欢迎有仪器、光电、计算机等背景的同学加入课题组,可通过邮箱地址 rcheng [at] hfut.edu.cn 与我联系。若背景合适,尽量在一天之内回复。
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- 是德科技的光谱测试系统(8163B主机+81960A激光器+N7745A功率计)
- 横河光纤光谱仪
- 安捷伦采样示波器(86100C主机+50G双电采样模块)
- 4通道误码仪(最高至29 Gbps NRZ码型)
- 高精度可编程电压源*2台
- 双路 AMD 7542 68核高性能工作站 *3台
研究成果(详细论文见 ResearchGate 或 谷歌学术 个人主页)
1. R. Sun, J. Feng, W. Wang, and R. Cheng*, “Narrowband, single-channel, wavelength-tunable, SOI reflector based on a bent grating-coupled microring with an inline nanobeam,” J. Lightwave Technol. 43(6), 2690-2698 (2025).
2. W. Wang, Y. Zheng, J. Feng. and R. Cheng*, “Slot waveguide-based, polarization-insensitive, thermo-optic phase shifters,” Opt. Lett. 50(5) 1669-1672 (2025).
3. R. Cheng*, Y. Zheng, J. Feng, and L. Wang. “Spectral tailoring of silicon grating-assisted contra-directional couplers," Opt. Lett. 49(24) 7210-7213 (2024).
4. R. Sun, Q. Wang, W. Wang, and R. Cheng*, “Broadband, flat-top, silicon photonic contra-directional couplers assisted by asymmetric multimode photonic crystals,” IEEE Photonics J. 15(6), 1-9 (2023).
5. Q. Wang, W. Wang, R. Sun, P. Yu, H. Qiu, and R. Cheng*, “Inverse design of asymmetric Y-junctions for ultra-compact, broadband and low crosstalk mode (de)multiplexers,” Opt. Express 31(22), 37284-37301 (2023).
6. W. Wang, Q. Wang, R. Sun, Y. Han, and R. Cheng*, “Mode thermo-optic coefficient engineering of sub-wavelength gratings and its application for a mode-insensitive switch,” Opt. Express 31(22), 35864-35879 (2023).
7. R. Sun, W. Wang, Q. Wang, Y. Liang, A. Li, and R. Cheng*, “Forward-dropping contradirectional coupler-based add-drop filter with antisymmetric photonic crystal,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 35(20), 1127-1130 (2023).
8. R. Cheng*, W. Wang, R. Sun, A. Li, and Y. Liang. “Broadband, compact and reflection-less silicon polarizer and polarization beam splitter using chirped anti-symmetric multimode nanobeams.” Opt. Express 31(12), 19347-19361 (2023).
9. R. Cheng* and J. Li, “Inverse design of multimode silicon waveguide bends by topology optimization,” J. Nanophotonics 16(2), 026002 (2022).
10. R. Cheng* and L. Chrostowski, “Spectral Design of Silicon Integrated Bragg Gratings: A Tutorial,” J. Lightwave Technol. 39(3), 712-729 (2021).
11. R. Cheng*, N. Jaeger, and L. Chrostowski, “Fully-controllable integrated-optic resonators based on chirped waveguide Moiré gratings,” Optica 7(6), 647-657 (2020).
12. R. Cheng* and L. Chrostowski, “Apodization of Silicon Integrated Bragg Gratings through Periodic Phase Modulation,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 26(2), 1-15 (2020).
13. R. Cheng*, H. Yun, S. Lin, Y. Han, and L. Chrostowski, “Apodization profile amplification of silicon integrated Bragg gratings through lateral phase delays,” Opt. Lett. 44(2), 435-438 (2019).
14. R. Cheng, Y. Han, and L. Chrostowski, “Characterization and compensation of apodization phase noise in silicon integrated Bragg gratings,” Opt. Express 27(7), 9516-9535 (2019).
15. R. Cheng* and L. Chrostowski, “Multichannel photonic Hilbert transformers based on complex modulated integrated Bragg gratings,” Opt. Lett. 43(5), 1031-1034 (2018).
16. R. Cheng and L. Xia*. “Interrogation of weak Bragg grating sensors based on dual-wavelength differential detection,” Opt. Lett. 41(22), 5254-5257 (2016).
17. R. Cheng, L. Xia*, C. Sima, et al., “Ultra-short FBG based distributed sensing using shifted optical Gaussian filters and microwave-network analysis,” Opt. Express 24(3), 2466-2484 (2016).
18. R. Cheng, L. Xia*, Y. Ran, J. Rohollahnejad, J. Zhou, and Y. Wen, “Interrogation of ultrashort Bragg grating sensors using shifted optical Gaussian filters,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 27(17), 1833-1836 (2015).
19. R. Cheng, L. Xia*, J. Yan, et al. “Radio frequency FBG-based interferometer for remote adaptive strain monitoring,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 27(15), 1577–1580 (2015).
20. R. Cheng, L. Xia*, J. Zhou, and D. Liu. “Wavelength interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors based on crossed optical Gaussian filters,” Opt. Lett. 40(8), 1760-1763 (2015).
[1] 2009.8-2013.6
沈阳理工大学 | 光信息科学与技术 | 理学学士学位 | 本科(学士)
[2] 2013.8-2016.6
华中科技大学 | 光电信息工程 | 硕士学位 | 研究生
[3] 2016.8-2020.5
英属哥伦比亚大学 | 硅基光电子学 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业
[1] 2020.9-至今