汪春梅Associate professor

汪春梅,河北省临西县人,合肥工业大学副教授,主要研究方向包括:内燃机工作过程、动力电池热管理、低温等离子体辅助燃烧等。成果在《SAE International》、《IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science》、《Phys. Rev. ST. BA》、《J. Phys. D》、《J. Plasma Phys》、《Energy》等期刊发表。欢迎动力工程、新能源专业的本科生报考研究生!欢迎低年级本科生申请大创项目和学科竞赛! More>

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1973-09-10

Date of Employment:2006-09-01


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:热动楼213


Degree:Doctoral degree


Discipline:Power Machinery and Engineering

Research Focus / Social Affiliations
Educational Experience / Work Experience

2001.9 - 2005.10

 荷兰乌德勒支大学 |  Plasma Physics |  Postgraduate (Doctoral) |  Doctoral degree 

1997.9 - 2000.6

 四川大学 |  Atomic and Molecular Physics |  Postgraduate (Master's Degree) |  Master's degree 

1992.9 - 1996.6

 河北师范大学 |  Other specialties in Physics |  University graduated |  Bachelor's degree 

2000.7 - 2001.6


2006.9 - 2024.10

合肥工业大学 | 副教授

Paper Publications
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Research Projects
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