

个人信息Personal information

  • 硕士生导师
  • 教师拼音名称:Zhai Linfeng
  • 电子邮箱:
  • 所在单位:化学与化工学院
  • 学历:研究生(博士后)
  • 办公地点:升华楼323/429
  • 性别:男
  • 联系方式:13083401230
  • 学位:博士学位
  • 职称:副教授
  • 在职信息:在职
  • 毕业院校:合肥工业大学
  • 所属院系:化学与化工学院
  • 学科:应用化学

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个人简介 Personal profile

已在Applied Catalysis Environmental:B、Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials等国际化工和环境领域顶级刊物上发表SCI论文50余篇,授权发明专利20余项。


Zhai L.F. *, Xu J.W., Yu J., Xu T.T., Wang Y., Sun M.*Role of MnO2 as an activator of molecular oxygen for singlet oxygen productionSep. Purf. Technol.2025, 357, 130050.

Zhai L.F., Xu S.Y., Yu J., Hu Z.J., Sun M., Wang Y., Kinetic selectivity of an electric field-induced nonradical pathway for catalytic oxidation of phenolic pollutants by molecular oxygen, ACS EST Engg., 2024, 4, 2520-2532.

Sun M., Tang S.N., Chen Z.X., Zhai L.F.*, Xia Y., Wang S.*, Mn-doping-induced Co3O4 structural distortion and facet change for enhanced electro-activation of O2 toward pollutants removal,ACS EST Engg., 2024, 4, 1970-1980.

Zhai L.F., Hu Y., Xu S.Y., Guo H.Y., Sun M.*, Yu J., Wang Y., Kinetics and mechanism study of dyes degradation in electric field-promoting catalytic wet air oxidation process, J. Environ. Manage., 2023, 338, 117843.

Sun M., Wang X.Z., Xiong R.Y., Chen X., Zhai L.F.*, Wang S.*, High-performance biochar-loaded MgAl-layered double oxide adsorbents derived from sewage sludge towards nanoplastics removal: Mechanism elucidation and QSAR modeling, Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 901, 165971.

Zhai L.F.*, Chen Y.Y., Hu Y., Pan Y.X., Sun M., Yu J., Wang Y., Kong W., MOF-derived MnO@C with high activity for electric field-assisted catalytic oxidation of aqueous pollutants, J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 439, 129670.

Zhai L.F.*, Chen Z.X., Qi J.X., Sun M.*, Manganese-doped molybdenum oxide boosts catalytic performance of electrocatalytic wet air oxidation at ambient temperature, J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 428, 128245.

Sun M., Hu X.T., Liu H.H., Yang B.J., Wang C., Zhai L.F.*, Wang S.*,Bimetal heterointerfaces towards enhanced electro-activation of O2 under room condition, J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 424, 127271.

Zhai L.F., Guo H.Y., Chen Y.Y., Sun M.*, Wang S.*,Structure-dependent degradation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products by electrocatalytic wet air oxidation: A study by computational and experimental approaches,Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 423, 130167.

Sun M., Liu H.H., Tao X.F., Zhai L.F.*, Wang S.*,Self-supporting MnOx nanoparticles on loofah-sponge -derived carbon felt for electroassisted catalytic wet air oxidation of water contaminants, ACS EST Engg. 2021, 1,173-182.

Sun M., Zhai L.F., Mu Y.*, Yu H.Q.*, Bioelectrochemical element conversion reactions towards generation of energy and value-added chemicals, Prog. Energ. Combust. 2020, 77, 100814.

Sun, M.; Hong, X.H.; Tao, X.F.; Zhai, L.F.*, Wang, S.* A generalized kinetic model for electro-assisted catalytic wet air oxidation of triclosan on Ni@NiO/graphite electrode. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2020, 222, 115696.

Sun, M.; Fang, L.M.; Hong, X.H.; Zhang, F.;Zhai, L.F.* Catalytic behaviors of manganese oxides in electro-assisted catalytic air oxidation reaction: Influence of structural properties. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2020, 511, 145536.

Sun, M.; Liu, H.H.; Zhang, Y.; Zhai, L.F.* Degradation of bisphenol A by electrocatalytic wet air oxidation process: Kinetic modeling, degradation pathway and performance assessment. Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 387, 124124.

Zhai, L.F.; Duan, M.F.; Qiao, M.X.; Sun, M.*, Wang, S.*,Electro-assisted catalytic wet air oxidation of organic pollutants on a MnO@C/GF anode under room condition. Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 2019, 256, 117822.

Sun, M.; Zhang,Y.; Liu, H.H.; Zhang, F.; Zhai, L.F.*, Wang, S.*Room-temperature air oxidation of organic pollutants via electrocatalysis by nanoscaled Co-CoO on graphite felt anode. Environ. Int. 2019, 131, 104977.

