Language : English

Research Focus




[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于时空相关学习的视频SAR卫星精细舰船检测方法研究”,62471171,2025.01-2028.12;

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于星载SAR与AIS时空关联特性的大范围海域舰船检测技术研究”,62071164,2021.01-2024.12;

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于空间相关特性的大幅宽SAR图像舰船检测技术研究”,61701157,2018.01-2020.12;

[4] 国家863计划项目,“****视频SAR探测技术”,2015.07-2017.06;

[5] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,“复杂环境下基于时空相关树模型的高分宽幅星载SAR图像舰船检测技术研究”,2020T130164,2020.08-2022.07;

[6] 安徽省自然科学基金,“基于边缘特征精细感知的大幅宽SAR图像舰船检测技术研究”,1808085QF206,2018.08-2020.07(结题优秀);

[7] 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目,“基于级联学习的大幅宽SAR图像舰船检测技术研究”,2018M640581,2018.08-2020.07;

[8] 合肥市自然科学基金,“基于深度学习的高分多源遥感图像巢湖蓝藻精细动态检测技术研究”,2022001,2022.07-2024.06;

[9] 信息材料与智能感知安徽省实验室2021年开放课题重点项目,“小样本条件基于多层级深度学习网络的遥感图像地表动态变化检测”, IMIS202102, 2022.01-2023.12(结题优秀)

[10] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项,“基于人工智能与多模态数据融合的灾害动态检测”,2023.07-2025.06;

[11] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项,“多目标环境下基于多层级深度学习网络的大幅宽SAR图像舰船检测方法研究”,2019.08-2021.07;

[12] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项,“高分多星遥感图像解译深度学习系统”,2017.08-2019.07;

[13] 国家地方联合工程研究中心2018年开放课题,基于深度学习的光学遥感图像芨芨草监测技术研究,2019.01-2020.12;

[14] 中国电子科技集团公司电子支撑预研项目,“ ****测量雷达技术研究”,2015.11-2017.12。


[1] 小样本下SAR图像舰船检测深度学习模型开发,2019-2021;

[2] 遥感图像道路与道路变化检测模型开发,2021-2022;

[3] 视频SAR地面动目标检测与跟踪系统,2023-2025。


[1] 艾加秋,王港,范高伟,基于时空三边滤波器的视频噪声抑制方法,2024-4-12,中国发明专利,ZL202210378103.6(已授权); 

[2] 艾加秋,黄默,王非凡,范高伟,裴志林,基于多指标卷积自编码器的PolSAR地物精细分类方法,2024-2-13,中国发明专利,ZL202111319995.4(已授权);

[3] 艾加秋,裴志林,王非凡,一种AIS数据辅助的SAR图像瑞利CFAR检测方法,2022-11-8,中国发明专利,ZL202110366768.0(已授权);

[4] 艾加秋,毛宇翔,裴志林,江凯,黄光红,基于双边截断统计特性的SAR图像CFAR检测方法,2022-3-15,中国发明专利ZL202110041406.4(已授权);

[5] 艾加,田瑞田,杨航,曹振翔,基于多层级特征深度融合的SAR图像舰船鉴别方法,2022-2-18,中国发明专利,ZL201910674382.9(已授权);

[6] 艾加秋,杨学志,基于截断统计特征的SAR图像双边滤波方法,2021-8-10,中国发明专利,ZL201810541504.2(已授权);

[7] 艾加秋,岳佳乐,王伟,视频水流速估计系统V1.0,软件著作权,2024SR2053766(已登记);

[8] 艾加秋,李孟飞,王港,高分遥感巢湖蓝藻图像精细提取与变化监测系统V1.0,软件著作权,2023SR1024642(已登记);

[9] 艾加秋屈铮,基于中心坐标注意力模块卷积神经网络的SAR图像目标分类系统V1.0,软件著作权,2022SR1472123(已登记);

[10] 艾加秋王非凡,基于纹理特征融合深度卷积自编码网络的SAR图像地物分类系统V1.0,软件著作权,2021SR1390465(已登记);

[11] 艾加秋,曹振翔,复杂环境下雷达目标恒虚警率检测系统V1.0,软件著作权,2021SR0651339(已登记);

[12] 艾加秋,毛宇翔,基于多层级深度卷积神经网络的SAR图像舰船检测系统V1.0,软件著作权,2020SR1222346(已登记)。


[1] Jiaqiu Ai*, Weibao Xue, Yanan Zhu, Congan Xu, Hao Yan*, AIS-PVT: long-time AIS data assisted pyramid vision transformer for sea-land segmentation in dual-polarization SAR imagery,  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62, 5220712.

