上一条:Jiangsheng Xu1, Xiaoming Fan1, Qing Xia, Zongming Shao, Bo Pei, Zeheng Yang, Zhangxian Chen, Weixin Zhang*. A highly atom-efficient strategy to synthesize reduced graphene oxide-Mn3O4, nanoparticles composites for supercapacitors. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2016, 685, 949-956.
下一条:Lei Wang, Zhangxian Chen, Mengqiu Huang, Zeheng Yang*, Pan Sun, Kai Wang, Weixin Zhang*. A green route to cyclohexanone: selective oxidation of cyclohexanol promoted by non-precious catalyst of h-WO3 nanorods. Catalysis Letters, 2016, 146(7), 1283-1290.