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Yongjia Song , Hengshan Hu, Jun Wang, Yongxin Gao,(2021), Scattering problems for a rectangular crack in a saturated porous material: application of the Chebyshev's functions, Waves in Random and Complex Media, doi:10.1080/17455030.2021.1895453.[J,2021
Yongxin Gao*,Peng Jiang, Yixian Xu, Li Jiang, Chieh-Hung Cheng, Guoze Zhao, Ji Tang, Xiaobin Chen, Bin Han, Jiajun Chong, Cheng Yao,On magnetic disturbances induced by rotation of coil-type magnetometer driven by seismic waves:Geophysical Journal International,2021,226(3):1948-1974, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab190.