Sun, M.; Zhang, Y.; Kong, S.Y.; Zhai, L.F.*, Wang S.*,Excellent performance of electro-assisted catalytic wet air oxidation of refractory organic pollutants. Water Res. 2019, 158, 313-321.

Sun, M.; Fang, L.M.; Liu, J.Q.; Zhang, F.; Zhai, L.F.*Electro-activation of O2 on MnO2/graphite felt for efficient oxidation of water contaminants under room condition. Chemosphere 2019, 234, 269-276.

Zhai, L.F.*; Kong, S.Y.; Zhang, H.; Tian, W.; Sun, M.; Sun, H., Wang, S.* Facile synthesis of Co-N-rGO composites as an excellent electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction.Chem. Eng. Sci. 2019, 194, 45-53.

Zhai, L.F.*; Kong, S.Y.; Duan, M.F.; Sun, M.* Air oxidation of pollutants on cathodic nickel@nickel oxide/graphite felt under room condition. J. Clean. Prod. 2019, 224, 256-263.

Zhai, L.F.; Duan, M.F.; Guo, H.Y.; Zhang, F.*; Sun, M.* Selective cleavage of C-O bond in diaryl ether contaminants via anodic oxidation. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 18414-18420.

Zhai, L.F.*; Sun, Y.M.; Guo, H.Y.; Sun, M.* Surface modification of graphite support as an effective strategy to enhance the electro-Fenton activity of Fe3O4/graphite composites in situ fabricated from acid mine drainage using an air-cathode fuel cell. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 8367-8374.

Qiao, M.X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhai, L.F.*; Sun, M.*Corrosion of graphite electrode in electrochemical advanced oxidation processes: Degradation protocol and environmental implication. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 344, 410-418.

Sun, Y.M.; Zhai, L.F. *; Duan, M.F.; Sun, M.* In situ fabrication of electro-Fenton catalyst from Fe2+ in acid mine drainage: influence of coexisting metal cations. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2018, 6 (11), 14154-14161.

Zhai, L.F.*; Mao, H.Z.; Sun, M.* Fabrication of Ni-Fe LDH/GF anode for enhanced Fe(III) regeneration in fuel cell-assisted chelated-iron dehydrosulfurization process. J. Chem. Technol. Biot. 2018, 93, 80-87.

Zhai, L.F.*; Wang, R.; Duan, M.F.; Sun, M.* Electrochemical oxide sulfide in an air-cathode fuel cell with manganese oxide/graphite felt composite as anode. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2018,197, 47-53

Lei, L.; Fang, L.M.; Zhai, L.F.*; Wang, R.; Sun, M.* Anodic oxidation-assisted O2 oxidation of phenol catalyzed by Fe3O4 at low voltage. Electrochim. Acta. 2018, 261, 394-401.

Sun M.*; Qiao, M.X.; Wang, J.; Zhai, L.F.* Free-Radical Induced Chain Degradation of High-Molecular-Weight Polyacrylamide in a Heterogeneous Electro-Fenton System. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 20175 (9), 7832-7839.

Zhai, L.F.*; Wang, B.; Sun, M. Solution pH Manipulates Sulfur and Electricity Recovery From Aqueous Sulfide in an Air-Cathode Fuel Cell. Clean-Soil Air Water, 2016, 44(9999), 1-6.

Sun, M.; Zhai, L.F.; Li, W,W.; Yu, H. Q.* Harvest and utilization of chemical energy in wastes by microbial fuel cells. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2016, 45, 2847-2870.

Zhai, L.F.*; Hu, L.L.; Sun, M. Understanding the Catalyst Regeneration Kinetics in the Chelated Iron Dehydrosulfurization Process: A Model in Terms of Fe(II) Speciation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54 (25), 6430-6437.

Sun, M.*; Liu, Y.; Xiang, W.; Zhai, L.F. Electricity-induced catalytic oxidation of RhB by O2 at a graphite anode. Electrochim. Acta. 2015, 158, 314-320.

Sun, M.*; Ru, X.R.; Zhai, L.F. In-situ fabrication of supported iron oxides from synthetic acid mine drainage: High catalytic activities and good stabilities towards electro-Fenton reaction. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2015, 165, 103-110.

Cui, Y.Z.; Zhang, J.; Sun, M.*; Zhai, L.F. Bioelectricity-assisted partial degradation of linear polyacrylamide in a bioelectrochemical system. Appl. Microbiol. Biot. 2015, 99, 947-956. 

