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教师拼音名称:Anxin Ding
- Anxin Ding , Ziti Jiao , Xiaoning Zhang , Yadong Dong, Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, Jing Guo, and Hailan Jiang. A Practical Approach to Improve the MODIS MCD43A Products in Snow-Covered Areas, Journal of Remote Sensing [J], 2023, 0057. (中科院一区,IF=8.8)
- Anxin Ding, Han Ma, Shunlin Liang, Tao He. Extension of the Hapke model to the spectral domain to characterize soil physical properties [J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2022, 269, 112843. (中科院一区top, IF=13.85)
- Anxin Ding, Shunlin Liang, Ziti Jiao, Han Ma, Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, Jouni Peltoniemi. Improving the asymptotic radiative transfer model to better characterize the pure snow hyperspectral bidirectional reflectance [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 1-16. (中科院一区, IF=8.125)
- Ziti Jiao, Anxin Ding, Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, Crystal B. Schaaf, François-Marie Bréon, Yadong Dong, Zhuosen Wang, Yan Liu, Xiaoning Zhang, Siyang Yin, Lei Cui, Linlu Mei, Yaxuan Chang. Development of a snow kernel to better model the anisotropic reflectance of pure snow in a kernel-driven BRDF model framework [J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 221, 198-209. (中科院一区top, IF=13.85)
- Anxin Ding, Ziti Jiao, Yadong Dong, Xiaoning Zhang, Jouni Peltoniemi, Linlu Mei, Jing Guo, Siyang Yin, Lei Cui, Yaxuan Chang, Rui Xie. Evaluation of the snow albedo retrieved from the snow kernel improved the Ross-Roujean BRDF model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11 (13), 1611-1611. (中科院二区top, IF=5.35)
- Anxin Ding, Ziti Jiao, Yadong Dong, Ying Qu, Xiaoning Zhang, Chuan Xiong, Dandan He, Siyang Yin, Lei Cui, Yaxuan Chang. An assessment of the performance of two snow kernels in characterizing snow scattering properties [J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 40 (16), 6315-6335. (中科院三区, IF=3.53)
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