehne, Reinhart. Dynamic properties of chasers in a moving queue based on a delayed chasing model. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(5).

(3) Guo, Ning; Chen, Jin-Yong; Hu, Mao-Bin; Jiang, Rui. An exclusion process with dynamic roadblocks. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(6), 060505 .

(4) Guo, Ning; Hao, Qing-Yi; Jiang, Rui; Hu, Mao-Bin; Jia, Bin. Uni- and bi-directional pedestrian flow in the view-limited condition: Experiments and modeling. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, 2016, 71: 63-85.

(5) Guo, Ning; Hu, Mao-Bin; Jiang, Rui. Impact of variable body size on pedestrian dynamics by heuristics-based model. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications, 2017, 465: 109-114.

(6) Guo, Ning; Jiang, Rui; Hu, Mao-Bin; Ding, Jian-Xun. Constant evacuation time gap: Experimental study and modeling. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(12).

(7) Guo, Ning; Hu, Mao-Bin; Jiang, Rui; Ding, Jian-Xun; Ling, Xiang. Modeling no-jam traffic in ant trails: a pheromone-controlled approach. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018, 053405.

(8) Guo, Ning; Liu, Hao-Xiang; Jiang, Rui; Jia, Bin; Hu, Mao-Bin. Improving heuristics-based model to reproduce lane formation. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2018, 29(8): 1850069.

(9) Huang, Yong-Xian; Guo, Ning; Jiang, Rui; Hu, Mao-Bin. Instability in car-following behavior: new Nagel–Schreckenberg type cellular automata model. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018, 083401.

(10) Guo, Ning; Jiang, Rui; Hao, Qing-Yi; Hu, Mao-Bin; Jia, Bin. Impact of holding umbrella on uni- and bidirectional pedestrian flow: experiments and modeling. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2019, 7:1, 897-914.

(11) Lang, Lei; Guo, Ning; Jiang, Rui; Zhu Kong-Jin. An improved inertia model to reproduce car-following instability. Physica A, 2019, 526, 121087.

(12) Ding, Jian-Xun; Qin, Rui-Ke; Guo, Ning; Long, Jian-Cheng. Urban road network growth model based on RNG proximity graph and angle restriction. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 96, 2281-2292.

(13) Ling, Xiang; Chen, Jun-Jie; Guo, Ning; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Long, Jian-Cheng; Shi, Qin; Jiang, Rui. Multiple states induced by dynamic speed allocation in dynamical networks. Physica A, 2019, 532, 121868.

(14) Guo, Ning; Ling, Xiang; Ding, Zhong-Jun; Long, Jian-Cheng; Zhu, Kong-Jin. An improved heuristic-based model to reproduce pedestrian dynamic on the single-file staircase. Physica A, 2019, 525, 122270.

(15) Ling, Xiang; Kong, Decong; Guo, Ning; Zhu, Kongjin; Long, Jiancheng. Traffic congestion in dynamical network with finite storage capacity. Physica A, 2020, 545, 123460.

(16) Ding, Zhongjun; Shen, Zhiwei; Guo, Ning; Zhu, Kongjin; Long, Jiancheng. Evacuation through area with obstacle that can be stepped over: experimental study. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2020, 023404

(17) Ling, Xiang; Wang, Xiao-Kun; Chen, Jun-Jie; Liu, Dong; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Guo, Ning. Major impact of queue-rule choice on the performance of dynamic networks with limited buffer size. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(1), 018901.

(18) Ling, Xiang; Chen, Jun-Jie; Zhang, Zong-Kun; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Guo, Ning. Multiple traffic states and Braess’ paradox in dynamical networks with limited buffer size. Europhysics letters, 2020, 129, 38001.

(19) Guo, Ning; Ding, Zhong-Jun; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Ding, Jian-Xun. Characteristics of pedestrian flow based on an improved least-effort model considering body rotation. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2020, 073401.

(20) Guo, Ning; Jiang, Rui; Wong, S.C.; Hao, Qing-Yi; Xue, Shu-Qi; Xiao, Yao; Wu, Chao-Yun. Modeling the interactions of pedestrians and cyclists in mixed flow conditions in uni- and bidirectional flows on a shared pedestrian-cycle road. Transportation Research Part B- Methodological, 2020, 139: 259-284.

