Language : English
Ye Zhao
  • Personal Information

    Associate professor
    Supervisor of Master's Candidates
    Date of Birth:1975-03-24
    Date of Employment:2005-06-01
    Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
    Business Address:翡翠湖校区综合科教楼A904
    Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
    Alma Mater:合肥工业大学
  • Profile

    赵烨,女,2005年至今合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院副教授,硕导。2016年8月至2017年8月受国家留学基金委资助,公派赴美国中佛罗里达大学访问学者。研究方向为多媒体计算,图像视频内容理解,模式识别。多年来一直从事多媒体内容理解方面的研究,在该研究方向取得了一定的成果,发表在多媒体领域 SCI/EI 索引论文 20 余篇,已实审和授权的发明专利多项。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目一项,参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。


    (1) Ye Zhao  ; Tingting Xu; Xueling Liu; Dan Guo; Zhenzhen Hu; Hengchang Liu; Yicong Li ; Visual feature synthesis with semantic reconstructor for traditional and generalized zero-shot object classification, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2022, 2022(1): 1-18 SCI

    (2) Ye Zhao; Yanrong Guo; Rui Sun; Zhengqiong Liu; Dan Guo ; Unsupervised video summarization via clustering validity index, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 79(45-46): 33417-33430 SCI

    (3) Zhao, Ye ; Hu, Xiaobin; Liu, Xueliang; Fan, Chunxiao ; Learning unsupervised video summari zation with semantic-consistent network, 1st International Conference on Neural Computing for Adv anced Applications, NCAA 2020, Shen Zhen, 2020-7-3至2020-7-5 (EI )

    (4) Tingting Xu; Ye Zhao; Xueliang Liu ; Dual Generative Network with Discriminative Informat ion for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning, Complex., 2021, 7: 1-11 SCI

    (5) Tao Chen; Ye Zhao; Yanrong Guo ; Sparsity-regularized feature selection for multi-class r emote sensing image classification, Neural Computing and Applications, 2019, 32(7): 6513-6521SCI

    (6) Sishang Li, Xueliang Liu, Ye Zhao, Meng Wang. Person re-identification based on multi-scale constraint network. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 138: 403-409. 2020.(SCI)

    (7) Jianwen Wu, Ye Zhao, Xueliang Liu. "Enhancing Person Retrieval with Joint Person Detection, Attribute Learning, and Identification." In 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), pp. 113-124. 2018. (EI)

    (8) Yuanen Zhou, Zhenzhen Hu, Ye Zhao, Xueliang Liu and Richang Hong. Enhanced Text-Guided Attention Model for Image Captioning. 2018 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 2018, pp. 1-5. (EI)

    (9) Xiankun Pei, Dan Guo, Ye Zhao. Continuous sign language recognition based on pseudo-supervised learning. In 2nd Workshop on Multimedia for Accessible Human Computer Interfaces, MAHCI 2019, in conjunction with ACM Multimedia. pp. 33-39. 2019. (EI).

    (10) Zhaokun Li, Xueliang Liu, Ye Zhao, Bo Liu, Zhen Huang, Richang Hong. A lightweight multi-scale aggregated model for detecting aerial images captured by UAVs. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2021.(SCI)

    (11) Rui Sun, Weiming Lu, Ye Zhao, Jun Zhang, Caihong Kai. A Novel Method for Person Re-Identification: Conditional Translated Network Based on GANs. IEEE Access 8: 3677-3686. 2020.(SCI)

    (12) Yuling Gui, Dan Guo, Ye Zhao. Semantic Enhanced Encoder-Decoder Network (SEN) for Video Captioning. the 2nd Workshop. 2019. (EI)

    (13) 赵烨;李巧凤; 刘学亮; 郭艳蓉; 郭丹; 胡珍珍; 吴乐 ; 一种基于多路特征的记忆网络视频摘要方法 , 2019-11-5, 中国, CN201911070602.3 (专利)

    (14) 赵烨;胡晓斌; 胡珍珍; 刘学亮; 郭丹; 郭艳蓉; 吴乐 ; 一种基于注意力模型的视频摘要描述生成方法及装置, 2021-5-24, 中国, CN202110565400.7 (专利

    (15) 赵烨;葛钊; 刘学亮 ; 一种基于最短路径的视频摘要生成方法及装置, 2018-9-10, 中国, CN2018110 52010.4 (专利

    (16) 郭艳蓉; 汪萌; 洪日昌; 郝世杰; 赵烨; 陈涛; 无监督的自适应特征选择方法, 2018-9-19, 中国, C N201811094679.X (专利)

    (17) 刘学亮; 汪萌; 洪日昌; 孙培杰; 郝世杰; 赵烨; 杨涛; 一种短距离联系方式的快速共享方法, 2019 -6-18, 中国, ZL201610151125.3 (专利)

    (18) 郭丹; 宋培培; 赵烨; 汪萌; 基于自适应隐马尔可夫的多特征融合手语识别方法, 2018-9-27, 中国, CN201811131806.9 (专利)

  • Research Field

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  • Research Group

    Name of Research Group:多媒体计算研究所

    Description of Research Group:多媒体计算研究所主要从事多媒体内容分析与处理方面的基础理论和应用研究,并承担了多项科技部和国家自然科学基金项目。研究所共有老师 16人,包括教授 9 人,副教授/副研究员 4 人,讲师 3 人,其中 1 人承担国家自然科学基金杰青项目,2 人承担国家自然科学基金优青项目,2 人入选教育部青年长江学者和中组部青年拔尖人才计划。研究所成员曾以第三完成人获国家自然科学二等奖,曾以第一完成人获安徽省科学技术奖一等奖。整个研究所科研思维活跃,朝气蓬勃,具有良好的科研环境。

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