Personal Information
  • Lecturer
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Name (Simplified Chinese):付丽华
  • Name (Pinyin):fulihua
  • School/Department:会计系
  • Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Gender:Female
  • Degree:Doctoral degree
  • Status:Employed
  • Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学
Other Contact Information
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主要研究领域包括:公司创业投资(Corporate Venture Capital)、创新二元性(Innovation Ambidexterity)、数字创新(Digital Innovation)和开放式创新(Open Innovation)等。

先后主持或参加国家自然科学基金委青年项目、国家自然科学基金委面上项目等,在IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management等国际期刊发表多篇学术论文。受邀担任多个国际期刊及国际会议匿名审稿人。


       [1] Lihua Fu, Yidan Hu, Chen Lu, CEO Overconfidence and open innovation in Chinese biopharmaceutical industry: does top management team social capital matter?, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2023, 1-14.

       [2] Ruijie Li, Lihua Fu*, Zhiying Liu, The Paradoxical Effect of Digital Transformation on Innovation Performance: Does Risk-Taking Matter?, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024, 71: 3308-3324.

       [3] Lihua Fu, Ke Qin, Ruijie Li, Yaokuang Li, Distributed leadership, open innovation, and organisational ambidexterity: the moderating roles of connectedness and environmental dynamism, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2022, 1-17.

[4] Lihua Fu, Suqin Liao*, Zhiying Liu, Feng Lu, An investigation of resource allocation mechanism for exploration and exploitation under limited resource[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2021, 68(6): 1802-1812. 

[5] Suqin Liao, Lihua Fu*, Zhiying Liu, Investigating open innovation strategies and firm performance: the moderating role of technological capability and market information management capability[J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2020, 35(1): 23-39. 

[6] Ruijie Li, Lihua Fu*, Zhiying Liu, Does openness to innovation matter? The moderating role of open innovation between organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance[J]. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 2020, 28(2): 251-271. 

[7] Lihua Fu, Zhiying Liu*, Zhangqing Zhou, Can Open Innovation Improve Enterprise Performance? An Investigation of Financial Information in the Biopharmaceutical Industry [J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2019, 31(7): 776-790. 

[8] Lihua Fu, Zhiying Liu*, Suqin Liao, Is distributed leadership a driving factor of innovation ambidexterity? An empirical study with mediating and moderating effects[J]. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2018, 39(3): 388-405. 

[9] Lihua Fu, Zhiying Liu*, Distributed leadership in organizations: an investigation of antecedent conditions[J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2018, 12(4): 682-700. 

[10] 刘志迎,付丽华*,马朝良,冷宗阳,基于 Meta 分析的创新二元性与企业绩效关系研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2017, 38(6):171-180. 

       [11] 刘志迎,付丽华,中小企业创新战略选择:先前经验与环境感知——基于双案例的探索性研究[J]. 管理案例研究与评论, 2016, 9(2):150-161.


Research Focus
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Work Experience
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Educational Experience
  • 中国科学技术大学  , Doctoral Degree in Management 2014-9-3 ∼ 2019-11-30
  • 华盛顿大学  , 联合培养 2018-9-5 ∼ 2019-9-9
  • 华南理工大学  , Bachelor's Degree in Economics 2010-9-3 ∼ 2014-7-1
Social Affiliations
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Doctoral degree

Hefei University of Technology
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