DOI number:10.1007/s10489-023-05119-w
Journal:Applied Intelligence(中科院二区)
Key Words:Distributed preference relation · Group decision making · Asymmetric and non-uniform grade set · Consistency · Evidential reasoning
Abstract:Group decision making (GDM) is common in real world. Distributed preference relation (DPR) is suitable for capturing the original preference information of decision makers (DMs) in uncertain decision-making environment. The consistency of preference relations is very important to ensure the rationality of decision results. Existing research on the consistency of DPRs assumes that evaluation grades are symmetric on the scale. However, some situations such as risk assessment and investment decisions need to be evaluated with asymmetric and non-uniform evaluation grades. DMs with diferent cognitive abilities and backgrounds may tend to use multi-granular grade sets, diferences in their risk attitudes will lead to diferent meanings of grades. In this paper, a GDM method with multigranular asymmetric evaluation information is developed. First, a general grade score function is proposed to represent both symmetric and asymmetric grade sets selected by DMs. Due to the limited rationality, it is difcult to ensure that DMs’ subjective preferences are perfectly consistent. Therefore, we establish the consistency of DPRs on a set of asymmetric grades. Considering the willingness of DMs and adjustment magnitude, interactive local adjustment and global adjustment algorithms are presented to achieve acceptable consistency for inconsistent DPR matrices. The diferent grade sets are unifed through conversion between grades, which enables DPRs to be aggregated by evidential reasoning (ER) approach. An example of a decision problem involving investment risk is provided, and the results of comparative analysis demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
Co-author:Xin‑Hong Li,Ba‑Yi Cheng,Jian Wu,Enrique Herrera‑Viedma
First Author:Mi Zhou
Indexed by:Journal paper
Discipline:Management Science
Document Type:J
Page Number:1144–1178
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2024-01-01
Included Journals:SCI