Journal:IET Control Theory & Applications
Abstract:In this paper, a general biased min-consensus protocol for continuous-time multi-agent systems is presented. In this protocol, agents considered as sources maintain static states,
while the state of each non-source agent evolves using a general min-consensus-like function, which takes the states of its neighbours and a biased term as inputs. The properties of the general function have been identified so that the proposed protocol can achieve global asymptotic stability. Unlike conventional consensus protocols where a network of
agents reach an agreement on certain quantities of interest, agents under the general biased min-consensus protocol will converge to different states but can generate various design
results pertaining to complex combinatorial optimization problems, such as the shortest path problem and its variants.
First Author:莫远秋
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:于长斌
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-02-17
Included Journals:SCI