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Paper Publications
[11]Yongxin Gao*, Guoze Zhao*, Jiajun Chong, Simon L. Klemperer, Bing Han, Feng Jiang, Jian Wen, Xiaobin Chen, Yan Zhan, Ji Tang, Qibin Xiao, Lifeng Wang (2020), Coseismic electric and magnetic signals observed during 2017 Jiuzhaigou Mw 6.5 earthquake and explained by electrokinetics and magnetometer rotation, Geophysical Journal International, 223(2):1130–1143.[J,2020
[12]Chieh-Hung Chen*, Li-Ching Lin, Ta-Kang Yeh, Strong Wen, Huaizhong Yu, Chen Yu,Yongxin Gao, Peng Han, Yang-Yi Sun, Jann-Yenq Liu, Cheng-Horng Lin, Chi-Chia Tang, Che-Min Lin, Hung-Hao Hsieh and Pin-Ji Lu, Determination of Epicenters before Earthquakes Utilizing Far Seismic and GNSS Data: Insights from Ground Vibrations,Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3252; doi:10.3390/rs12193252.[J,2020
[13]Chieh-Hung Chen, Yang-Yi Sun, Strong Wen, Peng Han, Li-Ching Lin, Huaizhong Yu, Xuemin Zhang, Yongxin Gao, Chi-Chia Tang, Cheng-Horng Lin, and Jann-Yenq Liu, (2020), Spatiotemporal changes of seismicity rate during earthquakes, 2 20(12), 3333-3341, doi:10.5194/nhess-20-3333-2020,2020
[14]Dongdong Wang, Yongxin Gao*, Cheng Yao, Baozhen Wang, Mengqiang Wang (2020), Seismoelectric and electroseismic responses to a point source in a marine stratified model, Geophysical Prospecting,68(6): 1958-1979,,2020
[15]Jun Wang, Zhenya Zhu, Yongxin Gao*, Dale Morgan, Hengshan Hu (2020), Measurements of the seismoelectric responses in a synthetic porous rock, Geophysical Journal International, 222(1), 436-448,2020
[16]高玉涛,高永新*,何晓,王军,姚程(2020)含起伏地形地层中点源激发的震电响应研究,地球物理学报,63(5), 2069-2083,2020
[17]Yongxin Gao*, Dongdong Wang, Jian Wen, Hengshan Hu, Xiaofei Chen, and Cheng Yao (2019a), Electromagnetic responses to an earthquake source due to the motional induction effect in a 2D layered model, Geophysical Journal International, 219, 563-593. doi:10.1093/gji/ggz303.[J,2019
[18]Yongxin Gao*, Dongdong Wang, Cheng Yao, Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Jian Wen, Wei Zhang, Ping Tong, Qingjie Yang (2019b). Simulation of seismoelectric waves using finite-difference frequency-domain method: 2D SHTE mode, Geophysical Journal International, 216, 414-438.[J,2019
[19]Yongxin Gao*, Feng Huang, Hengshan Hu (2017b). Comparison of full and quasi-static seismoelectric analytically-based modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research:solid earth, 122, 8066–8106, doi:10.1002/2017JB014251.[J,2017
[20]Yongxin Gao*, Mengqiang Wang, Hengshan Hu, Xiaofei Chen ( 2017a). Seismoelectric responses to an explosive source in a fluid above a fluid-saturated porous medium, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, 7190–7218, doi:10.1002/2016JB013703.[J,2017
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