(21) Chen, Jun-Jie; Ling, Xiang; Guo, Ning. Explosive synchronization induced by traffic processes in complex networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2020, 083404.

(22) Ling, Xiang; Ju, Wen-Bin; Guo, Ning; Wu, Chao-Yun; Xu, Xiao-Ming. Explosive synchronization in network of mobile oscillators. Physics Letters A, 2020, 384, 126881.

(23) Guo, Ning; Jiang, Rui; Wong, SC; Hao, Qing-Yi; Xue, Shu-Qi; Hu, Mao-Bin. Bicycle flow dynamics on wide roads: Experiments and simulation. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, 2021, 125, 103012.

(24) Guo, Ning; Ding, Jian-Xun; Ding, Zhong-Jun; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Wu, Chao-Yun. Crawling evacuation from a room: experiment and modeling. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2021, 033415.

(25) Ling, Xiang; Ju Wen-Bin; Guo, Ning; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Wu, Chao-Yun; Hao, Qing-Yi. Effects of topological characteristics on rhythmic states of the D-dimensional Kuramoto model in complex networks. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2022, 32, 013118.

(26) Ling, Xiang; Ju Wen-Bin; Guo, Ning; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Chen, Jia-Jia; Wu, Chao-Yun; Hao, Qing-Yi. Synchronization in multilayer networks through different coupling mechanisms. Chinese Physics B, 2022, 048901.

(27) Guo, Ning; Ding, Jian-Xun; Liu, Yue-Mei; Ding, Zhong-Jun; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Chen, Jia-Jia; Wu, Chao-Yun. The movement characteristics of pedestrians on a single-file track at the uphill and downhill conditions. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2022, 063403.

(28) Zhu, Kongjin; Zhou, Zongcai; Chen Feifei; Guo, Ning; Ling Xiang. Assessing evacuation performance of pedestrians within narrow seated spaces. Safety Science, 2023, 106046.

(29) Guo, Ning; Jiang, Fei-Hong; Zhu, Kong-Jin; Wu, Chao-Yun; Hao, Qing-Yi. The solid line prohibiting lane changing to improve traffic efficiency in the on-ramp merging area. Transportmetrica B, 2023, 11: 1218-1233.

(30) Zhu, Kongjin; Wang, Xiaoyan; Guo, Ning; Mei, Peng. Assessing the performance of pedestrian stoop evacuation under height constraints with different motivations. Fire Safety Journal, 2024, 146: 104131.

(31) Chen, Jiajia; Jiang, Shaodong; Zhou, Zheng; Zhang, Mengyu; Ming, Xiaoke; Guo, Ning. Lateral semi-trailer truck control using a parameter self-learning MPC method in urban environment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2024, 238: 964-976.

(32) Guo, Ning; Wong, Wai; Jiang, Rui; Wong, S.C.; Hao, Qing-Yi; Wu, Chao-Yun. Bicycle flow dynamics of cyclist loading and unloading processes at bottlenecks. Transportation Science, 2024, 58: 340-354.

(33) Zhu, Kongjin; Zhu, Jun; Cai, Shao-Bo; Ling, Xiang; Wu, Chao-Yun; Hao, Qing-Yi; Guo, Ning. Optimal time interval of information update using by exit-choice system to improve pedestrian evacuation effciency. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2024, 11: 2450138.

(34) Guo, Ning; Jiang, Changmin; Guo, Liquan; Ling, Xiang; Wu, Chao-Yun; Hao, Qing-Yi. Wireless charging facility location decision in the context of microscopic traffic dynamics. Transport Policy, 2025, 160: 107-115.


(1) 郭宁; 刘润雨; 丁建勋; 等 ; 一种三层道路和立体交叉口耦合的双层高架桥, 2020-1-19, 中国, CN202010060144.1
(2) 郭宁; 李伟康; 丁建勋; 等 ; 一种列车分段式售票方法, 2017-10-23, 中国, CN201710994362.0

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