朱宋宋,杜平, 胡俊,A Metasurface Design for Generating Wideband CP and LP OAM Vortex Waves:Journal of Microwaves
Tao Guo, and Ping Du*,Scattering analysis of finite periodic array in the vicinity of arbitrary object using hybrid macro basis function method.[J].美国:IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(中科院2区Top期刊),2023,22(3):626-630.
He-Qing Zhang, Ping Du*, and Song-Song Zhu,Characteristic modes analysis of aperiodic arrays using entire domain basis function method with adaptive cross approximation algorithm.[J].美国:IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(中科院2区Top期刊),2023,22(2):258-262.
Ping Du, Wei Xiang, and Song-Song Zhu,A comparison of MB-CBFM and modified ASED basis function method to analyze interconnected finite periodic arrays.[J].美国:IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(中科院2区Top期刊),2022,21(9):1822-1826.
Sheng Zhang, and Ping Du*,An extended aggregate basis function method for composite structure with periodic array.[J:Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,2021,63(10):2576-2580.
Ping Du, Gang Zheng, Wei-Bing Lu, and Wei Xiang,Wideband solution of electrically connected finite periodic arrays using modified accurate subentire-domain basis function method and improved frequency-independent reaction.[J].美国:IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(中科院2区Top期刊),2021,20(9):1775-1778.