[2] Jiaqiu Ai*, Yuxiang Mao, Qiwu Luo, Lu Jia, Mengdao Xing, SAR target classification using the multi-kernel-size feature fusion based convolutional neural network,  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 5214313.

[3] Jiaqiu Ai*, feifan Wang, Yuxiang Mao, Qiwu Luo, Mengdao Xing, A fine PolSAR terrain classification algorithm using the texture feature fusion based improved convolutional autoencoder, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 5218714.

[4] Jiaqiu Ai*, Zhilin Pei, Baidong Yao, Zhaocheng Wang, Mengdao Xing, AIS data aided rayleigh CFAR ship detection algorithm of complex environment in SAR imagery, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022, 58(2): 1266-1282.

[5] Jiaqiu Ai*, Yuxiang Mao, Qiwu Luo, Mengdao Xing, Kai Jiang, Lu Jia, Robust CFAR ship detector based on bilateral-trimmed-statistics of complex ocean scenes in SAR imagery: a closed-form solution, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(3): 1872-1890.

[6] Jiaqiu Ai*, Qiwu Luo*, Xuezhi Yang, Zhiping Yin, Hao Xu, Outliers-robust CFAR detector of gaussian cutter based on the truncated-maximum-likelihood-estimator in SAR imagery, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 21(5): 2039-2049. 

[7] Jiaqiu Ai*, Ruitian Tian, Qiwu Luo, Jing Jin, Bo Tang. Multi-scale rotation-invariant haar-like feature integrated CNN-based ship detection algorithm of multiple-target environment in SAR imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(12): 10070-10087.

[8] Yanan Zhu, Jiaqiu Ai*, Weibao Xue, Zhicheng Zhao, Zhaocheng Wang, Cross-modal ship detection from optical to SAR images based on pixel- and feature-level progressive transfer, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2025, early access, 1-13. 

[9] Jiaqiu Ai*, Zheng Qu, Zhicheng Zhao, Yong Zhang, Jun Shi, Hao Yan*, A SAR target classification algorithm based on the central coordinate attention module, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(2): 1941-1952. 

[10] Jiaqiu Ai*, Xuezhi Yang, Jitao Song, Zhangyu Dong, Lu Jia. An adaptively-truncated clutter-statistics-based two parameter CFAR detector in SAR imagery, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2018, 43(1): 267-279. 

[11] Jiaqiu Ai*, Shaofan Hou, Mingyang Wu, Bin Chen, Hao Yan*, MPGSE- D-LinkNet: multiple-parameters-guided squeeze-and-excitation integrated D-LinkNet for road extraction in remote sensing imagery, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023, 20, 5508205.

[12] Jiaqiu Ai*, Gang Wang, Feifan Wang, Yanlan Wu, Enbin Hou*, A trilateral filter for video-SAR speckle noise reduction, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, 19, 4508505.

[13] Jiaqiu Ai*, Gaowei Fan, Yuxiang Mao, Jing Jin, Mengdao Xing, He Yan, An improved SRGAN based ambiguity suppression algorithm for SAR ship target contrast enhancement, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, 19, 4018705. 

[14] 艾加秋, 曹振翔 , 毛宇翔,王非凡. 一种复杂环境下改进的SAR图像双边CFAR检测算法, 雷达学报, 2021, 10(4): 499-515(雷达学报21年高被引论文).

[15] Jiaqiu Ai*, Xiangyang Qi, Weidong Yu, Yunkai Deng, Fan Liu, Li Shi, Yafei Jia. A novel ship wake CFAR detection algorithm based on SCR enhancement and normalized hough transform, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2011, 8(4): 681-685.

[16] Jiaqiu Ai*, Xiangyang Qi, Weidong Yu, Fan Liu, Li Shi. A new ship CFAR detection algorithm based on 2D joint log-normal distribution in SAR images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2010, 7(4): 806-810.