[1] Feibiao Dong, Ye Jiang, Jian Liu and Lu Jia. Experimental study on the performance of DOA estimation algorithm using a coprime acoustic sensor array without a priori knowledge of the source number[J], Applied Acoustics, 2022, 186:108502
[2] Feibiao Dong, Yanqiao Jiang, Yingchun Yan, Qin Yang, Limei Xu, and Xiaomei Xie. Direction of arrival tracking using co-prime microphone array: A particle filter perspective[J], Applied Acoustics, 2020, 170:107499
[3] Feibiao Dong, Limei Xu and Xuesheng Li, Particle filter algorithm for DOA tracking using co-prime Array[J], IEEE Communications Letters, 2020, 24(11):2493-2497
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[5] Feibiao Dong, Limei Xu, Xuesheng Li, Min Chen, Xiaomei Xie, Wide-band patch antenna array with low cross-polarization characteristics[J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2017, 71:23-28
[6] Feibiao Dong, Wenbin Lin, Xiaohong Guo and Guoguang Wang, A wide bandwidth folded V-shaped patch antenna with stable high gain and low cross-polarization characteristics[J], Progress In Electromagnetics Reasearch C, 2016, 62:51-59
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[9] Feibiao Dong, Limei Xu, Tianhong Zhang, A Compact Wide-band hybrid dielectric resonator antenna with enhanced gain and low cross-polarization[C], Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Aerospace for Young Scientists, Beijing, 2016
[10] 董飞彪, 徐利梅, 李学生, 李沅箐, 王世豪, 运动目标波达方向跟踪粒子滤波算法[C]. 2018全国声学大会, 北京, 2018.12
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[12] Lu Jia, Tiantian Zhang, Jing Fang, Feibiao Dong. Multiple kernel graph cut for SAR image change detection[J]. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(4):725
[1] 一种垂直极化介质谐振器天线,董飞彪,李松,陈萄,雷杰,郭晓宏,王国光,专利号:ZL2015103763540
[2] 一种小型高隔离度双极化介质谐振器天线,董飞彪,李松,陈萄,雷杰,郭晓宏,王国光,专利号:ZL2015104932828
[3] 一种小型高增益微带天线,董飞彪,李松,陈萄,雷杰,郭晓宏,王国光,专利号:ZL2015104919950
[4] 一种高增益宽带耦合缝翼型微带天线,董飞彪,李松,陈萄,雷杰,郭晓宏,王国光,专利号:ZL2015204632246
[5] 一种多声传感器阵列智能感知方法及系统,李学生,董飞彪,阎迎春,江彦桥,陈敏,徐利梅,申请号:202010497144.8
[6] 一种动态自组网移动云计算系统及方法,李学生,阎迎春,江彦桥,赖俊宇,董飞彪,陈敏,徐利梅,申请号:2020104756329
[1] 2016.9-2020.7
电子科技大学 | 导航、制导与控制 | 博士学位 | 研究生(博士)毕业
[2] 2013.9-2016.7
西南交通大学 | 电磁场与微波技术 | 硕士学位 | 研究生(硕士)毕业
[3] 2009.9-2013.7
济南大学 | 光学 | 学士学位 | 本科(学士)
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