Sun, M.*; Wu, N.N.; Zhai, L.F.; Ru X.R. Manipulate an air-cathode fuel cell toward recovering highly active heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalyst from the Fe(II) in acid mine drainage. Miner. Eng. 2015, 84, 1-7.

Sun, M.*; Song, W.; Zhai, L.F.; Tong, Z.H. Iron-contamination-induced performance degradation of an iron-fed fuel cell. J. Power Sources. 2014, 248, 6-14.

Zhai, L.F.; Tong, Z.H.; Sun, M.*; Song, W.; Jin S.; Harada, H. Enhanced electricity generation from electrochemical oxidation of Fe(II) in an air-cathode fuel cell amended with chelating anions. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 2234-2240.

Sun, M.*; Song, W.; Zhai, L. F.; Cui, Y. Z. Effective sulfur and energy recovery from hydrogen sulfide through incorporating an air-cathode fuel cell into chelated-iron process.J. Hazard. Mater. 2013, 263, 643-649.

Sun, M.*; Song, W.; Zhai, L.F.; Ru, X.R.; Cui, Y.Z. Elucidating electro-oxidation kinetics of Fe(II) in the anode of air-cathode fuel cells from an Fe(II) speciation perspective. Chem. Eng. J. 2013, 228, 781-789.

Song, W.; Zhai, L.F.; Cui, Y.Z.; Sun, M.*; Jiang, Y. Carbonate-mediated Fe(II) oxidation in the air-cathode fuel cell: A kinetic model in terms of Fe(II) speciation. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2013, 117, 4627-4635.

Zhai, L.F.; Sun, M.*; Song, W.; Wang, G. An integrated approach to optimize the conditioning chemicals for enhanced sludge conditioning in a pilot-scale sludge dewatering process. Bioresource Technol. 2012, 121, 161-168.

Zhai, L.F.; Song, W.; Tong, Z.H.; Sun, M.*.  A fuel-cell-assisted iron redox process for simultaneous sulfur recovery and electricity production from synthetic sulfide wastewater. J. Hazard. Mater. 2012, 243, 350-356.


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翟林峰,王波,孙敏,王华林. 一种含硫化物废水的资源化处理方法. CN105776448B.

翟林峰,胡丽丽,孙敏,王华林. 一种提高脱硫过程中络合铁再生速率与产电效率的燃料电池运行工艺. CN 104766981B.

翟林峰,王波,孙敏,王华林. 一种肠衣-肝素加工废水的资源化处理方法. CN103923164B.

孙敏, 雷蕾, 翟林峰, 王华林. 一种低电压下氧气辅助阳极催化氧化降解水体中有机污染物的方法. CN107337262A.

 孙敏, 项伟, 翟林峰. 一种氮掺杂碳负载镍电Fenton催化剂的制备方法. CN106423276A.

孙敏,汝小瑞,翟林峰,王华林. 一种非均相电Fenton阴极材料的制备方法. CN103928689B.

孙敏,翟林峰,宋伟,王华林. 一种通过单室燃料电池处理含硫废水回收单质硫并联产电能的方法. CN102881961B.


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孙敏,刘会会,郝红超,寿王平,石兆阳,翟林峰. 一种自支撑MnOx/LSC三维复合电极的制备及其在矿化难降解有机污染物中的应用. CN110282703B.

孙敏,乔梦霞,翟林峰,张锋,王华林. 一种MnO/C阳极电催化剂的制备方法及其应用CN108808024A.

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翟林峰, 祁佳祥, 孙敏. 一种氧掺杂改性三维多孔碳的制备及其在深度处理酚类有机废水中的应用. CN116281944A.

翟林峰, 陈月月, 孙敏. 一种高效稳定碳载型MnO@C复合阳极材料的制备方法及其应用. CN114409052A.

孙敏,李伟杰,刘国强,余江辉,韩玉坤,王宪章,翟林峰. 一种采用富碳调理剂联合提高城市污泥脱水效率的方法. CN113603334A.

翟林峰,郭贺友,孙敏,张锋. 一种氮掺杂碳材阳极的制备及其在催化湿式空气氧化中的应用. CN110255697B

教育经历 Personal profile

  • 2004-2007

    合肥工业大学>  材料学>  博士学位>  研究生(博士)毕业

  • 2000-2004

    合肥工业大学>  应用化学>  硕士学位>  研究生(硕士)毕业

  • 1996-2000

    合肥工业大学>  工学>  学士学位>  本科(学士)

工作经历 Personal profile

[1] 2016·····2017

 澳大利亚科廷大学> 访问学者

[2] 2008·····2011

 合肥工业大学> 博士后

[3] 2003·····至今

化学与化工学院 > 合肥工业大学> 任教